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What is useful, how to prepare and apply honey with pollen
The beneficial properties of honey with pollen and contraindications are determined by the composition of this natural mixture. It is recommended to be used by almost all people, including ...
Boron Foods: Top 5 Richest Foods
Boron is one of the most important trace elements for the human body. The substance is in fifth place in the periodic table. This connection accepts ...
Foods high in potassium and magnesium
Among the elements indicated in the periodic table, special importance is attached to potassium and magnesium. These substances support cardiovascular health. Foods rich ...
What foods contain growth hormone: a list of which stimulate
Top growth foods cannot provide significant height gains. But eating wholesome food helps to avoid delays in ...
Foods containing potassium: which are the most, table
Well-being depends on the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. Potassium helps to maintain health to a large extent. This item, included ...
Foods containing phosphorus in large quantities: TOP-10 most enriched
An unbalanced diet can cause phosphorus deficiency in the body. This element is important for healthy bones and teeth, normal kidney function, ...
Chlorine foods: TOP 5 richest
Chlorine-containing foods should be in every person's diet. This nutrient is necessary to maintain osmotic pressure, it is involved in the regulation of ...
Useful and harmful foods for cardiac arrhythmias
Arrhythmia is considered a common form of heart rhythm disturbance. In another way, the pathology is called atrial fibrillation. The characteristic feature includes sudden attacks of rapid heartbeat ...
The benefits and harms of miso soup: composition, calorie content
Miso soup is a Japanese dish made with tofu cheese and dashi fish broth. It received its distribution another 750 ...
Why date syrup is useful and how to make it at home
Date syrup is in great demand among supporters of proper nutrition. Due to its high content of natural sugars, it is often used as a useful sweetener ....


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