Cleaning a wool coat at home: dry and wet

You can clean your woolen coat at home using a wet and dry method. The choice depends on the degree of soiling, the nature of the stains, recommendations for the care of the product from the manufacturer, the composition and color of the fabric. Outerwear made from natural materials are tried not to be at risk, they are handed over to dry cleaning, but minor contamination can be removed on your own.

To avoid damaging the fiber structure, use a sponge or soft brush.

Features of cleaning wool coats

The choice of cleaning method depends on the fabric from which the outer garment is made. The material can be 100% wool or with synthetic additives. The wet method is used extremely rarely, the effect of water on natural fibers can lead to a change in shape for the worse.

Due to the compression of the structure of the material, a thing can become smaller or, conversely, partially elongate. The main problem area is the lower part of the product between the seams. If it is heavily soiled, it is better to hand the coat over to a professional for dry cleaning. If this is not possible, do the work yourself, observing certain rules:

  1. The manufacturer's label is found on the product, it is sewn in the upper part in the collar area or on the side seam. The icons determine the possibility of wet cleaning, manually or in a typewriter, at what temperature the fabric does not deform.
  2. The main places of contamination are determined, as a rule, these are the collar zone, the lower part of the sleeves, areas near the pockets and fasteners.
  3. They use a roller with a special coating, a cotton swab or disk, a foam sponge, a brush with a soft bristle, or just a piece of cloth. The material should not be rough, so as not to damage the structure of the woolen thing, for the same reason it is not recommended to rub the area too much.
  4. The method of drying a woolen product depends on the nature of cleaning: after a wet one, it is distributed on a horizontal surface, for a dry one, it is hung on a hanger.
Advice! If chemicals were used during cleaning, the outer clothing is taken out to fresh air for ventilation. Wool absorbs and retains unpleasant odors for a long time.
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How to prepare a wool coat for cleaning

Before proceeding with the main cleaning, the woolen product is prepared:

  1. Clothes are hung on hangers in a well-lit room to easily spot spots and problem areas.
  2. Using a special roller for cleaning the surface, small particles are removed from the woolen fabric: fluff, hair, remnants of crumbs, if any. This procedure can be done with a foam sponge.
  3. Then they clean the coat with a dry brush, repeat the same procedure, slightly moistening the pile.
  4. Check pockets, remove all items. If the inner part is without stains, the product is fastened and shaken.

How to clean a woolen coat

The information on the manufacturer's label will help determine the choice of cleaning products.




Any chemical substances are used for the material, there are no restrictions


It is allowed to affect the tissue with fluorinated agents, methane, ethane, it is possible to use white spirit


Perchlorethylene only - a substance used in professional dry cleaning

Wet cleaning is not recommended with a powdery synthetic detergent, the structure of the fabric becomes hard, rinses worse, stains may remain on dark items. If powder is used, then only in a washing machine, select in accordance with the color of the fabric.

A few tips for choosing a wool coat cleaner:

Removes light stains with soapy water... For this purpose, a solid or liquid toilet soap is suitable. Household with a high concentration of alkali is not recommended.

Shavings are made with a knife, and dissolved to a thick consistency
Preference is given to products with a softening effect, cream-soap for woolen items is not used

Cleaning of dirt is carried out with starch or talc, you can purchase a special stain remover for woolen fabrics. The environmentally friendly Sonett and Textile wash have proven themselves well.

When spray is applied, foam forms on the surface, it is removed after 15 minutes.
The powder is diluted to a gruel state and applied to the problem area

Cleaning of white woolen items is carried out by SMS without chlorine and alkaliand, the substances have a bad effect on the structure of the threads, they leave a yellow tint. For such products are suitable products with active oxygen - "Sodasan" and "Vanish".

Used for wet manual or machine cleaning
Whip up the lather and apply to the stain

On a light woolen surface, traces of coffee are well removed by glycerin mixed with ammonia.

Substances are mixed in a ratio of 1 tsp of ammonia and 2 tsp of glycerin

Cleaning of food stains is carried out with a mixture of ethyl alcohol and 9% vinegar.

A mixture of alcohol and vinegar is made in equal proportions

If a stain is left on the surface from engine oil or soot from a car exhaust pipe, use aviation kerosene.

Try the substance on a small area on the wrong side so as not to ruin the entire fabric
Advice! It is recommended to sprinkle a fresh stain with salt immediately, if it does not disappear, apply chemicals.

Wet cleaning is carried out with liquid means, for light woolen products the "Laska" gel is effective.

The product does not change color, makes the woolen fabric soft, does not foam much

For the dark ones get "Uplon".

After cleaning, things do not lose their shade, the product is easily rinsed out

How to clean a wool coat at home

Determine the degree and nature of pollution, cleaning small areas is carried out using a dry method. If the product is in poor condition on the inside and outside, the label has a machine-wash permission mark, wash it yourself. If the wet method is prohibited, the outer garments are dry cleaned.

How to dry clean a wool coat

Before work, the woolen product is placed on a horizontal surface, the place for cleaning is well smoothed so that there are no folds. Further:

  1. Light contamination is moistened with soapy water and left for 30 minutes. With a sponge soaked in the same product, lightly rub the stain and wash off the remains.
  2. Starch or talc is applied to the stain, left for a day, the remains are removed with a dry brush.
  3. Cleaning inorganic stains is carried out as follows: a cotton swab or foam rubber is impregnated with a mixture of glycerin and ammonia, the area is rubbed, washed off with water.
  4. Food residues from the surface are removed with vinegar and alcohol, the mixture is applied to the stain, left for 20 minutes, the tampon is impregnated with a substance and rubbed until the contamination disappears, then washed off.

Vinegar leaves a persistent odor and can be replaced with citric acid.

How to wet woolen coat at home

Work is done by hand or in a typewriter. It depends on how much this method is generally possible.Cleaning a wool coat at home using water is a risky undertaking, you can completely ruin the product.

Cleaning in a typewriter:

  1. The woolen product is fastened, turned inside out, placed in a special bag.
  2. They exhibit the Wool program.
  3. Turn off spinning and drying.

Manual wet cleaning is carried out in water + 300C for no longer than 20 minutes. Rinse several times at the same temperature. Only gels are used in the work. The woolen coat cannot be twisted, it is slightly wrung out and allowed to drain. Wrap it with a terry towel, remove the remaining moisture.

How to properly dry a wool coat

After dry cleaning, the product is hung on a hanger and taken out into the fresh air, left until the treated area is dry. Wet outerwear is dried in a horizontal position on a flat surface.

Do not place a woolen product near heaters with a fan and hang on a heating radiator. The fabric is deformed from exposure to hot air, the thing will lose its presentation.

How to dry clean a woolen coat

Step by step process:

  1. The product is sent to the sewing workshop, where buttons and accessories are removed.
  2. Spot spots are isolated with a special tool.
  3. Do general stripping before processing.
  4. If difficult stains are found, the coat is given to the stain remover, who removes the contamination using chemicals.
  5. Coats are treated with amplifiers that destroy dirt.
  6. Placed in the drum of a special machine, where cleaning takes place with solvents without using water.
  7. Expose the appropriate program for the product.
  8. They take out a dry thing from the drum.

The process takes 45 minutes. Then the coat is sent to the sewing workshop, where the accessories are returned to him. The product is smoothed with steam and hot air.


It is possible to clean a woolen coat at home using chemicals if the pollution is not serious and does not occupy a large area. The wet method is rarely used on its own, and even if there is a permit sign on the label. In order not to spoil the coat, it is better to give it to dry cleaning.

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