The benefits and harms of manicure, gel polish for human health

The harm of gel nail polish must be considered with frequent manicure. The coating may look very beautiful, but its effect on the plates is ambiguous. When using gel polish, it is recommended to follow important rules.

Is it dangerous to do a manicure

At first glance, the procedure for applying gel polish looks quite harmless. But there is some harm from salon and home nail treatment.

Why is nail dust dangerous for manicure?

Remove the old coat before applying fresh gel polish. If the procedure is performed using a hardware method or using a file, the smallest dust inevitably rises into the air. It consists of particles of the nail itself and the hardened substance. When inhaling, a certain amount of suspension enters the bronchi and lungs. Over time, this leads to the development of chronic diseases.

The harm of nail dust is that it causes allergies, bronchitis and asthma.
Advice! You can protect yourself from nail dust with a medical mask. In good nail salons, a special vacuum cleaner is present on the master's table.

Is the smell of nail polish harmful?

Any gel polish has a harsh and not too pleasant aroma, which is emitted by the chemicals that make up it. Long-term inhalation of this smell causes poisoning and provokes nausea, headache, increased heart rate and feeling of lack of air. The harm is that the toxic vapors of the varnish dry out the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and can lead to an allergic rhinitis.

You need to do a manicure at home or in the salon with good ventilation. To reduce the health hazard of gel polish, you should choose products with a minimum content of toxic substances in the composition for treating nails.

Is the lamp harmful for manicure, drying gel polish

When applying gel polish in the salon, ultraviolet lamps are used to quickly dry it. Their health safety remains a controversial issue.

On the one hand, UV treatment lasts a matter of seconds, and the radiation does not have time to cause serious damage to the skin. In the presence of modern lamps in the cabin, regular annual procedures in terms of the degree of danger can be equated to one ten-minute walk in the sun.

However, the negative health effects from gel polish and drying become more significant when there are moles on the hands, especially those at risk of malignant degeneration. In such cases, it is better to refuse this type of manicure because of the potential harm. Even a small amount of additional UV radiation increases the likelihood of mole malignancy.

The harm of hardware manicure

Correction of the nail plate before applying gel polish can be performed not only manually, but also by hardware method. In this case, the procedure takes place without preliminary steaming of the cuticle, which is more useful for dry skin types.

In inexperienced hands, the manicure apparatus can leave burns on the nail.

But at the same time, a manicure using a special apparatus should only be performed by a very experienced master. Reviews claim that after unqualified specialists, severe harm is possible. Cuts and abrasions remain on the skin, ridges appear on the nails, the plates begin to exfoliate and crack, the condition of the cuticle worsens.

The harm of chemical vapors for the manicure master

Chemical fumes from harmful components of gel polish are dangerous for the master in the same way as for the client. The specialist suffers from inhalation of toxic compounds even more, since he has to contact with them throughout the day.

In the absence of ventilation in the cabin, constant poisoning with chemical vapors can lead not only to the development of allergies in the master. The risk of serious diseases of the heart, central nervous system and respiratory organs increases.

Is it dangerous to do a manicure in the salon

The undoubted advantages of salon procedures are the speed and quality of nail processing. But along with this, there are several dangers of manicure for clients:

  1. Infection... If the instruments are not properly disinfected, you can catch any infection or fungus in the salon, as well as very dangerous diseases - from HPV to hepatitis and HIV. Such cases do not occur often, but are still recorded by statistics.
  2. Trauma... If the craftsman has low qualifications or simply made a mistake, a painful and difficult cut or burn may remain on the finger.
Attention! To obtain high-quality and safe gel polish manicure, it is important to choose not only a good salon, but also a specific specialist with a diploma and positive reviews.

Is it harmful to paint your nails with varnish

Health harm can be caused not only by the staining procedure and its individual stages. Decorative coatings themselves pose a certain danger to nails.

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Is regular nail polish harmful?

When choosing a nail polish, you need to carefully study its composition. Many budget substances contain toluene and formaldehyde, which are harmful. The first causes oxygen deficiency in tissues, and the second negatively affects the immune and nerve cells.

Although there is little contact with nail polish, chemical fumes are still harmful to health. In addition, cheap means with frequent use can cause delamination of the hard plate and deterioration of its structure.

Is a gel polish manicure harmful to health, how does it affect nails?

