The benefits and harms of hummus, calories, cooking

Hummus is an appetizer with chickpea puree as the main ingredient. According to ancient manuscripts and documents, the recipe for this dish was well known eight centuries before the present day to the inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Greece. At the end of the 20th century, the secret of making hummus again became available to the general public, and today it has entered the daily diet of many people who abandoned animal products and made a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

The benefits and harms of chickpea hummus, detailed composition, recipes and recommendations for storage and freezing will be discussed in detail in the following text.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Despite the fact that hummus is a very satisfying and high-calorie snack, it definitely belongs to the category of healthy food. Hummus, prepared according to the classic recipe, has approximately the following nutritional value:

  • proteins: 9%;
  • fat: 14-17%;
  • carbohydrates: 16-18%.

Depending on the selected ingredients, the calorie content of the snack varies in the range of 220-260 kcal.


Translated from Hebrew and Arabic, the word hummus means both an appetizer made from chickpea and nohut itself (mutton peas). Chickpea protein has excellent digestibility, and its structure is very similar to animal protein, which makes it a complete alternative to fatty meats rich in cholesterol. In addition, the following ingredients are included in a traditional oriental snack called hummus:

  1. Sesame paste (tahini). A paste-like mass of ground sesame seeds is distinguished by the highest content of calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Fatty Omega-3 acids prevent age-related changes and significantly increase the elasticity of the skin.
  2. Olive oil normalizes the digestive function and stabilizes the acidity of the stomach. For many hundreds of years in a row, olive oil has been used to treat gastrointestinal diseases and nervous disorders.
  3. Garlic lowers cholesterol and has pronounced antibacterial properties, inhibiting the activity of diphtheria bacillus, staphylococci and yeasts.
  4. Lemon juice contains impressive amounts of fluoride, manganese, copper, magnesium, calcium and vitamins. It helps to improve memory, concentration and increase the body's natural defenses.

Paprika has a stimulating effect on the liver and pancreas, relieves flatulence, cramps and stomach cramps. Sesame has a high calcium content, and its oil is a storehouse of valuable fatty acids.

The benefits and harms of hummus for the body

First of all, a hearty chickpea snack saturates the body with a sufficient amount of easily digestible protein, as well as fiber, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. Secondly, the paste of their lamb peas is completely cholesterol free, so it can be used by people suffering from various diseases of the cardiovascular system.Listing the beneficial properties of hummus, it is also necessary to dwell on the following positive qualities of an oriental snack:

  • beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system;
  • improving brain function;
  • ridding the body of accumulated toxins;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • normalization of metabolic processes.

A chickpea snack is able to stabilize digestion, and due to the presence of insoluble fiber, hummus accelerates the removal of harmful cholesterol from the body.

For women

The lamb pea snack is a real find for women who prefer a healthy diet. Amino acids, vitamins and microelements that make up hummus help to improve visual acuity, smooth wrinkles and restore general metabolism.

Is hummus possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

A number of highly respected nutritionists believe that the diet of a nursing mother is 1/5 should consist of protein, of which chickpeas contain as much as 25%. In addition, mutton peas help young mothers to fill the lack of iron and vitamins of groups K, E, C, A and B. Chickpeas are much less gas-generating than peas and most types of beans.

Important! During the period of breastfeeding, it is recommended to introduce hummus into the diet with great care no earlier than in the third or fourth month of the baby's life.

If the child develops colic or allergic reactions to mutton peas or other components of the snack, the mother should postpone the introduction of the snack into the diet for several more weeks or months.

For men

Hummus is a popular snack among Arab men who are known for their hot temperament and high performance. Lamb peas and sesame paste contain large amounts of zinc. Regular consumption of chickpeas helps prevent various diseases of the prostate and genitourinary system.

Attention! Manganese, sodium, phosphorus and a number of amino acids increase vitality and help to resist stress and depressive disorders.

Hummus contains leucite, which can increase muscle mass gain, so this lamb pea snack will be appreciated by fans of bodybuilding and strength sports.

