Diet before an ultrasound of the liver: what you can eat

A diet before ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas is necessary for every patient. It allows you to reduce the amount of gas in the intestines, to conduct a full study. Ultrasound makes it possible to identify neoplasms, cysts, stones in the early stages, establish an accurate diagnosis and subsequently prescribe high-quality treatment. Before making a diagnosis, you must consult a doctor and follow a number of simple rules.

An ultrasound scan requires preparation

Nutrition rules before ultrasound of the liver

Preparation for ultrasound examination begins a few days before the appointed date. It is very important to follow your doctor's recommendations, eat right and stick to your diet.

Compliance with dietary rules will reduce flatulence, intestinal spasm and get reliable results. It is necessary to eat often, but in small portions. The diet ends in the evening on the eve of a diagnostic study of the liver, gallbladder or pancreas. The last dinner before the procedure should be light, no later than 19:00, 8-12 hours before the examination. It is important to avoid overeating.

For infants under 1 year old, doctors recommend skipping the last feed and not drinking water. In children from 1 to 3 years old, the last feeding should be at least 3.5 hours before the examination. If a pregnant woman can tolerate it, then it is better not to eat before the ultrasound.

Comment! In extreme cases, the last meal before the examination should be at least 5-6 hours in advance. An ultrasound scan is performed on an empty stomach.

Diet before ultrasound of the liver

Before an ultrasound of the liver, doctors recommend following a special diet. It cannot be called tough. The diet includes many products that are recommended by experts. When following a diet, you must refrain from eating prohibited foods. It is very important to give up spicy, fatty, fried, smoked and pickled foods. For small children, pregnant women, diabetics, a more gentle diet is needed.

During the diet, it is very important for adults to drink more liquid: water, unsweetened tea or compote from berries and fruits

Drinking juice is questionable. A doctor's consultation is required.

Important! Adult ultrasound is done when the bladder is full.

In addition to adherence to the diet, preparation for an ultrasound scan may include the use of certain medications. You can use them after consulting your doctor. The following medications have proven their effectiveness: "Smecta", "Eneterosgel", "Festal" ("Mezim Forte"). In years past, doctors prescribed activated charcoal to prepare patients for such procedures. However, this method is now deprecated.

Comment! If the patient suffers from flatulence, on the eve of the ultrasound examination it is necessary to take "Espumisan". Dosage of the drug: 80 mg 3 times a day plus 80 mg in the morning before ultrasound.

Prohibited foods

Observing a diet before an ultrasound of the liver, it is necessary to exclude food products that can cause an increase in the inflammatory process, bloating, and an increase in gas formation. The gases that form in the intestines can distort image quality. Prohibited foods include the following:

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  • sauerkraut;
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils);
  • flour sweet products;
  • black and white bread;
  • milk in any form (tea or coffee with milk, milk porridge, soups, ice cream);
  • cottage cheese and dairy products;
  • fruits that contribute to the formation of gases (apples, corn, plums, grapes);
  • raw vegetables (especially carrots, cabbage, beets, radishes);
  • carbonated drinks, coffee, beer;
  • chewing gum.
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It is important to quit drinking alcohol and nicotine before conducting a study. Smoking can cause stomach cramps and skew test results. It is very important to give up fast food and fast food.

Allowed Products

Doctors recommend eating certain foods that are easy to digest and do not cause flatulence and bloating when dieting before an ultrasound scan of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. The list of recommended and approved products includes:

  • boiled beef or poultry;
  • boiled (preferably steamed) or baked lean fish;
  • soft-boiled eggs (no more than 1 per day);
  • cereal porridge (barley, oatmeal, buckwheat);
  • low-fat hard cheese;
  • baked apples.
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Is it okay to eat and drink on the day of the procedure

Ultrasound is done on an empty stomach. If the diagnostic test is carried out after 15:00, the healthcare team will allow a light breakfast. For people with diabetes, doctors are allowed to drink sweetened tea with breadcrumbs. Reception of the write should be no later than 6-8 hours before the start of the ultrasound.

On the day before the ultrasound, you must refuse to eat

If a diagnostic study has already been carried out the day before, for example, a colonoscopy or other procedures on the organs of the digestive system, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this. If you use these diagnostic methods one after another, the ultrasound results may be unreliable.


Diet before ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas helps prepare for the procedure. A doctor's consultation is necessary, more often a diet is required for three days. You should use the products recommended by experts and refuse prohibited components. This will avoid an increase in gas production and make the diagnostic results clearer and more reliable. The diet ends in the evening before the day of diagnosis. On the day of the ultrasound, it is undesirable to eat. For people with diabetes, pregnant women and babies, there are some dietary adjustments.

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