How to quickly dry jeans after washing: at home and outdoors

It is quite possible to quickly dry jeans after washing, there are several methods that can speed up the drying process of clothes. But in order not to ruin your jeans, you need to know exactly how to apply express drying methods.

Features of quick drying jeans

Denim fabric is very durable and dense, this is what determines its popularity. Jeans are loved for their comfort, durability and resistance to dirt, but sometimes the positive qualities of the fabric turn into a problem.

Wash jeans take a long time to dry. Some methods allow you to dry jeans in an hour or less, while you need to remember certain rules:

  1. It is best to dry your jeans naturally to preserve the quality and durability of the fabric. Accelerated methods are resorted to only in extreme cases, when it is really necessary to dry clothes urgently.
  2. To dry your trousers quickly, but gently and without damaging the fabric, you need to treat their surface evenly so that the trousers, belt and pockets on both sides dry at approximately the same speed. Uneven drying of jeans can lead to severe deformation.
  3. It is best not to use too high temperatures when drying jeans. Extreme heat exposure causes the fabric to shrink, become stiff and brittle, deform and lose strength.
  4. You need to dry your jeans in a room where there are no strong obsessive odors, otherwise the aromas will be absorbed into the fabric.
Important! Before you dry your jeans quickly, it is advisable to rid them of the main moisture. The most difficult thing is to dry wet pants with moisture dripping from them, if the denim is just damp, the process will go much faster.

Can jeans be dried in a tumble dryer

Special apparatuses for drying clothes allow you to remove moisture residues from the fabric very quickly, in about half an hour. However, tumble drying is not suitable for all things, and the question arises whether it is possible to load denim pants into such a machine.

Drying of fabric in an automatic machine is as follows - things rotate in a drum under the uniform influence of heated air. There is no need to perform any additional actions during tumble drying, it is enough to set a suitable mode and wait for the end of the cycle. However, the hot air in the tumble dryer can damage some fabrics.

For example, you cannot quickly dry in an automatic dryer:

  • nylon and other stretch fabrics;
  • cambric and tulle;
  • chiffon;
  • garments with appliqué or colored prints;
  • clothing with decorative metal or plastic elements;
  • things with leather inserts, embroidery and appliqués;
  • things with rhinestones and beads.

You can dry jeans in an automatic typewriter, but only if they do not have printed pictures, three-dimensional decorations, appliqués and other artistic elements. It is worth loading only classic denim pants made of dense material into the dryer, otherwise the item can be irrevocably damaged.

You should once again study the labels on the clothes, usually the manufacturer specifically indicates whether the trousers are suitable for automatic drying, and in which particular mode they can be quickly dried. Before putting your jeans into the tumble dryer, you must fasten all the zippers and buttons on your trousers.

Stretch jeans are not suitable for tumble drying, intense exposure to hot air will deform the garment.

How to dry jeans quickly at home

If there is no special machine nearby, and you need to dry your jeans trousers urgently, you can use home methods. They are very simple and accessible to everyone, however, here it is worth knowing how to dry jeans properly and what not to do.

How to iron dry jeans

If some time has passed after washing, and the jeans have time to dry slightly, but are still damp, you can quickly finish drying them with an iron. They do it as follows:

  • the pants are turned inside out and laid flat on the ironing board;
  • dry cotton fabric is placed on top of the pants;
  • the iron is set to an average heating temperature and they begin to gently iron the trousers and the top of the trousers alternately.

The fabric in this method is necessary to speed up the drying process, it will absorb moisture from the pants. As it gets wet, it will need to be replaced with a new dry one. From time to time, during the ironing process, the jeans need to be turned over so that they dry evenly. Increased attention is paid to the pockets of pants, a belt and seams, in these places the fabric is especially dense, and it is more difficult to dry it.

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When the jeans are practically dry, they will need to be turned inside out and ironed several times from the right side. If you follow the rules, you will be able to dry your jeans in 30 minutes, or a little more, and immediately put on your washed pants.

Attention! It is better not to dry clothes made of stretchy or very thin denim with an iron, the thing may be deformed. It is also not recommended to iron very wet jeans, first they need to be properly squeezed out and held for a little on a radiator or heater.

How to dry jeans quickly outside

In the summer, quick drying can be done in the most natural way - by hanging denim trousers in the yard or on the balcony. The procedure allows you to dry jeans in 2 hours or even a little less, the main condition is a high air temperature of 25 ° C and low humidity.

Jeans must be turned inside out and hung on a rope in a straightened state, fastening them with clothespins to a belt or trousers. It will be possible to dry them very quickly, if there is a good draft in the chosen place, for even drying the jeans will need to be turned over every 10 minutes.

At the same time, it is not recommended to hang clothes under the open rays of the sun when drying in the fresh air. Hot rays of the sun can damage the pants - the fabric will fade or deform and become too stiff.

