Why quail eggs are useful

Even on the shelves of ordinary stores, you can often see miniature eggs with brown spots, carried by quails. What are the benefits and harms of quail eggs, and how are they used in the kitchen, in treatment and cosmetology?

The composition and calorie content of a quail egg

The product can be considered the record holder for the content of substances useful to the body. In particular, it contains:

  • B vitamins - B9, B2, B1, B6;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin A;
  • nicotinic acid PP;
  • choline and beta-carotene;
  • valuable minerals - calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium, chlorine and phosphorus;
  • iron and copper;
  • quite rare minerals - cobalt and molybdenum, chromium and manganese;
  • amino acids.

100 g contains 168 calories. Most of all fat in a delicacy product - about 13 g, another 12 g are proteins, and the share of carbohydrates is only 0.6 g. There is a lot of water in the eggs - 73 g.

How many quail eggs replace one chicken? You need to take 5 - 6 pieces of delicious eggs, so that the weight and nutritional value are approximately equal to 1 chicken.

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The benefits of quail eggs for the body

It may be difficult to get enough of miniature delicacies, but this is not their main benefit. The properties of the product and its unique composition contribute to the fact that eggs:

  • help in the treatment of stomach and intestinal ailments;
  • stimulate the brain and cleanse the blood;
  • increase resistance to infections and viruses;
  • tone up;
  • reduce the possibility of developing atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes;
  • speed up metabolism and maintain normal vision;
  • help with asthma and allergies;
  • Prevents diabetes and protects the kidneys and bladder from stone formation.

The benefits of quail eggs for women

Quail eggs will be of particular benefit to the fair sex. Quail eggs for women over 50 are very valuable, since the properties of the product regulate sex hormones and improve the condition during menopause. These same properties help young women to quickly return to normal after childbirth.

Why are quail eggs useful for men

For men, the benefit of the product is that it raises testosterone levels and has a positive effect on potency. The product is capable of preventing inflammation of the prostate gland.

Is it possible to quail eggs for children

Ordinary large eggs are introduced late into the children's diet, but quail eggs are an exception - due to their miniature size, they will not harm. But the benefits will be great - the properties of the product will protect the child's eyesight, contribute to the good functioning of the brain and memory, and strengthen the immune system.Therefore, in small quantities, the delicacy is not only allowed for children, but also very important for their diet.

At what age can a child be given

For the first time, it is possible to offer a product to a baby as early as 9 months - but in very small quantities. You should start literally with a grain of boiled yolk. If there is no negative reaction, then gradually the dosage can be increased to half the yolk, and by 12 months - to the whole. Protein is introduced into the diet after 1 year - and at the same time they begin to acquaint the child with omelets and casseroles from this product.

Important! Despite its valuable properties, the product can cause individual negative reactions in children. In order not to harm the baby, before introducing a delicacy into the diet, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Is it possible to eat quail eggs for pregnant and lactating

A useful product is very rich in folic acid and other valuable substances, therefore, it is definitely recommended to use it while carrying a child. The delicacy will help strengthen the developing body of the fetus and insure against miscarriage.

When breastfeeding, quail eggs can be consumed daily, in a couple of pieces, partially replacing more allergenic chicken eggs.

Are quail eggs good for weight loss?

At first glance, it seems that the nutritional value of 168 calories makes the product not the best choice for the diet. But we must remember that the calorie content is indicated for 100 g of the product - and one testicle weighs much less. Therefore, during weight loss, 1 - 2 pieces per day are permissible and very useful - they will help fill the lack of valuable substances.

Quail egg treatment

The health benefits of quail eggs are expressed in the fact that the product even helps alleviate some chronic diseases. How is it supposed to use a delicacy for various ailments?

With pancreatitis

Even at an acute stage with an inflammatory disease of the pancreas, the product can be consumed - but only in its raw form. In extreme cases, soft-boiled testicles are allowed. The fact is that boiled yolk is too hard to digest and can harm the pancreas.

With gastritis and ulcers

With peptic ulcer disease and chronic gastritis, eating a product is also better unprocessed. Fresh eggs envelop the inside of the stomach to help fight nausea and heartburn and relieve inflammation.

With diabetes

In diabetes mellitus, the product is not prohibited - the sugar level does not increase from it, but the beneficial properties allow you to maintain normal health. However, before consuming a delicacy, it is imperative to consult with your doctor - in some complex forms of diabetes, the body can still be harmful.

In case of poisoning

The product contains cleansing properties, so in case of food poisoning, you can take one testicle every 6 hours - the body will cope with intoxication faster.

The use of quail eggs in cosmetology

Proteins and yolks are successfully used not only in cooking, but also in folk cosmetology. Their valuable properties have a good effect on the skin, restoring its youth, elasticity and freshness, and also nourish and strengthen weak brittle hair.

Facial masks

To moisturize your face and at the same time get rid of swelling, you can make the following mask:

  • Mix 3 yolks with a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of oatmeal;
  • distribute the mask over the face for 15 minutes;
  • then rinse and apply a cold napkin for a couple of minutes.

Another mask nourishes the skin around the eyes and helps to get rid of swelling and bruising.

  • The egg yolk is mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Add some fresh lemon juice.
  • Gently apply to the delicate skin of the lower and upper eyelids for 20 minutes, avoiding contact with the eyes themselves.

