How to scrub fuel oil from a jacket

Wiping fuel oil from a jacket is a task for patient housewives. Often, clothes that are soiled by men or children have to be thrown away, since it is impossible to wash them. But even such stubborn contamination as fuel oil can be washed from both a bulky jacket and ordinary pants: the main thing is to know the basic principles of cleaning.

Features of removing fuel oil from a jacket

Many of the housewives give their preference to dry cleaners, because in this case it is not necessary to think about how to remove the fuel oil from the jacket. But not everyone can afford such a pleasure, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the features of removing pollution.

  1. The cleaning process and efficiency depends entirely on the age of the stain formed.
  2. An important role is played by the structure of the fabric and its color: cotton and linen are afraid of acids, and wool and silk cannot be washed with alkalis.
  3. You can effectively wash the jacket from fuel oil in a lighted area to be sure that the stain will be completely removed.
  4. The use of solvents is allowed only on the wrong side of the product.
  5. When using acetone-containing substances, it is best to work in the fresh air, and take protective measures.
  6. Oil contamination tends to spread over clean areas of the fabric: to prevent this, the stain on the jacket must be cleaned from the edges to the center.
  7. After removing the oil residue, the jacket should, if possible, be washed using a conventional fabric softener.

How to remove fuel oil stain on a jacket using folk methods

Folk methods have always had an advantage over chemical agents:

  • firstly, they are quite effective;
  • secondly, they are always at hand;
  • thirdly, they are not so dangerous.

That is why it is worth trying to wash the fuel oil from the jacket at home, first using folk methods, proven over the years.

How to wash fuel oil from a jacket with acetone

Acetone is one of the best cleaners for fuel oil. You can wash it off your favorite thing as follows:

  1. Apply some acetone to a clean cloth.
  2. Blot the stain by rubbing lightly with fuel oil.
  3. After 15 minutes, apply a few drops of dish detergent to a clean cloth and wipe off the residue.
  4. The soap can be removed with a damp cloth.
  5. Then the product must be dried.
Important! Acetone can corrode the fabric or ruin its color. Therefore, before trying to wash a thing, it is important to conduct a preliminary test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

How to wash fuel oil from a jacket with gasoline

Gasoline, which copes well with refined products, is no less effective. To wash an expensive item with gasoline, you must:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in a flammable liquid.
  2. Blot the stain of fuel oil several times.
  3. Wash your jacket.
  4. Air dry.

How to remove fuel oil stain on a jacket with ammonia

Ammonia is also an excellent stain remover.In order to wash fuel oil from a jacket, you must:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad thoroughly with ammonia.
  2. Apply it to the contaminated area.
  3. Remove after 15 - 20 minutes.
  4. Wipe the place with washing gel.
  5. Then wash the jacket or treat the area first with a damp cloth, then dry.

In addition, you can slightly improve the recipe to help wash the item more efficiently:

  1. Mix 2 parts of ammonia and 1 part of turpentine.
  2. Apply to the stain in any convenient way.
  3. After 40 minutes, blot the area to be treated with a dry cloth or paper towel.
  4. Let the product dry.

How to scrub fuel oil from a jacket with soda

Soda can also be used to eliminate pollution. The cleansing process is as follows:

  1. Heat 1 liter of water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. soda.
  3. Wipe the product with a cotton pad soaked in the solution.
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

If the jacket can be completely wet, then a more effective method should be used:

  1. Dissolve 250 g of soda in warm water (10 l).
  2. Soak your jacket.
  3. After an hour, rub the stain with laundry soap.
  4. Wash the product.
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How to remove fuel oil from a jacket with solvent

In the case of using such a tool, we are talking about any solvent, be it white spirit or acetone. The product must be applied directly to the dirt, allowing it to act within an hour. Then the treated area needs to be washed with soapy water.

How to remove oil stain from a jacket with tar soap

To remove the oil stain from the down jacket, you must use tar soap.

  1. Moisten the stained area.
  2. Rub with soap.
  3. Leave to act for 30-50 minutes.
  4. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
  5. Then treat with a dry cloth.

Since down jackets most often cannot be washed, this method will be optimal for solving many problems. Its only drawback is the persistent smell of soap. But after a day there will be no trace of it.

