Soda baths: benefits and harms, recipes, reviews

The benefits and harms of a bath with soda are an important issue for connoisseurs of home cosmetic procedures. What does such a bath help from, and what are the recipes?

Why are soda baths useful?

A bath with the addition of regular soda has a number of beneficial properties. Namely:

  • cleanses the body and removes harmful substances from it;
  • strengthens blood vessels, which affects the work of the heart, brain and reproductive system - soda baths for potency are highly valued by men;
  • speeds up metabolism and helps get rid of edema;
  • quickly soothes skin irritations in adults and children - soda baths for a child help fight diaper rash;
  • softens and nourishes the skin;
  • helps to cope with infections, including of a gynecological nature - soda baths are useful for conception;
  • relaxes muscles and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

The action of soda baths even reduces the harm from radiation. The properties of soda baths in oncology are also beneficial.

How to take a baking soda bath

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated in the procedure. However, the benefits and harms of a salt bath depend on the observance of several rules.

Recommended reading:  Baking soda: useful properties, application, how to take
  1. Too hot water must not be poured into the bath, its temperature should be 35-39 degrees.
  2. It is better to lie in the bath for a quarter of an hour, otherwise the body will be harmed from a long stay in soda water.
  3. When swimming, you need to ensure that the upper chest remains above the water level.
  4. Soda and additives are dissolved in water first of all so that they give the liquid valuable properties, and only then they are immersed in the bath with the whole body.
  5. In the shower, after a bath with soda, it is better not to rinse. It is recommended that you simply dry yourself gently with a terry towel, put on a warm robe and sit in complete peace with a cup of green tea.
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Important! As a rule, the health benefits of soda baths are manifested after performing the procedure for 10 days in a row. After that, you need to take a break for 2 months so as not to harm yourself.

Healing recipes for soda baths at home

Usually, alkaline baths are taken not just for pleasure, but to treat certain ailments. Under different conditions, the recipes for such baths and their properties are slightly different.

Bath with soda from varicose veins

With varicose veins on the legs, you can take a full therapeutic bath, or you can dilute the water in a high basin, preparing a foot bath. It is done as follows:

  • 200 g of ordinary baking soda is diluted in 5 liters of water;
  • useful alum is added to the water - about 70 g;
  • the liquid is thoroughly stirred until the alum and soda are completely dissolved;
  • another 3 liters of hot water are poured into the basin.

The legs are carefully lowered into the pelvis and kept for a quarter of an hour. There is no need to wash your feet additionally. They are simply wiped off with a towel and an ointment or gel for varicose veins is applied to the skin. You can do such baths for 7-10 days in a row, and after another couple of months, repeat the course of procedures.

Important! The benefits of foot baths with baking soda will appear at temperatures up to 37 - 38 degrees - a hotter bath will be harmful.

Soda bath to cleanse the body

The properties of soda dissolved in water stimulate metabolic processes in the body and help get rid of accumulated toxins. The benefits will be from the following procedure:

  • dissolve a whole pack of baking soda in a full bath;
  • after that, a kilogram of useful table salt is poured into the water;
  • the bath is stirred, if necessary, some more hot liquid is added, and dipped into it for a quarter of an hour.

The effect of a bath with soda and salt will appear in a month, if you go through the procedure in a day or two.

With potassium permanganate (or brilliant green) for the treatment of chickenpox

Chickenpox can be treated not only with pharmacological agents - the properties of a bath with soda will have an excellent auxiliary effect. Soda solution reduces itching and heals wounds.

  • soda is added to a bath with hot water in an amount of only 3 tablespoons;
  • immersed in a soda solution for 15-20 minutes;
  • after the end of the procedure, problem areas on the body are smeared with brilliant green or a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

It is important to remember that a hot bath should not be taken at elevated temperatures or bursting blisters - in these cases, its properties will be harmful.