How harmful gel polish is depends on its composition. The product in any case contains toxic chemical components, the difference is only in the proportions. In the composition of the dye, they are dangerous:

  • formaldehyde, which can lead to dermatitis, chemical burns and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • toluene, which causes nausea, weakness, and fainting;
  • dibutyl phthalate - the danger of this flavoring agent is that it can lead to the development of endocrine disorders.

To reduce the damage from harmful substances in gel polishes, it is recommended to choose formulations from well-known European brands.They pay great attention to the environmental friendliness of their cosmetics.

If the evaporation of gel polish is dangerous for health in general, then the nail plates receive contact damage even from the highest quality product. Against the background of constant wearing of manicure, they become thinner and brittle, sometimes they acquire a yellowish color.

Gel polish forms a very dense coating that does not allow oxygen to pass through the nail

Is gel polish harmful during pregnancy, HS

Despite the certain harm of gel polish to human health, pregnancy is not a strict contraindication for performing a manicure. However, a woman in a position should take into account that a pair of dyes negatively affects not only her body, but also the fetus. The poisonous effect is very weak, most often does not cause serious harm, but it is still advisable to avoid it. In addition, in the early stages, the smell of gel polish can provoke an increase in toxicosis.

Shortly before childbirth, doctors also recommend giving up manicure. First of all, in order to control a woman's condition, doctors need to see the real color of her nails, it changes with a deterioration in health. And directly during childbirth, pulse sensors can be attached to the fingers. Their accuracy will be maximum in the absence of coating on the nails.

With HV, harm from gel polish for a child can be avoided by performing a manicure with good ventilation. In this case, toxic volatiles cannot pass through the respiratory system into the bloodstream, and from there into breast milk.

Is it harmful to cover your nails with gel polish all the time?

The proof of the harm of gel nail polish is that with continuous use it dries up the plates and makes them thinner. This leads to the appearance of microcracks in which fungus can form. Most often, the problem is faced by women who have weak brittle nails by nature.

If after the next removal of the gel polish the plates seem painful and look bad, you must temporarily abandon the manicure. It is allowed to cover nails only with medicinal compounds until complete recovery.

Is it harmful to remove gel polish

Removing the coating can cause damage to the nails, especially if the plates are weak or the procedure is performed by an inexperienced master. When cutting, there is a risk of injury or burns to the tissues themselves. For the procedure, you need to choose a qualified specialist. When removing a manicure, many good masters prefer not to touch the base coat if it is well adhered to the nail, and only polish it before applying a new layer of gel polish.

The harm from removing gel polish can manifest itself in ugly white streaks and spots.

Is it harmful to remove gel polish with liquid

In addition to cutting, soaking in a special solution is used to remove the coating. The technology shows good effectiveness, but damages the nails and cuticles. Most solvents are made on the basis of acetone, which dries out the skin and plates, impairs their appearance and provokes the development of diseases.

Is nail polish, gel polish harmful to children

There are no strict age restrictions for performing a manicure. But using gel polish is still not recommended for children under 14 years old. The plates at a young age still continue to form, they are thinner, weaker and softer than in adults. During this period, covering your nails with gel polish is harmful. They can be damaged by the treatment before painting, and the decorative composition itself with toxic chemicals, and its subsequent removal.

Doctors and cosmetologists advise using only water-based products for children's nails. They are harmless and also very easy to remove from the plates.

Attention! Before performing any child's manicure, you should consult with a pediatrician and find out if the child has contraindications.

Is it harmful to do nail extension

Extension is a popular procedure that allows you to acquire nails of the perfect shape and smoothness, regardless of the type and condition of the natural plates. In general, the technology is considered safe, but it can still cause some harm.

Is gel nail extension harmful or not?

Extension of nails can lead to the following problems:

  • stratification after removal of the coating, especially often such harm is noted by women with plates that are weak by nature;
  • deformation of tissues - before building, the nails are filed, and subsequently they can be bent if the master makes a mistake.

The plates always look loose and brittle after removing the coating. Gel nail extension is harmful because it disrupts oxygen supply. The coating does not allow the tissues to breathe, and as a result, they require long-term recovery and thorough care.

Visible vertical "waves" may appear on nails after extension

Is it dangerous to extend nails with acrylic

Acrylic, like gel, allows you to form beautiful artificial nails, but damages the natural plates. The coating does not allow air to pass through and, moreover, exerts a certain physical pressure on natural tissues. After removing the extended nails, it is necessary to undergo a recovery period, which can take up to six months.