Hair masks

The properties of the product effectively strengthen the hair, give it shine and improve the condition of the scalp.

  • To restore strength to brittle dry hair, you need to mix 3 yolks with 2 teaspoons of castor oil and aloe juice.The mixture is distributed over the hair, then covered with a film and wrapped in a towel for 4 hours. After this time, the mask is washed off with a mild shampoo.
  • To get rid of dandruff, you can mix 3 - 4 yolks with 5 tablespoons of beer and crush some rye bread into the mixture. The mask is stirred, then rubbed into the scalp to wash off with shampoo after half an hour.
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Masks are recommended to be done at least twice or three times a week, then the benefits of them will quickly become noticeable.

The benefits and harms of quail egg shells

It is not necessary to throw out the egg shells - they can also be used for food. The benefits are no less than from the yolks themselves - the shell contains the same set of useful minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

You can only eat the shells of boiled eggs. Before use, they need to be ground into the finest powder, and then added to coffee, taken with water, or used as a spice for various dishes.

Advice! On a day, an adult is allowed to use powder from 3 shells, for adolescents under 18 years old it is better to stop on a ground shell of 2 eggs. And small children from 1 to 8 years old should be given powder in an amount of no more than 1 shell.

When cooked correctly, the properties of the shell cannot be harmful. It is only dangerous to grind a poorly washed shell from a raw egg into powder. You also need to make sure that no large shell particles remain in the powder, which can injure the mouth or throat.

How to eat quail eggs

How do you eat quail eggs for more benefits? The product can be processed in all available ways - hard-boiled and soft-boiled, fried in a pan, consumed raw, added to baking dough.

True, there is one caveat - it is irrational to use healthy, but tiny delicacies for preparing voluminous dishes. Usually they are used as a decorative touch. Product meets:

  • in salads;
  • on sandwiches and toasts;
  • in rolls and casseroles;
  • in side dishes and soups;
  • in dessert dishes.

The product goes well with any vegetables and fruits, with meats and cheeses, with fish dishes and herbs.

The cholesterol in quail eggs is quite high (one third of the daily value in 1 egg), and it is recommended to consume them in small quantities. The daily norm is 2 - 3 pieces for a healthy adult, and it is better for children and people with poor health to limit themselves to 1 testicle per day.

Raw quail eggs: benefit or harm

The fresh product, which has not undergone any processing, retains a maximum of vitamins and all valuable properties. And this means that the greatest benefit to the body will come from raw eggs. Raw quail eggs on an empty stomach are good for your health. And if such a product does not seem very pleasant to the taste, it is added to porridge or mashed potatoes, mixed with sweet juice or sugar.

However, with this method of use, harm is also possible - eggs can carry salmonella bacteria. The risk is considered not too high. Quails are clean birds, and the testicles are covered with a very dense, almost impenetrable shell. And nevertheless, the possibility of contracting a dangerous infection still exists.

Advice! In order not to give up eating raw eggs, you should buy them only in a trusted store or directly from a reliable supplier. Before breaking the shell, it must be thoroughly washed.

How to boil quail eggs

Miniature eggs are cooked much faster than chicken eggs. They need to be kept in boiling water for only 5 minutes if you want to get a hard-boiled egg, and no more than 2 minutes if soft-boiled - then the benefits of boiled quail eggs are preserved as much as possible.

Harm of quail eggs and contraindications for use

The valuable properties of eggs in some cases can turn into harm to the human body. The product has the following contraindications:

  • hepatitis and other severe liver disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • renal failure;
  • atherosclerosis and complicated diabetes;
  • egg allergy.

The main disadvantage of the product is its high cholesterol content. If you are sensitive to this organic compound, it is better to refuse the delicacy.

How to choose quail eggs

You can buy a useful product even in a regular store, but first you need to carefully inspect the packaging. Good fresh eggs should be:

  • intact - without damage to the shell;
  • rather heavy - if the egg weighs almost nothing, then its shelf life has expired long ago;
  • with a bright and saturated shell - a too faded shell indicates an egg that is not fully formed.

How long can quail eggs be stored

You can keep a healthy product only in the refrigerator. At very low temperatures, fresh eggs remain fresh for up to 2 months, and in conditions above 10 degrees - no longer than a week. Hard-boiled eggs are kept in the refrigerator for about 7 days.


The benefits and harms of quail eggs depend on how much they are consumed. If you do not exceed the daily allowance, then there will be no harm to the body - on the contrary, the product will help to cope with ailments in many ailments.


Savelyeva Irina Viktorovna, 36 years old, Tyumen
Quail eggs are one of my favorite foods. Tiny, very healthy, tasty even raw, they noticeably strengthen the body, restore vigor, and improve mood. I don't use them every day, but they are almost always in the fridge - once or twice a week, they must drink a couple of raw eggs. In addition, I will teach my son when he turns 8 - the properties of the product will be very useful for a growing organism.
Severtseva Lidia Petrovna, 43 years old, Chita
Of all the eggs, I like quail eggs the most - a very versatile and healthy product. I drink them raw, sometimes fry a small omelet, often add boiled to salads or sandwiches. In recent years, she has also begun to make masks from yolks - in winter they are very effective, nourish both skin and hair, and almost replace expensive emollient creams.

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