Is it possible to feijoa with type 1, 2 diabetes

Feijoa for type 2 diabetes is not prohibited. The exotic fruit has a number of beneficial ingredients that the body needs to function properly. The main advantage of feijoa is its rich content of iodine and ascorbic acid.

Is feijoa possible for diabetes

Feijoa is the fruit of an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Akka and the Myrtaceae family. It grows in regions with subtropical and tropical climates. The exotic berry was brought to European countries in 1890. On the territory of Russia, it began to be cultivated relatively recently. The diameter of the fruit is 5-7 cm, and the weight can reach 120 g. When ripe, it has a juicy taste with a slight acidity.

Feijoa is on the list of foods allowed for diabetes. This is due to the low glycemic index and calorie content. Due to this, feijoa does not contribute to weight gain, even with excessive use.

Exotic berry can reduce the likelihood of atherosclerotic plaque formation in blood vessels
Comment! 100 g of the product contains about 36 g of iodine.

The composition and value of feijoa for diabetics

It is extremely important for people with diabetes mellitus to know the composition of the foods that make up their daily diet. Feijoa contains the following components:

  • cellulose;
  • vitamins of groups C and B;
  • fats;
  • vegetable sugars;
  • iodine;
  • minerals (phosphorus, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium);
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • folic acid.

Feijoa glycemic index

The main value of the product for diabetes mellitus is its low glycemic index. It is only 20 units. This amount is considered acceptable in order to avoid an increase in blood glucose.

Why is feijoa useful for diabetes

Feijoa is not only perfectly absorbed by the body, but also has health benefits. It is considered the most vitamin-rich plant source. This allows the berry to compete with seafood. It helps to eliminate pathologies of the thyroid gland and has an antioxidant effect on the body. The regulation of metabolism allows you to keep the patient's weight under control.

Feijoa in type 2 diabetes mellitus is useful for the following properties:

  • strengthening of immunity;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • prevention of malignant tumors;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • anti-cold action;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • anti-aging effect on the body.

The main advantage of using the product for diabetes mellitus is the low glycemic load on the body. The general strengthening effect is also important. This allows you to prevent a number of complications of the disease by strengthening the immune system. In addition, the presence of berries in the diet reduces the likelihood of gaining excess weight.

For type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease with an increase in blood glucose.A patient with this disease is dependent on insulin-containing medications. In addition to drug therapy, the patient is prescribed to follow a certain diet. It involves avoiding sugar-containing foods. Feijoa in this case is not prohibited from being included in the menu. But it is advisable to limit its use to the minimum dosage. The berry does not provoke a jump in glucose, and, therefore, does not affect the state of health.

For type 2 diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas can produce insulin, but as much as needed. Taking specialized drugs is required only in case of a severe course of the disease. But nutritional adjustment in this case is extremely necessary. The product can be an excellent alternative to banned sweets. In addition, the berry perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, without affecting the figure. It is especially useful for the second type of ailment to take a decoction based on the peel of the fruit.

With gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is typical for women in position. It is considered to be quite common. If the disease is not accompanied by severe endocrine disorders, it is not necessary to give up exotic berries.

As part of a smoothie, feijoa goes well with apples and nuts

Due to the abundant content of ascorbic acid, the fruit will reliably protect a woman and her baby from colds. It is especially important that it is present in the diet in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Regular intake of iodine in the body ensures the proper development of the thyroid gland during this period.

Important! Folic acid in the fruit ensures the elimination of harmful cholesterol from the body.

Terms of use

Despite the absence of strict bans on feijoa, it should be consumed in limited quantities. This will avoid allergies and hyperglycemia, which develops with excessive intake of carbohydrates. Experts advise eating the fruit in the morning. This will ensure better digestibility.

How much feijoa can you eat per day with diabetes

With diabetes mellitus, it is advisable to eat no more than 1 fruit per day. Fresh berries are most preferred. Fruit juice is equally effective. It cannot be drunk on an empty stomach. It is necessary to dilute it in advance with water in a ratio of 1: 2. It is also permissible to use feijoa in fruit salads and as a decoction.

What can be combined with

Feijoa goes well with banana, honey, walnuts, pineapple and various berries. Sometimes it is added to vegetable salads with the presence of beets in the composition.

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Feijoa recipes for diabetics

Nutrition for diabetes mellitus can be not only healthy, but also tasty. Feijoa is used as the main ingredient in many dishes. In order for the result to meet expectations, the recipe and ratio of the components used must be observed.

Vegetable salad


  • 1 beet;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • 2 feijoa;
  • 1 onion;
  • balsamic vinegar, oil - by eye.
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Cooking steps:

  1. The beets are baked in the oven, then peeled and cut into cubes.
  2. Feijoa and onions are cut in any shape, sprinkled with vinegar.
  3. The ingredients are placed in a deep bowl and mixed. Nuts and salt are added to the resulting mass.
Recommended reading:  Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications
Salad should be seasoned with oil

Fruit vitamin salad


  • 1 orange;
  • 2 apples;
  • 2 feijoa;
  • 2 tbsp. l. yogurt;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • lemon juice - by eye.


  1. The fruit is peeled and cut into slices.
  2. The remaining ingredients are added to the resulting mixture.
  3. Everything is thoroughly mixed and seasoned with yogurt.
Alternatively, you can skip the salad

Feijoa decoction


  • 3 feijoa;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Feijoa is cut into pieces along with the peel.
  2. Then they are poured with water and salted.
  3. The container is put on low heat for 1 hour.
  4. After the specified time, the drink is removed to a dark place for 12 hours.
  5. Filter the broth before use.
  6. You need to take it 3 times a day, 50 ml.
The tool perfectly charges the body with vitamins

Limitations and contraindications

With diabetes mellitus, you should not use an exotic product thoughtlessly. There are contraindications that are extremely important to consider. These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • serious endocrine disorders.

With excessive consumption of berries, pain in the abdomen and nausea may occur. With an allergic reaction, skin rashes occur. In this case, you should remove the product from the diet.

Selection and storage rules

If the feijoa turned out to be unripe, that's okay. Fruit is brought to stores in such a form to avoid overripe and damage during transportation.

To ripen feijoa, just place it on the windowsill. It is better not to buy fruits with defects. Fermentation processes begin in them. When eating spoiled fruit, you can face digestive upset. The color of the peel should have a deep green tint. Store feijoa in the refrigerator. It is advisable to eat it as early as possible. To prolong the beneficial properties for a long period, you can make jam or compote.


Feijoa in diabetes 2 can provide significant health benefits. An important condition for this is strict adherence to the dosage. Excessive consumption of exotic berries can worsen health and aggravate the course of the disease.

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