Drying jeans on a string

If your trousers are washed in the evening, and the next day you need to go to work or for a walk in them, then you need to dry the jeans overnight. This can be done both outdoors and indoors at room temperature. The main thing is to properly hang your pants on the rope:

  1. After washing, the clothes must be wrung out thoroughly. Jeans dry most quickly after spinning in an automatic machine; after hand washing, trousers will take longer to dry.
  2. The wrung-out pants are shaken and straightened, making light stretching movements, both in length and in width. The fewer creases and folds remain on the fabric, the faster the pants dry and, moreover, retain their aesthetic appearance.
  3. The straightened jeans are hung on a rope, fastening with clothespins to the belt or to both legs. Here it should be borne in mind that the upper part of the trousers is always denser and dries longer.If the rope for drying clothes is located on the balcony or on the street, then you can fasten the jeans by the trousers - drying in any case will occur relatively evenly. But if the rope is stretched in the apartment, then it is better to fasten jeans with clothespins to the belt so that the densest fabric is closer to the ceiling, where the air is always warmer.
Advice! It is not recommended to simply throw the washed jeans over the rope. In this case, the trousers will not dry out quickly, they may leave a mark from the fold, which will spoil the appearance of the trousers.

How to iron dry jeans quickly

If your pants are almost dry, but you shouldn't put them on, you need to use an iron - with it you will be able to dry your jeans in 5 minutes. Unfinished pants are removed from the rope, turned inside out and straightened on a table or ironing board, after placing a dry, thick towel down.

The top of the jeans is covered with another piece of dry and clean cloth, and then gently ironed until the pants are completely dry. The pants need to be turned over every couple of minutes, the towel under them and the fabric on top are also replaced as they get wet. Finally, it is necessary to iron the seams, belt and pockets with special care, and then turn the jeans back out with the front side and once again go through them with a warm iron.

Even if you want to finish drying your clothes as quickly as possible, it is not recommended to set the iron to maximum heating mode. Excessive heat exposure can damage the jeans, it is better to limit yourself to medium temperatures and spend a little more time.

How to dry jeans with a hairdryer

An ordinary hair dryer allows you to quickly dry the entire stain on jeans or trousers. You can choose one of two methods for express drying:

  1. Internal airflow... Wet jeans are placed on a table or on an ironing board, the legs and belt are slightly tucked, and then the hairdryer is turned on at maximum power and the hot air is directed into the trousers. Each leg must be processed in turn for a few minutes.
  2. Drying by weight... Underdried jeans are fastened to a belt on a special hanger-trempel, and then blown from a hair dryer on both sides from a distance of 30 cm. In this way, jeans are processed first from the inside out, and then from the front side.
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If we are talking about quickly drying slightly damp trousers or removing a wet stain from them, then it will turn out to dry jeans in 20 minutes. But it is not recommended to dry very wet pants with a hairdryer, it will take several hours. In addition, a household appliance can simply overheat from prolonged use and break down, usually hair dryers are not designed for such long operating cycles.

How to dry jeans on a battery

In the cold season, the most elementary way to quickly dry jeans without a hair dryer seems to be a heating radiator. The hot battery makes the pants dry guaranteed in a short time, but if done incorrectly, the jeans will be damaged.

You need to hang your pants on the radiator or lay them out on the battery only in a straightened form, this will ensure uniform and quick drying. You cannot fold clothes, much less crumple them.

It is not recommended to leave your jeans to dry on the battery unattended. In this case, the drying will be uneven - one side of the pants will be in contact with the hot radiator longer than the other. As a result, the pants can shrink or deform, for example, after improper drying, “bubbles” often appear on the battery in the knee area. For high-quality drying, they must be turned over regularly.

Depending on how damp the fabric is, the radiator can dry your jeans in 10 minutes or an hour. However, this method cannot be used if the jeans have printed prints, sensitive embroidery or other decorative elements - contact with the hot surface of the battery will ruin the product.

How to quickly dry wet jeans in the oven

One of the most effective ways to dry jeans very quickly is to use an oven for this purpose. The procedure looks like this:

  • the oven is turned on at 120 ° C and heated when closed for several minutes;
  • then the oven door is opened and wet jeans are hung on it;
  • every 5-10 minutes the product is turned over the other side so that the drying process goes evenly and the fabric does not burn.

You can quickly dry your pants on the door if the oven is gas. With an electric stove, jeans can simply be placed on a baking sheet and placed inside the oven, while the door is still kept open. Of course, the inside of the oven must be completely clean, otherwise the freshly washed pants will get dirty again.

Attention! Using the oven is a very quick and efficient way to dry your jeans. But at the same time it is also the most dangerous - jeans can start to smolder or catch fire, which will lead to a fire. You cannot move away from the stove while drying clothes, even for a few seconds.

Tips & Tricks

If you follow a few simple tips, the drying time of your jeans will be shortened, and the quality of your pants will not be affected by fast drying:

  1. It is allowed to dry quickly by express methods only well wrung out, already decently dried jeans, they should be exactly wet, and not wet through and through.
  2. Accelerated drying for denim pants cannot be carried out on an ongoing basis - you can resort to proven methods only in emergency cases. If you constantly dry your trousers with a hairdryer, iron or using the oven, then jeans will not last long.
  3. If jeans are dried using an oven or a lit gas stove, it is necessary to constantly monitor the process and monitor fire safety. It is enough to be distracted for just a couple of seconds to start a fire.

If denim pants have become the most favorite item in the wardrobe, then they should be washed and dried in advance, and not at the last moment before leaving the house.


You can quickly dry jeans after washing in different ways, the process takes from 5 minutes to several hours. Drying time depends not only on the method chosen, but also on how wet the jeans are.

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