How to compactly fold jackets: winter and autumn, with and without a hood

Seasonal clothes keep you warm during cold, rain and snow, but take up a lot of space in your closet and on hangers on hot days when not in use. If you fold the jacket compactly for the warm season, you can free up space for everyday things, ensuring comfort, cleanliness and order in the house.

The correct organization of free space in the closet helps to maintain order in the house.

Features of storing jackets

In a large family, the lack of free space is especially acute. Each adult usually has 2-3 jackets per season, plus baby clothes that take up space no less than clothes for moms and dads. Before compactly folding the jackets for the winter, it is recommended to do the following manipulations:

  1. Check the general condition of the clothes: sew on torn buttons, fix broken locks, shake out small debris from pockets.
  2. Wash or dry clean jackets, dry thoroughly. It may be worth contacting a dry cleaner so as not to spoil expensive things made from delicate fabrics.
  3. It is best to try to sell or donate clothes that are damaged or inadequate in size, so as not to occupy free space in the house.
For long-term storage, the item must be absolutely clean and thoroughly dried.

It is important not only to fold the jacket compactly for storage, but also to check the conditions in which it will be for several months. Fur things are afraid of moths and other pests; creases may appear on the skin from improper storage. Poorly dried fabric can cause mold to ruin the jacket.

Each material has its own storage characteristics:

  1. Natural fur jackets... It is best not to wash such clothes, but dry them. Treat the product with special products or aerosol from pests. Instead of poison, you can use natural cedar oil. It is best to store a fur coat or fur coat on a hanger in a fabric cover, which will provide air circulation and prevent the clothes from acquiring a musty smell.
  2. Leather goods... Inside such jackets there is also natural fur, so the product should be treated from moths. There are special products that soften leather products and prevent the formation of creases on delicate materials.
  3. Oversized jackets and down jackets... Synthetic items do not have to be hung on a hanger and folded into a fabric cover; a simple bag from which you need to pump out air will do.

You should learn how to fold jackets correctly so as not to spoil them and free up as much space as possible in your closet, bag or suitcase.

Storage of bulky items in vacuum bags

How to fold a jacket

It is worth considering a few simple step-by-step instructions for folding autumn and winter clothes from various materials. They are simple, but every housewife will like the result.

How to fold jackets in a closet

If the clothes do not need to be transported, they must be folded compactly inside the wardrobe.It is important to ensure air circulation and to prevent bruising on the garment. After washing and drying, warm bulky items should be hung on hangers, after putting on special large clothes covers.

The correct organization of space and storage systems will help to compactly place things inside the cabinet. To do this, you should:

  • install hanging organizers;
  • use the space under the ceiling;
  • add hanging shelves;
  • buy special separator inserts.

Place seasonal items in the closet clean and dry. Lightweight windbreakers should not be stacked on the uppermost shelf, as they may be needed during a period of slight cold snap, even at the height of summer.

A few tips on how to compactly store outerwear:

  1. Use balcony space. You can install a closet for storing clothes right on the balcony and hang fur coats, sheepskin coats, down jackets and leather jackets in special covers there.
  2. Buy multiple vacuum storage bags. The property of these items is that they pump out all the air, thereby the jacket takes up a minimum of space in the closet, and also does not deteriorate from dirt, mold or insects.
  3. Throw away spoiled and unnecessary things in time.
It is important to protect fur items from insect pests

How to compactly fold a jacket into a suitcase

You can travel not only to hot countries, some people like to go to ski resorts or visit the northern regions. When going on a short trip for the winter holidays, you should take care of warm things and free up more space for them in your suitcase.

Attention! Before packing for the trip, you should check the weather forecast in the place where you are going to go.

Here are some tips on how to compactly pack your things for the trip:

  1. Prepare carefully... All clothes must be laid out in front of you on the couch or bed and sensibly assess the scale of the trip. You shouldn't take too many things for 2-3 days, but you shouldn't forget important items either.
  2. Fold coat... Items made of cashmere, drape, felt or other coat fabrics are folded at the very bottom of the suitcase. The thing is folded using the shoulder-to-shoulder method. With this method, it is necessary to turn out one sleeve and fold the delicate wardrobe item in half so that the front sleeve is inside the turned out one. To prevent attrition, it is worth putting paper or a plastic bag between the halves.
  3. Warm jacket... A bulky item of clothing is also stowed at the bottom of the luggage. The jacket needs to be folded nicely. To do this, the product is placed on a hard surface with its back upwards, while unrolling the jacket's floors and straightening the sleeves with the collar. Next, fold the sleeves in half, avoiding accidental folds. Fold the floors up and fold the product in half.
Collecting things for the trip

How to fold a jacket into a backpack

After transportation, the thing should not lose its attractiveness, but sometimes you have to travel light. In a backpack, a bulky item should be placed in such a way that no creases and dents are created on the product. The procedure is something like this:

  1. Turn the jacket inside out.
  2. Lay the sleeves to each other.
  3. Fold the sides of the jacket so that they meet in the middle.
  4. Fold the item horizontally and put it on the bottom of the backpack.
Attention! Bulky items take up almost the entire luggage space, sometimes it is better to carry them on yourself to save space inside a bag or suitcase.

