Carpet cleaning with soda at home: a recipe with vinegar, detergent, reviews

The carpeted floor creates a cozy atmosphere. It is important to clean this piece of furniture monthly to remove dirt. It is known that it is undesirable to use household chemicals too often. That is why many housewives recommend using methods that are considered safe. There are various ways to clean your carpet with baking soda at home. The composition of the solutions depends on the degree of contamination of the product.

How to clean a palace at home with soda

Washing carpet with a substance has the following advantages:

  • no pungent odor and health risks;
  • the ability to use for cleaning in children's rooms;
  • cheapness and availability;
  • giving freshness.

To clean the product, use dry and wet cleaning methods. Often, products consisting of bicarbonate, hydrogen peroxide, citric acid and washing powder are used for washing. Mixing of these components causes the formation of bubbles with oxygen, which penetrate into the fibers. Thus, the formulations allow you to clean the product at the base and remove surface stains.

Attention! It is necessary to use the formulations immediately after their preparation. It is advisable to give preference to the method in the warm season.

How to remove odor from carpet with baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate does more than remove stains. With the help of powder, unpleasant odors can be eliminated. The contaminated area is treated with a soda solution. The duration of exposure to the composition is 3 hours.

Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take
After three hours, the surface must be vacuumed from the soda solution

How to clean carpet with dry soda

Sodium bicarbonate is not only suitable for wet cleaning. The product can be cleaned by spreading the substance on its surface. Then the carpet needs to be vacuumed. Removal of dirt is due to the absorption properties.

Sodium bicarbonate dispersed on carpet surface absorbs dust

Soda solution for carpet cleaning

You can effectively clean the product even with stubborn dirt. It is necessary to dissolve a glass of bicarbonate in 10 liters of water. The composition is sprayed onto the carpet with a spray bottle. It is recommended to clean the most dirty areas with a brush.

It is advisable to wash with a soda solution no more than 1 time per year

How to clean carpet with baking soda and vinegar

The method is suitable for both plain and colored products. The composition refreshes paints and also removes stubborn dirt. You can effectively clean the palace with soda and vinegar due to a specific chemical reaction.

Before washing the carpet, it must be vacuumed from 2 sides. Then you should check the reaction to the composition by applying the product to a small area of ​​the product.

Cleaning the carpet with soda and vinegar includes 2 stages. First, you need to distribute the substance on the surface. Calcined or food grade powder can be used. It must be carefully rubbed into the pile with a brush. After half an hour, vacuum the carpet.

A solution prepared from a liter of water and a tablespoon of vinegar is poured into a spray bottle. The liquid must be sprayed to keep the surface moist. After the carpet has dried, it is vacuumed again.

The product can be spread on the surface of the carpet with a sponge or brush

In some cases, it is necessary to treat certain soiled areas of the carpet. Vinegar (4 tablespoons) and sodium bicarbonate (1 tablespoon) are dissolved in half a glass of water. The surface must be cleaned immediately after a chemical reaction occurs.

How to clean carpet with baking soda, vinegar, detergent

To clean the stains on the carpet, it is recommended to use dishwashing detergents. The solution includes hot water (600 ml), "Fairy" and sodium bicarbonate (1 tablespoon each), vinegar (2 tablespoons). The agent is sprayed onto the carpet. After a few minutes, the pile should be thoroughly cleaned with a sponge.

Dishwashing compounds can clean stains on the carpet

Cleaning the carpet with salt and soda

The tool allows you to eliminate the smell of tobacco. After washing, the pile of the carpet acquires shine. Sodium bicarbonate and salt should be mixed in equal proportions and then spread over the carpet. After an hour, the palace should be vacuumed.

To clean the pile, you need to use a finely ground salt

How to clean a woolen carpet with baking soda

The method is not recommended for washing natural products. If necessary, it is advisable to clean using a dry method. The woolen carpet is thoroughly vacuumed. Then the surface is sprinkled with sodium bicarbonate. After half an hour, the remaining powder is removed by using a vacuum cleaner.

It is undesirable to use the wet cleaning method to remove stains on a woolen carpet.