Important! Building up with fungal diseases is strictly contraindicated - the condition of the plates will only worsen.

Is nail extension harmful at 12, 13, 14 years old

It is recommended to carry out building up for adolescents no earlier than 16 years. Gel and acrylic coatings harm even hard plates in adults, and girls' nails are still quite soft and in the process of development. After removing the manicure, a particularly long-term and thorough care is required for recovery. Small mistakes made by the technician in the process of building up or removing the coating can lead to serious damage to the plate and deformations, which will be difficult to get rid of.

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How long can you wear gel polish without harm

There is some harm from gel polish in any case, but much depends on the duration of contact between the nail plate and the coating. You can usually wear a manicure for no longer than two weeks. Under the influence of daylight, or natural ultraviolet rays, the coating gradually becomes denser.

When visiting a salon, it will be more difficult to remove it. The longer the gel polish is on the nails, the more damage it causes and the greater the risk of injury when removed.

It is impossible to wait for the appearance of chips to remove gel polish, it can remain flawless for many weeks

The benefits of manicure for women

Although manicure can be harmful, the beneficial properties of gel polish should also be noted. In some cases, staining and building procedures will improve the health of the plates.

Why is gel nail polish useful?

The effect of gel polish on the body is not always negative. Some manicure compositions are classified as medicinal, they contain oils, minerals and vitamins that strengthen nails. Using this type of gel polish is useful for brittle and cracking plates. The tool transforms nails, restores their structure and smoothes the surface. Healing gel polish can be used as a base for decorative coatings. In this case, it will prevent direct contact of the toxic compound with the plate and reduce potential harm.

Many women, even with weak nails, prefer gel polish to ordinary manicure or lack of it. The coating gives the hands a very beautiful and neat look, the problems do not go away, but they cease to be noticeable.

The benefits of nail extension

Gel or acrylic nail extensions can also be beneficial. In particular, they:

  • remain neat for a long time and help to do without the constant updating of the usual manicure, which in one way or another harm the plates;
  • allow you to adjust the outlines of the brush - extensions are especially useful for owners of short fingers and wide nails, since the palm visually becomes longer and more graceful;
  • help to get rid of bad habits - not only children, but also many adults continue to gnaw their own fingers, while it is impossible to do this with extended plates.

Artificial nails require careful handling and are quite easy to break. But that is precisely why a woman begins to carefully monitor and care for her hands.

The benefits of Japanese manicure

Japanese manicure is a complex of useful restorative procedures that are especially recommended after nail extension. The technology does not cause any harm and consists of several stages:

  • softening and removing cuticles;
  • polishing plate;
  • treatment of skin and nails with special restorative powder and serum with natural extracts;
  • applying a base coat with ceramides;
  • hand massage with hot herbal bags;
  • applying a nourishing mask and cream.

The positive effect of medical manicure using Japanese technology helps to strengthen nails, stop their separation and eliminate brittleness.

Japanese manicure is a SPA for nails
Attention! To obtain noticeable results, you need to go through at least eight procedures. A single session of Japanese manicure will not bring a significant effect.


The harm of gel nail polish is difficult to dispute, contact with a toxic chemical does not benefit the plates. But if you carefully approach the choice of a master and salon, as well as adhere to the basic rules for using a manicure, the negative impact can be minimized.

Reviews about whether gel polish is harmful to health, nails

Filatova Alisa Sergeevna, 28 years old, Moscow
For the first time I decided to try gel polish about a year ago on the advice of a friend. The very first application made a great impression on me. The nails became very beautiful, and most importantly, the effect lasted three weeks without the smallest chips and cracks. In total, I performed five procedures, but after the third I noticed harm, the plates became thin and began to exfoliate. Perhaps, after the restoration of nails, I will still return to gel polish, but it is too early to talk about it.
Radina Inna Viktorovna, 35 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
I have been using gel polish for about five years now, I have been doing manicure in the same salon with a good master. The procedure has both pluses and minuses, the harm is obvious - the nails from constant wearing of the coating become thinner and become "paper". But the manicure itself is beyond praise, so every year after the course of restoring the plates, I return to the gel polish. You can wear it for several weeks without a single chip - this is impossible with ordinary staining.

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