How to compactly fold a hooded jacket

Warm products most often have a hood available, which can be used as a kind of storage cover. The jacket is zipped and turned inside out along with the sleeves. The inverted sleeves are stacked on top of each other. The garment is rolled up and the ends are placed inside the hood. If there are ties or Velcro, they must be used.

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You can fold a bulky jacket not only into your own hood, but also into the product's pockets. The clothes are buttoned and the lining of the pockets is turned inside out. The lower part of the jacket or down jacket is tucked to the point of entry into the pocket of the product, first one and then the second sleeve of the product is placed in it. Next, you need to tuck the top and bottom of the bulk item into the same lining.

Travel without unnecessary items

How to fold a jacket correctly

One of the easiest ways to roll a warm garment is called a roller. The step-by-step process is as follows:

  1. Turn the product with the wrong side out.
  2. Fold in the hood if it is fastened to the jacket.
  3. Fold back sleeves.
  4. Roll up a tight roller, starting from the bottom of the product.

In this form, the jacket is recommended to be folded into a fabric cover and stored on the top shelf of the cabinet until next winter. If the product is being prepared for transportation, it can be tied or fixed with special rubber bands for reliability.

For storage on shelves in a closet, a warm jacket is folded into a rectangle, so it takes up a minimum of space and does not interfere until the next season of winds and rains. The garment should be placed on a smooth, level surface. The jacket is placed with the front part on the table, the hood and sleeves are folded along the seam. Next, you need to fold the jacket in the center and press the lower part up.

Folding the jacket into a pocket lining

Rules for folding jackets made of various materials

When packing things in a suitcase or for long-term storage in a closet, be sure to take into account the material of the product. Things made of leather, fur coats, fur coats and sheepskin coats can especially suffer from improper storage. Down jackets are less capricious, but bruising marks can form on them, which will be difficult to remove.

How to fold a leather jacket

An expensive item will last a long time and will not lose its original appearance only with proper care. Leather jackets are a status item of wardrobe, they are treated with a special cream, wiped, dried and carefully stored.

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It is better not to fold or roll up a product made of genuine leather, as it does not form creases and dents. It is recommended to place the jacket in a fabric cover and hang it on a hanger in the corner of the cabinet. But sometimes the leather jacket needs to be folded compactly for transportation. The sequence of actions is something like this:

  1. Fasten the jacket with a zipper or buttons.
  2. Turn the product to the wrong side.
  3. Lay the sleeves crosswise on the back.
  4. Put the hood on top of the crossed sleeves.
  5. Roll the leather jacket as tightly as possible in the roller.
  6. Place the rolled item in a cloth bag to prevent it from getting dirty on the way.
Attention! If the leather jacket is wrinkled during transportation, creases appear on the material, do not be upset, the thing can still be saved. An expensive piece of clothing should be hung on a hanger in the bathroom and the hot water should be turned on. The steam and moisture will help flatten the leather jacket and restore its attractive appearance.
It is necessary to lay a bulky item compactly on a horizontal surface

How to fold a synthetic jacket

It is recommended to fold warm winter clothes for storage in a closet in a rectangle - so they take up less space and free up space for summer clothes. The compact method involves the following procedure:

  1. Lay the jacket on a flat surface facing away from you.
  2. Place the sleeves on the back and cover them with a hood if it does not come unfastened.
  3. Bend the product in half so that the bottom and top are on the same line.
  4. For reliability, secure the item of clothing with an elastic band and put it on the floor in the closet.

It is convenient to take thin down jackets or synthetic winter vests with you on the road. The thing is laid out on a flat surface, then turned over and the sides are folded towards each other. Next, the vest is folded four times and rolled into a compact roller.

How to compactly fold a denim jacket

A lightweight windbreaker made of versatile material should not be removed to the back shelves of the cabinet. This garment can be worn on cool summer evenings, warm spring or early fall. They wear a denim jacket even under a warm down jacket or coat.

You usually need to compactly pack a thing on the road, for a bag or suitcase. Step-by-step process of actions:

  1. Fasten the jacket with all buttons or zip.
  2. Lay on a horizontal surface with your back to you.
  3. Fold up the sleeves and fold them parallel to each other.
  4. Bend the bottom of the garment and align it along the top line, slightly bending the hem of the jacket inward.

Denim practically does not wrinkle, so you can fold the product to the very bottom of the suitcase, putting other things on top of it. For transportation in a backpack, it is best to roll up a denim jacket with a thick roller.

Compact fold denim jacket

Useful Tips

In order to keep clothes warm as long as possible, it is recommended to purchase special clothing covers. The versatile item helps to keep the shape of bulky down jackets, protects against fading, dirt and other damage. There are special covers that are impregnated with a compound against insects, moths.

Storage bags can be fabric or vacuum bags. The latter are distinguished by their high strength and compactness. A bulky garment is placed in a bag and all the air is pumped out through a special valve. This method significantly saves space and helps to keep the thing as long as possible.

Children quickly grow out of outerwear. It is worth considering whether it is necessary to store it until next season or whether it is better to give the thing to acquaintances, friends or close relatives who have small children.

Many bulky items cannot be hand washed or machine washed. In order not to spoil a delicate thing, you should give it to a professional dry cleaner.


You can compactly fold the jacket in any of the following ways. Competently organizing the space in the closet means providing comfortable conditions for the whole family in the house. Folded bulky items can be easily transported in bags, suitcases or backpacks, and also stored on shelves inside the closet.

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