Recipe for cleaning carpets with soda, vinegar, powder

To prepare the solution, add 3 tablespoons of vinegar, sodium bicarbonate and washing powder (1 tablespoon each) to a glass of water. Before you clean the carpet, you need to vacuum it.

The resulting solution is sprayed onto the surface. After 10 minutes, use a brush to wipe the heavily soiled areas. Then the remaining moisture is removed by using a dry cloth.

After processing the carpet, it must be thoroughly dried

With peroxide

The solution can be used to clean wine, chocolate and berry stains. Mix 2 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate and 150 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The solution is treated with contamination and washed off with a damp sponge after half an hour.

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Attention! To clean the palace, you need to use 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Suitable for removing stains on light colored carpets

With citric acid

The method is popular due to its high efficiency. Dissolve a tablespoon of the substance in a liter of water, and then add citric acid (2 teaspoons). After the appearance of foam, the liquid is applied to the contaminated areas.

Stains can be cleaned with a soft brush


It should be borne in mind that soda solutions are not suitable for woolen products. It is not always possible to clean the carpet properly, since the compounds cannot remove all types of stains.

After washing the product, it must be thoroughly dried. Otherwise, the fluff will absorb the dirt again. The pile can be cleaned only with solutions prepared with the addition of warm water. It is undesirable to use hard brushes that can damage the pile.

Before cleaning carpets with home baking soda products, you should first expose a small area.This will prevent unwanted consequences.

It is important to wash the coatings in a timely manner, as they become dirty. Any liquid spilled on the carpet should be wiped up immediately. If you have an animal at home, the wool can be cleaned with a soda solution and a special brush.

Attention! Wet cleaning should not be overused. It is undesirable to clean silk carpets yourself.

Use the product with caution. The powder can cause coughing, for example, in asthmatics and people prone to allergic reactions.


Cleaning the carpet with soda at home is not difficult. Sodium bicarbonate is a good alternative to household chemicals. The powder allows you to eliminate old stains, disinfect the surface of the carpet.

Reviews on carpet cleaning with soda

The use of formulations based on sodium bicarbonate helps to remove impurities and eliminate unpleasant odors. According to reviews, the powder is suitable for both dry and wet cleaning.

Inessa Zelenkevich, 47 years old, Syktyvkar
Sodium bicarbonate can be effectively used to descale electrical appliances. I have not bought household chemicals for these purposes for a long time. Dry cleaning of carpet with soda is indispensable for removing stains. You just need to spread the powder on the surface and vacuum it after half an hour. This method also eliminates unpleasant odors.
Veronica Servilo, 51 years old, St. Petersburg
I always use a baking soda solution when cleaning stains on carpet. Citric acid can be added to increase efficiency. If there are greasy stains on the pile, it is advisable to include dish detergents in the composition. Contamination must be cleaned with a sponge or brush soaked in liquid.

Reviews for cleaning carpet with soda and vinegar

The product has a rather aggressive composition. This indicates the need to maintain proportions. Reviews include information about the effectiveness of cleaning the palace using a soda solution with the addition of vinegar essence.

Lydia Zaitseva, 34 years old, Sverdlovsk
It is not necessary to purchase expensive products to clean the house. For example, cleaning your carpet with baking soda and vinegar and powder can help remove stubborn stains. To remove any dirt left over from coffee, wine or ketchup, you need to spread the powder on the surface of the carpet. Dissolve a spoonful of vinegar in a liter of warm water. The liquid is sprayed with a spray bottle. The pile should be slightly damp. After half an hour, the dirt must be brushed and dried.
Valentina Andreeva, 67 years old, Vladikavkaz
For stubborn stains and stubborn stains on the carpet, you can use the vinegar essence after pre-distributing the powder. Before applying, it is important to treat a small area so as not to spoil the entire carpet. The only drawback of this method is a rather strong smell.
Irina Kotova, 61 years old, Kostroma
On the advice of a friend, I tried to clean the pile with vinegar essence and soda powder. It's good that I tried to remove the dirt in a small area. The method did not help, only the color changed a little.
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