How to remove a stain of fuel oil from a down jacket with margarine

Although margarine is not a cleaning agent, it is often used to remove fuel oil, gasoline or tar stains.

There are several use cases: it is necessary to choose the option most suitable for a particular situation.

To wash things that cannot be washed, you should:

  1. Freeze margarine.
  2. Rub the trail of fuel oil with it.
  3. Leave on for 15 minutes.
  4. Rub with a toothbrush.
  5. Remove loose dirt with a cotton pad or cloth.
  6. Treat the area with margarine again.
  7. After 30 min. remove the remnants of the stain.
  8. Wipe the stained area with soapy water applied to cotton wool.
  9. Allow the product to dry.

The next option is suitable for jackets that can be washed without problems by performing simple manipulations:

  1. Melt a quarter of a pack of margarine, bringing to a boil.
  2. Pour some of the resulting liquid onto the stain.
  3. Wait about 10 minutes.
  4. Wipe off dirt with a cloth.
  5. Wipe the area to be treated with a strong soapy solution or rub it with a piece of laundry soap.
  6. Remove detergent with a damp cloth.
  7. Allow the product to dry.

The third option is suitable for small jackets:

  1. Grate some margarine.
  2. Pour shavings onto the oil stain.
  3. Wrap the soiled part of the jacket with cling foil to prevent the margarine from scattering.
  4. Put the product in a bag.
  5. Refrigerate for 3 - 5 hours.
  6. Take out the product, remove the film and shake off the margarine.

After this method, even a greasy trace should not remain on the clothes. If, however, it does form, you can easily wash off the fat with any dish detergent.

How to wash fuel oil from a down jacket with essential oils

Essential oils are also good at removing even old traces of fuel oil on jackets and down jackets. The use of such tools is extremely simple:

  1. Apply a few drops of oil (it is better to take coniferous or citrus versions) to the stain.
  2. Leave to act for 15 - 20 minutes.
  3. Remove residues with a cotton pad.
  4. If a greasy mark forms on the fabric, treat it with soap or soapy water, then wipe it with a damp cloth.

The disadvantage of this method is only that the oil has a very pronounced aroma that quickly fills the space, as well as the fact that it will be problematic to remove large amounts of pollution with essential oils.

How to remove an oil stain from a jacket using household chemicals

You can also wash fuel oil from a jacket with household chemicals. The main thing is to take precautions so as not to spoil the product and not harm your own health.

  1. Oxygenated bleaches... You can use any tool (Vanish, Amway, Faberlik, etc.). The product is applied to the jacket according to the instructions. If it is possible to wash a thing, then, in addition to directly treating the stain, it makes sense to add bleach to the washing machine. If it was not possible to wash off the fuel oil the first time, then the procedure can be repeated.
  2. Hand paste... If there is hand paste in the house, like Lily of the Valley, you can wash off fuel oil with this tool. To do this, it is applied to the stain, left for 20 - 30 minutes. After this time, it is necessary to remove the paste from the jacket with a wet rag.
  3. Laundry soap or Antipyatin... To remove fuel oil from a jacket, moisten the stain and rub it with soap. After 30 - 40 minutes, remove the soapy residue with a damp cloth. You can also soak the garment in water to add some soap shavings. The jacket should be soaked in the solution for about 6 hours, and then washed in the washing machine with the addition of powder.
  4. Dishwashing liquid... This option is the safest for both tissue and humans. Dish gel (Fairy, Biolan, Sort, etc.) must be poured onto fuel oil, wait about 10 minutes, rub it with a toothbrush, remove the soap. If necessary, repeat the procedure performed until the spot disappears completely.
  5. Means for cleaning car interiors... In specialized stores, you can purchase special substances that are used for professional cleaning of cars. They are designed to remove various types of dirt, and do an excellent job of washing fuel oil on jackets and other products. The application must comply with the rules for using the tool specified in the instructions. Violating them is not worth it, as this can negatively affect the state of your favorite thing.


It will be much easier to wash the fuel oil from the jacket if you start work immediately after the substance gets on your clothes. If it has time to absorb, then it will take a lot of effort to remove it. The main thing is to remember that it is important not only to wash the jacket, but also not to ruin it. Therefore, before using any product, it is necessary to test on an inconspicuous area.

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