Vitamin E: what is it good for, what foods contain, how to take

Among the most useful vitamins, experts single out tocopherol. This substance is also called the vitamin of youth. The benefits and harms of vitamin E are due to its properties.

Description and characteristics of vitamin E

The substance is a fat-soluble vitamin (tocopherol) and is considered an essential antioxidant. There are various forms of vitamin E in nature (isomers). They differentiate depending on their biological activity and the functions they perform in the body.

Vitamin E is a clear liquid substance with an oily texture and a light yellow color. Tocopherol does not dissolve in water, unlike chloroform, sulfuric and petroleum ethers. The property of the substance, which implies the ability to dissolve in acetone and ethyl alcohol, is noted.

The following pharmacological properties of the compound are called:

  • participation in the biosynthesis of proteins and metabolic cellular processes;
  • ensuring cell proliferation and tissue respiration.

Tocopherol has benefits as an antioxidant. It protects tissues from the effects of toxins such as lactic acid. The lack of a substance is harmful to the body. Lack of tocopherol causes anemia and lethargy.

Important! The fat-soluble compound is used as a food additive. It is designated as E 307, E 308 and E 309.

The beneficial properties of vitamin E

The main benefit of the element lies in its antioxidant properties. Other useful properties include:

  • slowing down the processes of cellular aging, improving their nutrition;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • participation in the prevention of bacterial and viral infections;
  • stimulation of capillary formation, a positive effect on the tone and permeability of blood vessels;
  • stabilization of blood circulation;
  • protection of the skin from harm caused by ultraviolet rays;
  • participation in the production of hormones;
  • prevention of cicatricial deformation of the skin;
  • prevention of Alzheimer's disease, malignant tumors of the bladder and prostate;
  • reduction of general body fatigue, sugar levels;
  • ensuring adequate muscle function.
Important! The benefits of vitamin E are achieved when the required dosage is observed.

For women

Vitamin E for women brings both benefits and harm, which is explained by its properties. For tocopherol to be beneficial to the body, it is necessary to observe the recommended dosage that is appropriate for age.

A fat-soluble vitamin is important for maintaining youth and beauty. The beneficial substance affects the health and reproductive function of women.

Adequate intake of tocopherol in the body provides:

  • protection of cells from early aging;
  • restoration of oxidative processes and protection against the formation of cancerous cellular elements;
  • oxygenation of tissues;
  • protection against thrombosis and atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle and libido levels;
  • partial replenishment of the concentration of estrogen;
  • improving the condition of mucous membranes and skin, nails, hair.
Important! The beneficial properties of the substance are actively used in cosmetology.

For men

For male health, the substance has significant benefits by regulating reproductive function. The cells of the prostate gland contain the component in significant quantities. Tocopherol normalizes the secretion of hormones, protecting testosterone cells from harm in the form of negative external influences. The benefit also lies in improving the properties of the sperm.

Men require more tocopherol due to intense physical activity. Usually, experts recommend taking additional beneficial vitamin complexes.

The benefits of vitamin E for men cannot be overstated. It is known that the stronger sex is prone to pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. The compound helps to strengthen the vascular walls, improving blood circulation. Thanks to the normalization of blood flow in the small pelvis, the work of the reproductive system is stabilized.

Important! Tocopherol is directly involved in the synthesis of vitamin A.

With a lack of this compound, various dysfunctions occur that harm the body. Anemia often develops and lethargy is observed.

For children

The healing properties of vitamin E are especially important for a growing body. The connection has the following properties:

  • ensures the normal functioning of both the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • prevents infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • increases the stamina and resistance of the body;
  • strengthens muscles and vascular walls.
Important! Adequate intake of the compound is the prevention of seizures that damage the nervous system.

Indications for the use of vitamin E

Tocopherol enters the body with food. The compound is prescribed additionally in the form of vitamin complexes for the following pathologies:

  • established hypovitaminosis E;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • degenerative changes in the tissues of muscles, joints and ligaments;
  • joint diseases of allergic or inflammatory etiology;
  • scleroderma;
  • dermatomyositis and dermatosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • hypotrophy;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • PMS;
  • hypofunction of the gonads (in men) and decreased potency;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • liver pathology;
  • vasospasm (peripheral);
  • asthenia and neurasthenia.
Important! The benefits are achieved if the therapeutic dose is observed, which ranges from 100 IU per day.

Daily consumption rate

The dosage of tocopherol depends on the following factors:

  • age;
  • floor;
  • the presence of pregnancy and lactation.

Doctors indicate the following dosages of the substance for maximum benefit:

  • children under the age of six months - 3 mg;
  • infants from 7 months to a year - 4 mg;
  • children from one to three years old - 6 mg;
  • children from middle preschool to primary school age (4-10 years old) - 7 mg;
  • men (from 11 years old) - 10 mg;
  • women (from 11 years old) - 8 mg.
Important! During pregnancy and lactation, 10 and 12 mg of tocopherol, respectively, are required.