With iodine to treat foot fungus

Foot fungus is a problem that many people struggle with for months. However, the benefits of soda foot baths will help get rid of the fungus quickly.

  1. Dissolve 4 large tablespoons of baking soda in 2 liters of warm water.
  2. Then add a teaspoon of iodine and stir.
  3. Legs are lowered into the container, and held for half an hour.

You need to repeat the useful procedure for 2 weeks, with an interval of 1 day. At the same time, you should not wash your feet under running water after a useful bath, otherwise the valuable properties will decrease.

With psoriasis and dermatitis

There are two main bath recipes for dermatitis and psoriasis.

  1. Half a pack of baking soda is dissolved in chamomile broth. The resulting liquid is poured into a hot bath and taken for 10 minutes. After the end of the procedure, you should easily rinse with chamomile solution.
  2. Dissolve half a pack of soda and half a pack of salt in a hot bath and add 10 more drops of iodine. You need to take a bath as much, and the benefits appear after 10 sessions of therapy.

With thrush (candidiasis)

For thrush, a useful bath can be used in two ways - by plunging into it entirely or only by the lower part of the body.

  1. In both cases, it is necessary to dilute soda in a ratio of 1 large spoon to 1 liter of water. You can also add chamomile or celandine, sage or calendula broth to the liquid.
  2. With a particularly advanced disease, it is permissible to add iodine to the bath - 8-10 drops per liter.
  3. The bath is taken within 10-15 minutes, the procedure must be repeated daily for 4-7 days.

A useful solution, in small quantities, can also be used for hygienic ablutions, after each visit to the toilet. Ideally, the baths should be combined with antifungal drugs from the pharmacy. Such a soda bath for men will also be useful - candidiasis is harmful to the stronger sex.

Attention! Soda baths have similar properties for cystitis. They are made in the same way as regular soda baths.

With gout

Baking soda solution is of great benefit for strengthening bones. Baths are made as follows:

  1. Dry pine needles are boiled for 10 minutes until a weak broth is obtained.
  2. The resulting extract is poured into the collected bath, a pack of soda and a kilogram of salt are added there.
  3. The bath is taken for 20 minutes, repeated every other day or two for a month.

The properties of baking soda with pine needles relieve pain in joints and ligaments, eliminate inflammation and strengthen tissues.

Soda bath for relaxation

You can simply add baking soda to the bath to physically relax and calm the nerves. It is necessary to dilute 4-5 large tablespoons of soda, a few drops of any oil that you like - for example, orange, lemon, grapefruit. They enjoy the procedure for about 20 minutes, and then, feeling lightness and pleasant languor, they dab the body with a soft towel.

Soda baths for body beauty

Useful water treatments with the addition of baking soda can not only cure a number of diseases, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin and maintain beauty.

With cellulite

The properties of baking soda are great for the "orange peel", which is considered invincible. To prepare a bath, you just need to take milk, soda, sea salt and a little essential oil to taste.

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  • 2 cups of milk are boiled, 200 g of sea salt are poured into it and your favorite essential oil is added.
  • The mixture is poured into a warm bath, 200 g of soda is poured there.
  • The procedure continues for 20 minutes, and then gently pat the body with a towel - without active rubbing, so as not to harm the softened skin.

From edema

Healthy soda helps to remove excess fluid from the body. To eliminate the swelling of the legs, you need to dilute 5 large tablespoons of soda in 4-5 liters of liquid, and add 2 cups of mint broth with sage. Keep your feet in the bath for about 20 minutes.

After several procedures, the legs will begin to swell much less often, and the usual lightness will return to them.

To get rid of corns and calluses

To soften rough skin on your feet, you must:

  • prepare chamomile broth;
  • grate with ordinary laundry soap;
  • add these ingredients to warm water in a basin;
  • pour 6 large tablespoons of soda to them.

Legs need to be kept in a healing solution for no more than 20 minutes, and then gently blot them with a towel, and try not to load for a couple of hours so as not to cause harm. The procedure is carried out for about a month, 3 times a week.

