Food supplement E527: dangerous or not, effect on the body

Manufacturers offer people a wide variety of products. But many consumers began to study the composition and refuse food containing various preservatives and flavors, arguing their choice with the lack of benefits and harm to the body. More and more questions are raised by the food additive E527.

What is the additive E527

Food additive E527 is part of very dangerous stabilizers. In industry, the substance has other names:

  • ammonia hydrate;
  • ammonium oxide hydrate;
  • ammonia water;
  • ammonia water;
  • caustic ammonia;
  • caustic ammonium;
  • ammonia;
  • ammonium hydroxide.

The substance is completely artificial.

The main function of the stabilizer is to regulate acidity. Available in liquid form. Differs in transparency, slightly yellowish tint, sharp characteristic smell and specific taste. It dissolves well in water.

Manufacturers present the substance in two forms:

  • type A for use in various industries;
  • type B for use in the agricultural industry.
Attention! When exposed to high temperatures, ammonia is formed. It is considered thermally unstable and flame retardant.
The food supplement is in liquid form

What is the food additive E527 made of?

The food additive is produced by the reaction of water with ammonia. Bituminous coals are placed in coke ovens and burned. A gaseous substance is obtained, which, after interacting with water vapor, forms E527. The component is completely artificial and is used in various fields.

The benefits and harms of ammonium hydroxide

Buyers have long begun to think about the effect of E527 on the body. In terms of harmfulness, the substance is classified as hazardous components of class 4. Manufacturers claim that the stabilizer is safe and does not affect the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Particularly dangerous is the initial component - gaseous ammonia, which is formed as a result of interaction with air. It acts as a strong irritant. Adversely affects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Important! A colorless liquid in the form of a 10% solution helps to bring a person to their senses when they faint. The respiratory system normalizes.

Dangerous or not food additive E527

Manufacturers assure customers that the E527 food supplement is safe for the body. But people have a different opinion on this matter. The stabilizer is classified as a hazardous substance.

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If the storage conditions for the food additive E 527 are not followed, ammonia is formed, which can lead to the following phenomena:

  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of the functionality of the kidneys and liver;
  • lacrimation;
  • suffocating cough;
  • burns of mucous membranes and skin;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting.
Attention! It must be remembered that ammonia vapors are explosive and flammable.

Where and why is the food additive E527 added?

To avoid harmful effects on the body, the food supplement must be used in the correct amount. Normally, the content of emulsifier in products should not exceed 70 mg per 1 kg of weight.

The additive is used in different countries - Ukraine, Russia, Canada and the USA. But E527 is considered dangerous and banned in New Zealand and Australia. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the effect of the emulsifier on the body.

The liquid is actively used in medical, food, cosmetic and agricultural purposes

The food additive can be found in cocoa and chocolate. The substance allows you to neutralize the acids that are found in cocoa beans. In some cases, an emulsifier is added to the caramel. It is needed to regulate the pH level.

It is believed that the meat is also treated with ammonia water, which allows the product to be disinfected, giving it an even pink tint and presentation. The manufacturers claim that they are using the approved additive. But there were cases of bad faith when liquid was used for technical production.

Ammonia water in the form of a 10% solution is used in medicine. In such cases, it is called ammonia. Just not to be confused with ammonia, since their action is completely different.

With the help of this liquid, you can bring a person out of unconsciousness. The product is suitable for the treatment of wounds, bites. The substance has an antiseptic effect. Quickly relieves itching and redness.

An ammonia-camphor suspension is made from the food additive E527. It is often used as a folk remedy to get rid of pain in the joints, head and teeth of various kinds.

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Remarkably, ammonia helps to cure a lingering cough. To do this, take a mug of hot milk and add 2-3 drops of ammonia water there. It is better to take the medicine at night.

E527 is also used for cosmetic purposes for the manufacture of:

  • hair dyes;
  • preparations for perm or straightening;
  • shampoos;
  • mascara;
  • eyeliner;
  • peeling products;
  • masks with a whitening effect.
When hair dye is used, there is a strong smell of ammonia, which often causes a cough

Food supplement E527 promotes hair opening. This process occurs when hydrogen peroxide and ammonia water interact. But you should not abuse hair dyes and chemical preparations. Otherwise, the strands will become dull and lifeless, the ends will be dry and brittle.

Ammonium hydroxide is also used in agriculture. Nitrogen fertilizer is made on its basis.


Food additive E527 is approved for use in various countries. Despite this, it is considered harmful and belongs to the 4th hazard class. Manufacturers claim to add small amounts of ammonia water. But trusting such information is not always worth it, since their main task is to reduce the cost of goods, extend the shelf life and make a profit. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the state of health depends on the person himself, which means that you should always study the composition and exclude products with harmful food additives.

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