Why olives are useful, properties and calorie content

Olives are fruits that have pits and flesh that are olive green. Since the fruit is unripe, the pulp does not separate well from the seeds. The benefits and harms of olives for the human body are determined by their composition and cooking characteristics. Also, the fruits are used in cooking.

Where and how olives grow

Olives are the fruit of a long-lived olive tree that has been growing for about 2000 years. It is a powerful plant and embodies nobility, wisdom, maturity. The tree was previously grown in the Mediterranean. Now it can be found in countries such as Morocco, Georgia, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Russia.

Olives are a berry, fruit or vegetable

Olives belong to the category of berries, which reach 1.5 cm in length and about 1 cm in diameter. Natural fruits have a bitter taste, therefore they are eaten in pickled or soaked form. The benefits of olives for the human body are determined by the period of their collection and their properties.

Olives and olives: what's the difference

Olives and olives are synonymous with the same variety and also grow on the same tree. The difference is that the former are green fruits, while the latter are ripe. The color of olives is influenced by their ripeness level. The green fruits are very hard due to the low amount of oils they contain. When fully ripe, the berries become dark purple in color, and their flesh shrivels.

Green fruits are collected by hand in special baskets. Ripe olives fall on their own in baskets, which are pre-installed under the trees. After harvesting, the fruits are sorted according to size. The berries are placed in a special solution with caustic soda, which eliminates the bitterness.

Natural olives are expensive, so many people produce them on their own. After collecting green berries, they are put into a container to which oxygen is supplied, which leads to oxidation. To obtain a dark color, a special dye is added.

The chemical composition and calorie content of olives

The benefits of green olives are determined by their versatile composition. The pulp and seeds contain vitamins and beta-carotene. The product consists of minerals:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium.

The benefits of olive seeds are determined by the composition, which includes dietary fiber and antioxidants. Studies have shown that the product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The calorie content of the product is 115 calories per 100 g.

Useful properties of olives

The benefits of olive pits and pulp are determined by their universal composition and special properties. The product has a positive effect on the performance of the gastrointestinal tract. After consuming them, digestion improves.The fruits help to improve appetite, as well as normalize bowel function. Thanks to the product, high-quality absorption of nutrients by the body is ensured. The benefits of the fruits are that their action is aimed at improving the intestinal microflora.

The benefits of pickled olives are due to their unique composition and properties. Thanks to antioxidants, an effective fight against aging is ensured. The action of dietary fiber improves intestinal motility. Polyunsaturated fatty acids lower blood cholesterol levels. This reduces the risk of thrombus formation and ensures that the elasticity of the vessel walls is maintained.

The fruit contains vitamin C and iron, which contributes to their high-quality assimilation. That is why the berries are recommended for the treatment and prevention of anemia. Thanks to vitamins E and C, the efficiency of the immune system increases, so berries should be consumed for various infectious diseases. Their action is aimed at normalizing cerebral circulation.

Important! Berries have a slight sedative effect and improve the performance of the central nervous system.

The fruit contains potassium and vitamins, which ensure the stabilization of blood pressure indicators. Since thanks to vitamin PP and fiber, the level of cholesterol in the blood is regulated, the berries are recommended to be consumed in case of atherosclerosis. The fruit does not contain sugar. But they are rich in fatty acids. With regular intake of berries, a decrease in blood sugar levels and an increase in metabolism are observed. The substances included in the fruit have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

For women

The benefits of olives for women are determined by the fact that they are able to positively influence their appearance. It contains vitamin E, which is good for skin and hair.

The benefits of canned olives for women are determined by the fact that they are often used to treat diseases of the circulatory system. If the fairer sex regularly uses the product, it will reduce the risk of breast cancer.

For men

The benefits and harms of olive seeds, as well as the pulp of the fruit, for men is invaluable. Berries contain a lot of nutrients, so they are recommended for consumption. The use of olives for men is that they help prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke. The product is used for the treatment of gallstone disease.

Important! Vitamin E improves blood circulation and sperm quality.

With the use of olive fruits, the intensity of the process of destruction of testosterone by insulin decreases. Thanks to vitamin B 6, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and circulatory insufficiency is eliminated. With the help of vitamin B 9, hair growth is stimulated and hair loss is fought. Fatty acids help cleanse blood vessels, which ensures a full rush of blood to the pelvic organs. This is positively reflected in erection. With the help of zinc, an increase in the level of testosterone in the blood is provided.