For softening and firming the skin

If the skin on the body is too dry, you can do the following bath:

  • prepare a herbal decoction based on chamomile, string, St. John's wort and mint;
  • add it to the bathtub that is being collected, and pour 1.5 packs of soda into it;
  • if necessary, dilute with hotter or colder water so that the temperature reaches 37 degrees;
  • sit in warm water for about half an hour so that the body absorbs all the valuable properties.

After 10 procedures carried out with an interval of 1 day, the benefits of a bath with baking soda for the skin will be fully manifested - the body will become smooth and velvety.

For moisturizing the skin of the hands and cuticles

Useful mini-baths are great for peeling hands and dry cuticles.

  1. In a small container, about 2 cups in volume, warm water, 1 large spoonful of soda and a few drops of lemon juice are diluted.
  2. Hands are kept in the bath for 10 minutes.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream.

To strengthen nails

The properties of baking soda are beneficial for weak and brittle nail plates. To strengthen your nails, you need to dilute a large spoonful of baking soda and a spoonful of sea salt in a small bath at a temperature of 50 degrees, add a couple of drops of essential oil if desired. The fingers are immersed in water and held until the water cools down to 28-25 degrees. The condition of the nails will noticeably improve within a week.

From sweating feet

The baking soda and salt foot bath effectively removes excess sweating and unpleasant odors. In a small bowl, you need to pour 2 liters of boiling water, pour soda and sea salt in a volume of 25 g, cool to an acceptable temperature. The feet are kept in water for 40-45 minutes, then dried by weight without using a towel, and treated with talcum powder.

The benefit is that the bath destroys bacteria that cause unpleasant odor, eliminates their harm, and reduces the level of sweating.

How to take a bath with soda for weight loss

Since the properties of alkaline water remove excess fluid and toxins from the body, there is such a method as soda baths for weight loss for 10 procedures.

  1. Pour 10 large tablespoons of soda powder and half a kilogram of sea salt into a full bath with warm water;
  2. The useful solution is mixed.
  3. The bath is taken for 20 minutes.

Immediately after bathing, it is recommended to drink lemon water or a cup of green tea. A bath with soda and salt for weight loss should be done every 2-3 days, in total 10 procedures will be enough.

How to take soda baths according to Neumyvakin

Noteworthy is the approach to baths with soda of Professor Neumyvakin. The doctor recommends not only bathing in an alkaline solution with aromatic additives every 5 days, but also taking baking soda at the same time to double the valuable properties.

The maximum dose is 1 teaspoon per glass of liquid. They drink soda three times a day, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

The harm of soda baths and contraindications

Whatever the benefits of alkaline baths, they also have a list of contraindications. Bathing in a soda solution will harm:

  • with colds and fever;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • with heart and vascular ailments;
  • with hypertension;
  • with severe varicose veins and thrombosis;
  • with diabetes mellitus of both types;
  • with serious skin damage - abrasions, wounds, burns.
Advice! It is also better not to do soda baths during pregnancy - an increase in body temperature is dangerous for the fetus.


The benefits and harms of a soda bath depends on how carefully and competently the procedure is performed. With a wide range of ailments, bathing in an alkaline solution will be useful, but first you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.


Rodionova Elena Sergeevna, 38 years old, Moscow
A bath with soda for weight loss is the best aid for any diet. I have checked repeatedly that such bathing allows you to get rid of excess weight faster. And recently I discovered that a soda bath for cellulite is very useful, as the orange peel began to shrink before our eyes.
Dobrovolskaya Marina Petrovna, 42 years old, Novosibirsk
Varicose veins are my hereditary disease. But a bath with soda from varicose veins works wonders. I regularly undergo a course of procedures, my legs feel much lighter, they get less tired and do not swell. I can also confirm that a soda bath against nail fungus is an effective remedy, the method of treatment has saved me twice already.

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