Symptoms of a lack of vitamin E in the body

Hypovitaminosis develops when there is a lack of compounds in the body. The harm is manifested by a violation of the functioning of organs, which is manifested by signs:

  • breathing disorders of tissues;
  • muscle weakness and hypotension;
  • deterioration of male potency;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • anemia;
  • hyporeflexia;
  • ataxia;
  • dysarthria;
  • decrease in sensitivity;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • infertility.
Important! Severe hypovitaminosis is rare due to the compound's ability to accumulate and be consumed gradually in case of deficiency.

Excess vitamin E in the body

The damage to the body is caused not only by deficiency, but also by excess of vitamins. Usually, hypervitaminosis develops with an excess of vitamin A, as well as while taking a large dose of tocopherol.

The compound is not toxic. Often its excess is not harmful, since the substance is accumulated by the body and acts as an antioxidant. A single use of a useful substance in a high dose can provoke:

  • increased pressure;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea.

These undesirable effects are not harmful to health and do not require specific therapy due to their temporary nature.

Foods containing vitamin E

Sufficient intake of the element with the consumed food is essential. This is due to the benefits of the substance for the body.

Tocopherol contains the following foods:

  • oils (butter and vegetable);
  • fresh herbs;
  • milk;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • germ of cereals;
  • spinach;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • broccoli;
  • whole grains;
  • bran;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • rosehip;
  • cabbage.
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Important! It is helpful to include foods containing the nutrient in your daily diet.

Vitamin E preparations

Preparations containing a useful compound can be divided into groups:

  • synthetic analogs;
  • natural dietary supplements obtained from extracts, tinctures and extracts of both plant and animal raw materials.

The substance is available in the form of drugs:

  • monocomponent (contain exclusively tocopherol);
  • multicomponent (includes other beneficial vitamins and minerals).
Important! The preparations contain different dosages of tocopherol. Supplements are used only for prophylactic purposes.

Vitamin E is often available in capsules that retain the substance's benefits. Vitamin preparations are represented by the following names:

  • Aevit;
  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate (solution in oil);
  • Alphabet ("Our baby", "Kindergarten");
  • Biovital (Vitamin E, gel);
  • Vitamin E (100, 200, 400);
  • Vitamin E 50% (powder);
  • Vitamin E-acetate;
  • Vita bears;
  • Vitamin E Zentiva;
  • Vitrum (multivitamins, Vitamin E);
  • Duovit Memo;
  • Doppelgerz (Vitamin E forte);
  • Multi-Tabs (classic);
  • Sana-Sol;
  • Watering;
  • Sanvit E 98% (oil form);
  • Tocopherol acetate;
  • Sant-E-gal;
  • Evitol;
  • Centrum.

Attention! These vitamin preparations are useful as prophylactic and therapeutic agents.

Typically, dietary supplements are multi-ingredient products. Among the most commonly prescribed dietary supplements are:

  • ActivitEnergy;
  • Atsevit;
  • Betaferol;
  • Biolivit;
  • Vetoron E;
  • E-Roy;
  • Laf-Pak;
  • Lesmin;
  • Licar;
  • Lipovitam;
  • Panax-A;
  • Perillil;
  • Prenatal (Ladies formula, Optima);
  • Pro-Visio;
  • Prostabiol;
  • Ravsin;
  • Fitofaner;
  • Fortamin;
  • Elquvertin.

Preparations containing tocopherol are available in various dosage forms. Vitamin E in capsules is beneficial due to the ease of use. While taking the oil solution, a gag reflex often occurs. The use of tablets and powders requires additional intake of vegetable oil.

Important! Vitamin E capsules have beneficial properties due to the content of the compound and oil, which is necessary for adequate absorption of the substance.

Features of taking and dosage of vitamin E

Many patients ask specialists whether to take vitamin E before or after meals. The drug is intended for use during and after meals twice a day.

Important! The daily dose should be divided into two doses.

For adults

The prophylactic dose is 100 to 200 IU per day. Preparations and dietary supplements can also be taken to stop the aging process. In such cases, the dosage ranges from 200 to 400 IU. In the presence of hypovitaminosis, tocopherol is taken in a dose equal to 400-1000 IU.For some diseases, high dosages can be prescribed - up to 3000 IU per day.

For children

A beneficial compound is essential for the normal growth and development of a child's body. The dosage is calculated depending on the age of the child and is:

  • 3-4 mg (0-6 and 6-12 months);
  • 6 mg (1-3 years);
  • 7 mg. (4-10 years old);
  • 8-10 mg (11 years and older)

For pregnant and lactating women

The benefits of vitamin E during pregnancy are undeniable. Tocopherol is given in the first trimester. The beneficial properties of the compound prevent fetal malformations and help prolong pregnancy. During gestation and breastfeeding, the recommended dose is 200 to 400 IU per day.

