How to store a mink coat in the summer: rules and features

With proper care, clothes will last up to 10 seasons. To store a mink coat at home, you will need to familiarize yourself with a number of rules.

Features of storing a mink coat in summer

Mink is a finicky creature, loves cold and air. Therefore, it should be stored in special conditions:

  1. To prevent the product from losing its original appearance, radiance and color, it should be kept in a room with an air temperature not higher than 15 ° C. Mink loves cold, it is recommended to store it at low values ​​on the thermometer. This will preserve the pile, prevent moths and skin beetles from appearing, which will harm clothes.
  2. Lighting is artificial. Do not allow sunlight to hit the product, otherwise the pile will burn out.
  3. Properly store a mink coat on wide shoulders. A special fur hanger is ideal.
    The main advantage is a wide shoulder, thanks to which an expensive thing does not stretch and retains its original appearance and shape for a long time
  4. Store the white mink coat in a fabric cover and in free space. The distance between it and other things is at least 20 cm. The air should circulate freely around the product, maintaining optimal humidity.
  5. 2 times a month you will have to get out of the closet and ventilate it outside, away from heating appliances and sunlight. Store in a dressing room, a good solution is to equip it with a ventilation system.
  6. The moisture content of the pile before placing it in the cover must correspond to the moisture content of the cabinet. The optimal indicator in the room is 45-65%. This moisture will prevent the leather from drying out. It is recommended to buy an air humidifier, since in city apartments and houses this figure is 30%.

Preparing a mink fur coat for storage at home

Cleaning should be done in dry cleaning or on your own. Before placing the product in the cabinet, inspect and shake off the dust. Iron gently. If you find stains or dirt, you should immediately start removing, otherwise your favorite thing will be damaged.

Attention! You can not comb the pile, so as not to damage.

After shaking off and smoothing, it is advisable to follow these steps:

  1. Hang the mink coat on wide shoulders and apply dry shampoo to dirty areas. Instead, use talcum powder, semolina. It is not recommended to do dry cleaning using "grandmother's" methods. Vinegar, ammonia and medical alcohol, gasoline, kerosene - put aside. An unpleasant odor may appear and, if used incorrectly, the product will be damaged. When greasy spots appear, use sawdust, yellowness - shampoo for animals, traces of foundation and lipstick - vodka, vomit - starch.
  2. The shine of the mink coat will help return the solution of lemon juice and glycerin. Combine the products in equal amounts and apply to the product from a spray bottle, wipe with a paper towel in the direction of the pile and leave to dry.
  3. Using a special brush, comb out the loose powder. Brush in the direction of the pile. The comb should be soft, with sparse teeth.
  4. Dry the mink coat after cleaning. Leave clothes on the balcony so that no ultraviolet light gets on them. Hang on wide hangers, hook on a rope.Clothespins cannot be used, they have a deforming effect.

Use stain removers or garment foam to clean the lining. Apply only after wiping with a brush to remove dust and dirt. Before being sent to storage in a closet, the mink coat must be well dried.

Important! Do not allow lining sprays, foam or stain removers to come into contact with the fur of the garment.

The preparatory stage ends with fastening the fur coat with all the buttons. The product is hung on a hanger with an additional clip to support the cover.

In what case to store a mink coat

A high-quality and good bag will ensure proper storage of clothes, protect it from moths, dust and ultraviolet radiation. The coat needs to breathe, so a plastic bag will not work. In addition, it transmits ultraviolet radiation, which is detrimental to the fur.

The cover must be made of natural and non-transparent material. Models made from linen, cotton and canvas are suitable.

This cover allows air to ventilate

Buy a cover in accordance with the size of the fur coat, but not in the butt. It should hang freely, not touch the pile. A properly selected product will not allow the pile to deform and wrinkle. The cover should be at least 15 cm larger than the mink coat.

Where to store a mink coat

It is more correct to store your mink coat in the freezer. Some ladies buy a special refrigerator. Such conditions ensure the greater safety of the mink coat. The product is in a sealed condition, a certain temperature, humidity and protection from the sun is maintained inside.

However, on the other hand, why overpay for a refrigerator if you can equip a place at home where the thing will remain in good condition.

Advice! You can take your mink coat to a special company, where it will be looked after according to all the rules throughout the entire period.

What advantages will the owner receive if he stores in the company:

  1. Constant examination by specialists.
  2. They provide additional services - cleaning, repair.
  3. Temperature and humidity are maintained.
  4. The room is ventilated.

There are few disadvantages. The most important is the unfair attitude of some firms and the high cost of providing services.

Warning! Do not put a fur coat in a tightly packed closet. She needs her own space. This will prevent the appearance of creases.

Store fur in a tightly closed cabinet. It is impossible to store household chemicals in it at the same time as a thing. Fur absorbs odors quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to store it away from the kitchen and places where perfumes are used.

How to store a mink fur coat in the summer

Mink fur is very capricious. The product requires appropriate storage conditions. To protect it from moths and skinheads, it is recommended to wrap it in newspaper and hang it in a spacious dressing room.

The cover must match the color of the fur. It is correct to store a mink fur coat at home during the summer in a fresh and spacious closet. It should not leak water.

Important! You can store it in the dressing room, which is not made of cedar. This material absorbs air.

For the summer, it is recommended to give the mink coat to a special company, since it is difficult to maintain the desired humidity level at this time of the year.

How to keep a mink coat from moths

Care should be taken to protect against moths. Before storing a mink coat in a closet, it is necessary to treat it with proven folk remedies or special tablets, aerosols or oils.

The larvae do the most harm. Moth tablets are laid out in the corners of the cabinet, in the pockets of the fur coat and the cover.

The tablets are produced in a plastic base, they repel insects and create unfavorable conditions for laying eggs.

The walls, cover inside and outside are treated with aerosol. It cannot be applied directly to fur.

Do not spray the product with open vents and windows, in case of contact with a fur coat, you will have to wipe it with a napkin

If you are allergic to chemicals or lack confidence in these remedies, small herbal sachets can be used. The moth does not like cloves and cinnamon, the latter smells good, but the aroma will quickly be absorbed into the fur. This way of scaring away moths is not for everybody.

Recommended reading:  Cinnamon: beneficial properties and contraindications

If the larvae have already started, you can not delay processing. It should be sprayed in a store that is suitable for the mink and spray the entire surface of the product. Treat the cover and cabinet, leave for a few days, then ventilate well.


It is difficult to store a mink coat at home. It is important to respect the room temperature, maintain humidity, provide good ventilation and provide adequate space. Observing the general storage rules, you can protect the fur coat from deformation and damage.

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