When losing weight

Despite the fact that hummus is a fairly high-calorie snack, it can be used in diet menus aimed at getting rid of extra pounds. Paprika helps to activate metabolic processes in the body, accelerates the elimination of toxins. Lemon juice is a very effective fat burner with a minimum of side effects and contraindications. Sesame oil can boost metabolism.

Attention! For women and men looking for health, hummus will be interesting for its ability to reduce cravings for sweets.

Contraindications and harm of hummus

Despite such an impressive list of useful qualities, the use of hummus can be harmful to health. For example, deleting chickpeas and a snack made from it from their own diet is worth people suffering from flatulence and a predisposition to overweight. It is recommended to refrain from nourishing oriental snacks from nohut in case of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to one of the components.

Making hummus

Homemade hummus recipe

In order to make hummus at home, you need a household chopper (blender) and the following ingredients:

  • olive oil (2-3 tbsp. l);
  • lemon juice (4-7 tbsp. l);
  • zira (1/2 teaspoon);
  • sesame seeds - 75-80 grams;
  • lamb peas (chickpeas) - 250-300 grams.

Chickpeas must be pre-soaked for an interval of 10 to 12 hours, after which the water must be changed and cooked over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. The degree of readiness is determined directly by the peas, which should be easily rubbed with fingers in mashed potatoes.Zira is fried on the surface of a dry frying pan without adding oil for several minutes. In the absence of sesame paste, sesame seeds are fried in the same way. The further algorithm for making hummus looks like this:

  1. Roasted cumin and sesame seeds are ground in a coffee grinder, after which they must be cooled to room temperature.
  2. Sesame and cumin powder are mixed with peeled garlic cloves and olive oil, after which salt is added (to taste).
  3. The resulting mass is crushed until smooth, and then mixed with boiled lamb peas.
  4. Further, as the ingredients turn into mashed potatoes with a homogeneous consistency, you need to slowly add water or broth (broth left after cooking chickpeas).

Lemon juice and paprika are added at the final stage of making a chickpea snack, which is placed in a bowl or other suitable container and decorated with finely chopped herbs (optional). Olive oil can be substituted for sesame oil, there is an old Jewish recipe in which a chickpea snack is prepared exclusively using directly pressed sesame seed oil.

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Chickpea hummus

There are recipes for hummus made from beans, lentils, or peas with celery, oregano, mushrooms, tomato paste, turmeric, fresh cucumbers, limes, and chili peas.

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The classic Jewish version of the snack involves the use of chickpeas, cumin (cumin), lemon juice, garlic and herbs. The addition of finely ground pine nuts and coriander is allowed. A pea snack differs from a chickpea snack in its lower protein content and the ability to provoke flatulence.

Recommended reading:  Turmeric: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties, application

Can hummus be frozen

In the event that a large amount of snacks has been prepared, it is quite possible to freeze it. However, this procedure negatively affects the taste of hummus. To preserve the aroma and flavor of the chickpea paste as much as possible, it is recommended to pour a little olive oil over it before freezing and place it in an airtight plastic container, leaving some free space in it. It is worth considering the fact that chickpea and sesame paste puree increases in volume as a result of freezing, so you cannot fill the container tightly to the top.

Hummus can be stored in an airtight container for up to six months. It is preferable to defrost the appetizer by placing it in the refrigerator for a day.

What and how is hummus eaten with?

Hummus can be eaten as a stand-alone snack, spread over pita bread or thin pita bread. Chickpea appetizer is often used as a hearty addition to salads, sausages, vegetable stews, fried and boiled eggs, turkey and chicken. In eastern countries, pizza with goat cheese, olives and hummus is very popular. Chickpea appetizer goes well with fresh vegetables and salads.

How to choose and store

It is believed that a ready-made hummus snack can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. In the case of deep freezing, these indicators increase for a period from one month to six months. Store-bought chickpea snacks may have a longer shelf life due to the addition of various preservatives. When choosing hummus to buy, you should pay attention to the composition, as well as, if possible, read the reviews on the product you like.


The benefits and harms of hummus, various preparation options and storage conditions were discussed above. It remains to add that the chickpea snack is an excellent source of complete protein and a great alternative to animal protein.Therefore, hummus is a godsend for people adhering to vegetarianism, a healthy lifestyle, diabetics and athletes.

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