How to remove nail polish from clothes

When you need to remove nail polish from clothes, the most unexpected solutions come to mind. But some of them can be called not only ineffective, but also dangerous for the fabric. Therefore, it is best to use proven methods.

Methods for removing nail polish from clothes

In order not to spoil the material and get rid of pollution, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  • it is not recommended to wash the thing with an ordinary powder: the varnish, when it comes into contact with alkali, will harden and even more will stick into the fabric;
  • a fresh drip is much easier to remove than an old one;
  • chemicals that can remove dirt should not be used on synthetic fabrics;
  • before cleaning, it is necessary to test the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing;
  • work should be carried out in protective gloves;
  • to prevent the stain from spreading under the influence of a solvent, it is necessary to wipe the dirt from the edges to the center and periodically change the tampon;
  • after removing the stain, soak the item in soapy water for several hours.

The most common nail polish stains are:

  • petrol;
  • nail polish remover, which is used to clean nails;
  • acetone;
  • denatured alcohol.
Important! Products that contain alcohol and acetone are toxic. It is necessary to work with them in ventilated areas.

How to wipe nail polish from clothes using folk methods

In addition to the special tools that are used to deal with nail polish, there are several folk, but no less effective methods. It will be easier to remove the nail polish from the fabric if you start cleaning immediately after the "incident". Removing stubborn stains may require several different procedures, which will take quite a long time.

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How to remove nail polish from clothes with glycerin

The tool with which you can get rid of dirt on white things is glycerin. You need to use it strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Heat glycerin to 25 - 35 o
  2. Soak a piece of bandage or cotton swab in it.
  3. Wipe the drip from edge to center.
  4. Wait a few minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure.

After the blot can be removed, the thing must be soaked in warm water and detergent.

How to remove gel polish from clothes with hydrogen peroxide

To remove the gel from clothes, varnish, which differs from the usual more persistent characteristics, ordinary hydrogen peroxide will help.

Step-by-step cleaning:

  1. Place a piece of white cloth under the soiled area.
  2. Moisten the dirt with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol.
  3. Wait a while for the stain to transfer to the lining.
  4. Treat the surface again.
  5. Soak with appropriate detergent for the fabric.

Peroxide can be used to clean even those dirt that acetone could not cope with, as well as delicate fabrics, from which it is quite problematic to remove stains.

How to scrub nail polish with cloth with acetone

Acetone is a powerful solvent and is most often used to remove varnish stains from clothing and carpets.

The cleaning rules are as follows:

  1. Place the item on a napkin or white towel with the wrong side up.
  2. Soak a swab in acetone.
  3. Slowly saturate the contaminated area to "transfer" to the lining.
  4. If the contamination is not completely removed, you can treat the problem area with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Wash clothes in the washing machine.
Attention! This method is only suitable for white clothes; removing varnish on dark clothes without spoiling it will not work. Protect colored nails before use.

How to iron out nail polish from fabric

Stubborn stains can also be removed, but only if the fabric can withstand high temperatures.

  1. Turn the soiled thing inside out.
  2. Place a white cloth on a flat surface.
  3. Put a thing on top of it.
  4. Cover the top with a sheet of white paper and iron thoroughly.

The effectiveness of this method is that the dirt is cleaned on both sides, and the stain can be removed from the clothes without the use of toxic agents.

How to scrub varnish from clothes with gasoline

You can remove nail polish from jeans or other dark colored items with gasoline. To do this, moisten the stain with the product and wash thoroughly in water with the addition of powder.

In addition to washing it with a good fabric softener, to remove odor from a treated item, it must also be dried outdoors.

Attention! Gasoline has a specific smell, so it is recommended to wash the treated item separately from the rest.

If you need to cleanse a white cloth with gasoline, you should stock up on baby powder. When removing a drip, stains from the varnish pigment may appear, and talcum powder will absorb excess colored gasoline and help remove it from the thing.

How to wipe nail polish with a cloth solvent

You can wash shellac from clothes or other varnish using paint thinner. It has the same effect as acetone, so before using the product, it is worth doing a test on an inconspicuous area, and also protecting your painted nails.

  1. Soak a cotton swab in solvent.
  2. Wipe the dirt with it, after placing a piece of white cloth or paper napkin under it.
  3. Wash with powder, rinse, wash again.

If the stain cannot be removed the first time, the procedure can be repeated after the item has dried.

In the event that one solvent does not cope with pollution, it can be mixed with turpentine in a 1: 1 ratio. The cleansing procedure is no different from the above: in this way, even dark shades of pigment can be removed.

How to remove nail polish from clothes with ethyl alcohol

Ethyl or denatured alcohol will help remove large varnish stains. For best results, mix it with acetone.

  1. Combine 2 parts of alcohol with 1 part of acetone.
  2. Treat the contamination with a needle or toothpick, removing the dried surface. It is important not to damage the structure of the fabric, but only to "furrow" the pollution.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad in the prepared solution.
  4. Clean up the problem area.
  5. Wash with powder or stain remover.
Advice! To prevent the stain from spreading over the surface, you can sprinkle the edges with starch.

How to chalk nail polish off clothes

It is not problematic to remove the nail polish from the T-shirt and even wash off the white thing. You will need chalk and gasoline to remove contamination.

  1. Moisten the cloth with petrol.
  2. Pour crushed chalk on top.
  3. Wait until it dries completely.
  4. Wash.

You can also try chalking the nail polish off your jeans by simply rubbing the problem area with it.Jeans is a fairly durable material that is difficult to damage with small particles of such an abrasive as chalk. If it was not possible to remove the color pigment at the first attempt, the procedure can be repeated several more times.

How to wipe nail polish off clothes with household chemicals

On the market today, you can find many convenient and easy-to-use products designed to remove stains from various types of materials. To remove the varnish, you must perform a number of actions:

  1. Remove excess material from clothing using a sharp blade, taking care not to damage the material.
  2. Apply the selected product to the stain.
  3. Leave for the amount of time indicated on the package.
  4. Immerse the garment in the washing machine and select the appropriate mode for the type of fabric.
  5. Dry the laundry and, if necessary, repeat the described procedures.

If the choice fell on a stain remover pencil, then its use differs from similar means only in that it is necessary to rub the contaminated area with a pencil and wash it after 20 minutes.

In addition to stain removers, there are other household chemicals that can remove dirt. It is hairspray and insect repellent.

Hair styler can be used as follows:

  1. Spray hairspray on an old toothbrush.
  2. Treat the contaminated area in a circular motion.
  3. After the dyed fibers peel off, the varnish will disappear.
  4. At the end, you just need to wipe the thing with a wet sponge and rinse it so that the particles of hairspray and nails completely disappear.

Insect poison, such as dichlorvos, does an excellent job not only for flies, but also for all types of stains, and will also help wipe off the polish from jeans and remove color pigment from furniture upholstery.


  1. Spray the selected product on the stained area.
  2. Apply it to your old toothbrush too.
  3. Rub the dirt with it until it disappears completely.
  4. Rinse and wash clothes.
Important! Dichlorvos and similar agents are extremely toxic to humans. The cleaning of the fabric must be carried out using protective equipment.


It will be easier to remove nail polish from clothes if you do not postpone this procedure until tomorrow. The sooner you start cleaning, the more chances that there will be no trace of pollution.

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