Face masks with vitamin E

Vitamin E as a cosmetic product benefits not only girls. The compound is often used as a beneficial anti-wrinkle ingredient.

Anti-wrinkle mask with vitamin E and glycerin

The benefits of glycerin and vitamin E are to rejuvenate and moisturize facial skin. The mask includes 5 ml of tocopherol oil solution, which is mixed with 25 g of glycerin. The finished composition is stored in an opaque glass container. The mixture is applied to the skin of the face. The exposure time is 60 minutes. Then the face is wiped with a damp cloth.

Mask with cottage cheese and vitamin E

The compound is beneficial for dry skin. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of soft cottage cheese, 3 teaspoons of olive oil and 5 drops of vitamin E. The mixture is applied to the skin and washed off after 20 minutes.

Toning mask with cucumber and vitamin E

The beneficial properties of vitamin E are used to tone the skin. Cosmetologists recommend using masks with tocopherol solution (2 capsules) and cucumber pulp. The components are mixed and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

Vitamin E Hair Mask Recipes

Vitamin E benefits are used to improve hair condition. You can add an oily solution to shampoos and hair care products. Homemade masks are the most popular.

Hair growth mask

To prepare the product, you must use:

  • vitamins A and E (1 teaspoon each);
  • castor and burdock oil (1 tablespoon each);
  • Dimexide (a third of a teaspoon).

The components are heated in a water bath and rubbed into the skin, gently spreading through the hair. In order to increase the effect and get maximum benefit, the head is insulated with polyethylene and a towel. The mixture is washed off after an hour.

Hair loss mask

For hair loss, a mask is useful, which includes the following components:

  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • onion juice (1 tablespoon);
  • castor and burdock oil (1 tablespoon each);
  • alcohol tincture of red pepper (1 teaspoon);
  • vitamin E (8 drops).
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A warm mixture is applied to the roots and length of the hair, insulated with a film and a towel. The mask is washed off after 30-40 minutes.

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Moisturizing hair mask

Hair benefits are provided by masks with the addition of burdock oil, tocopherol and jojoba. The oils are mixed in equal proportions, applied to the roots and curls, insulated with a "thermal cap". Useful mask should be kept up to 2 hours, then rinsed with warm water.

Vitamin E for nails and cuticles

The beneficial properties of vitamin E allow the product to be used as an addition to cosmetics. The oil solution provides the necessary nutrition and moisture to the nails and cuticles.

To soften the cuticle, rub a mixture of a spoonful of sugar, olive oil and the contents of 1 ampoule of tocopherol into your nails. After a few minutes, the mixture should be washed off and lubricated with a moisturizing cream.

The harm of vitamin E and contraindications

Vitamin E can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the body. Serious disorders against the background of excessive use of the compound have not been noted.Harm is observed with individual intolerance and blood clotting disorders. In the case of intramuscular injection of the drug, an allergic reaction may occur.

The harm manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms in case of an overdose of the substance:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • nausea and diarrhea;
  • asthenia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • temporary impairment of vision.

In rare cases, harm involves the development of:

  • bleeding;
  • renal failure;
  • sexual disorders;
  • thrombophlebitis.
Important! There is an opinion that vitamin E can bring not only benefits to the liver, but also harm.

This is due to the peculiarities of the oral form of taking the drug. In order for the drug to be beneficial, not harmful, you need to follow the recommended dosage and take the funds as directed by your doctor.

Interaction with other substances

The properties of the compound determine its ability to enhance the effects of other antioxidants. Against the background of taking, toxicity decreases and the therapeutic effect of vitamins D and A increases. When used together, it is necessary to monitor the correct ratio of drugs.


The benefits and harms of vitamin E indicate the need for taking medications and dietary supplements as prescribed by a doctor. The compound is available in various dosage forms that allow it to be used for therapeutic, therapeutic and cosmetic purposes.

Reviews of cosmetologists

Olga Nikolaevna Saranchuk, 34 years old, Smolensk
As an excellent remedy, I recommend my patients to use masks based on glycerin and vitamin E for facial skin care. The components can be purchased at any pharmacy. Vitamin E helps to get rid of fine lines through anti-aging effects.
Irina Leonidovna Stepuk, 53 years old, Volgograd
Not all women know that vitamin E can be used not only in the form of oral capsules due to its special properties. The drug has various forms. Vitamin E liquid solution can be added to eye creams. It is a good preventive measure against the signs of aging.

Customer Reviews

Tamara Petrovna Sivchik, 32 years old, Astrakhan
I have heard many times about the beneficial properties of vitamin E for women. After giving birth, I faced intense hair loss. I decided to try natural remedies. I started making masks with vitamin E for hair. After a few months, I noticed a positive change.
Karina Andreevna Zmitrovich, 21 years old, Moscow
Vitamin E was prescribed to me by a gynecologist when planning a pregnancy. She continued taking a useful drug while carrying a child. The pregnancy was hassle-free. The son was born healthy.

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