Are olives good for kids

The benefits of Greek olives for children are invaluable. They are sources of calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, which are necessary for the full growth and development of the baby. Due to the presence of polyphenols, memory and thinking are improved, which is positively reflected in the learning process. Berries consist of amino acids and vitamins, which are useful for the growing body of the child. Children are allowed to eat fruits only after consulting a pediatrician.

Can olives be for pregnant and lactating mothers

The benefits of olives for pregnant women are determined by the fact that they are able to compensate for the significant loss of sodium salts during this period.When eating berries, a complete restoration of the water-salt balance is ensured and the general condition of a woman in a position improves.

The benefits and harms of sun-dried olives are determined by their preparation method. The berries are dried in the sun. That is why they do not include harmful preservatives and salts in their composition.

The benefits of fruits are very large for nursing mothers, as they improve the quality of breast milk. Fatty amino acids are the building blocks of the skin. They provide the production of sex hormones, have a positive effect on the immune and vascular system.

Magnesium, which is part of the fruit, has a positive effect on the nervous system of the mother and child. Calcium ensures complete bone formation.

Are olives allowed for diabetes

The benefits and harms of canned olives for the body of a diabetic were discussed by specialists who came to the conclusion that this product is necessary for the patient.

Advice! The patient is recommended to eat no more than 4 berries daily, which will exclude the possibility of developing undesirable effects and harm to the body.

Olives for weight loss

The olive fruit is widely used for weight loss in the Mediterranean diet. With their help, lipid and protein metabolism is improved. It is recommended to eat berries pickled. In order for polyunsaturated acids to be fully absorbed, you need to include the product in salads, for which you use lime, lemon or cranberry juice.

Is there a benefit in pickled and canned olives

The benefits and harms of olives in jars are determined by the way they are preserved. Compared to fresh berries, the pickled product is less useful. But, if you follow the canning technology correctly, you can save most of the nutrients and their properties. The benefits of seedless canned green fruits are less than with them.

The benefits and harms of olive seeds

Most experts advise eating pitted berries. The beneficial properties of olives canned with them increase. This is due to the fact that the stone retains vitamins and microelements even after heat treatment of the berry.

The use of olives in cooking

The health benefits and harms of olives are related concepts. But there are much fewer harmful qualities, so berries are widely used in cooking. The product is used as an independent dish. This is a canned cold appetizer. Also, the fruits are used for making salads.

Oil is squeezed out of the pulp of the berries, which is recommended to be used for dressing salads. The product can be used for making pizza and various hot dishes, snacks. Sauces with added fruits have a pleasant taste and aroma.

How to preserve olives at home

The benefits and harms of pitted green canned olives are determined by the way they are prepared. You can get a tasty and healthy snack at home.

For this you need:

  1. Put the washed berries in sterilized jars.
  2. Add olive oil and lemon zest to the saucepan.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and add a few black peppercorns to it.
  4. The marinade should boil for 4 minutes.
  5. After this time, it is removed from the heat and jars of berries are poured.
  6. After that, the container is sealed and infused for 2 days at room temperature.
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The harm of olives

Canned olives are available in our country, the benefits and harms of which are determined by their properties. The harm of stuffed olives is due to the presence of chemical additives in their composition. If iron gluconate and caustic soda remain in the jars, this can adversely affect health.

Contraindications to use

Before using the product, it is recommended to first determine the contraindications, because they can harm the state of health.Canned fruit brine contains a lot of salt. That is why it is forbidden to use them for people who have cystitis.

Attention! With cholecystitis, olive fruits are strictly prohibited, since they have a choleretic effect.

A contraindication to the use of fruits is gastritis. If a person has gastritis with high acidity, then he must refuse the product. Their use for cooking food is not recommended for a child who is less than 3 years old.

If in the course of treatment the patient is advised to take "Retinol", then it is allowed to use olives only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

How to choose and store olives

In order to ensure the benefits of the product, it is recommended to select and store the olive fruit correctly. Pickled berries are packed in various containers, on which the storage characteristics depend. If the olives are vacuum packed, it is best to give preference to small portions. When choosing a large package, the remaining berries must be poured into a glass container.

Store olives in glass jars in the refrigerator. In this case, the container lid must be completely closed. If olives are packed in plastic containers, care must be taken to ensure that they remain transparent.

When choosing olives, you must carefully inspect the container for defects, double labels, expiration date and production date. When buying berries in a transparent container, you should pay attention to the turbidity of the brine.


The benefits and harms of olives have been studied by experts for many years. They have proven that this product is capable of positive effects on the body. Olives are a unique product that has a number of beneficial properties. Before use, it is recommended to determine contraindications, which will exclude the possibility of developing undesirable effects.

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