Why salmon milk is useful, how to cook it

When cleaning freshly caught or just bought salmon or salmon, many people, without hesitation, throw away fish milk as unnecessary. Meanwhile, our ancestors greatly appreciated this natural product and ate it for centuries. Even then, its extraordinary nutritional value and useful properties were noted. It will be useful for all lovers of this delicacy, and even those who do not like it too much, to figure out what the benefits and harms of salmon milk are.

What is milk

Milk is the seed glands of fish that are found in the abdominal cavity of sexually mature males. They got their name due to the white color, reminiscent of the color of milk. Milk is consumed mainly in Eastern European countries and in Japan. But in the West, such a product is considered exotic because of its rather peculiar taste.

What milk belongs to salmon

It is generally recognized that the milk of the salmon family is considered the most nutritious and useful, since they contain the greatest number of vitamins and microelements. Fish of this family can vary greatly in appearance, habitat and way of feeding, but they also have some common features. Most of them have a long, slightly laterally flattened body with large rounded scales, on which, as a rule, a lateral line is clearly traced. Red meat is another characteristic of salmonids. This family includes the following representatives:

  • trout;
  • pink salmon;
  • salmon;
  • salmon;
  • salmon;
  • chum;
  • grayling.

The chemical composition of salmon milk

Milk of salmon fish species has considerable benefits due to its rich chemical composition. They contain a supply of vitamins A, PP, C, E, as well as a whole list of B-group vitamins. They also contain useful micro and macro elements:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • folic and ascorbic acid.

Nutritional value and calorie content of milk

The uniqueness of fish milk is that there are practically no carbohydrates in them, and most of the calories come from the protein component. Despite the fact that the seed glands of fish are a storehouse of polyunsaturated fatty acids, they contain very little fat as such. The total caloric content of 100 g of this product is only 95 kcal, which makes it a dietary food.

Useful properties of salmon milk

Due to the large amount of various substances, the milk of any salmon breed, be it salmon or chum salmon, has tremendous benefits for humans. They are a source of beneficial Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which support the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, give elasticity to veins and capillaries, and prevent the increase in bad cholesterol levels.These acids are also involved in the functioning of the central nervous system and have a beneficial effect on brain activity, reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Fish milk also contains protamines - special protein compounds that have a unique property that allows you to prolong the effect of various drugs and increase their absorption. For example, doctors often use protamines in combination with insulin injections to treat diabetes.

Since fish milk is composed mainly of protein, it contains useful amino acids, some of which are not produced by the body. The many functions of these essential substances include the regulation of the work of all internal systems, increase immunity and normalize blood glucose levels.

In addition, the properties of salmon milk have a positive effect on hematopoietic processes due to the iron contained in them. Potassium and phosphorus, which are part of the fish glands, participate in the formation of bone tissue, and magnesium and sodium help cleanse the liver of harmful compounds and alcohol breakdown products.

The benefits of salmon milk for women are especially noted. The nucleotides contained in the product have anti-aging properties, enhance collagen production, and also protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Combined with vitamin E, beneficial for the epidermis, they improve the condition of the skin, make it soft and healthy color, and make hair and nails strong and shiny. Because of these features, milk is used in cosmetology in the production of facial cosmetics with whitening and antibacterial properties.

The benefits of fish milk, in particular pink salmon, have been proven for men. Amino acids in their composition help to improve potency and enhance sexual desire. In addition, they are characterized by anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore will be especially useful for people with diseases of the genitourinary system.

Slimming salmon milk

Many people striving to get rid of extra pounds do not add fish milk to their diet, as they are convinced that their benefits will not compensate for the harm done to the figure. However, these fears are unfounded. Milk is considered a low-calorie product due to the small amount of fats and carbohydrates and is often recommended for dietary meals. In addition, they contain useful B vitamins, the property of which is the regulation of human metabolism. With their help, the body's metabolism is normalized, harmful toxins are more efficiently removed, and, as a result, the body spends its internal fat reserves faster. And being a great source of protein, salmon milk relieves hunger for a long time, allowing you to do without additional snacks.

Is milk possible for pregnant and lactating women

The beneficial properties of salmon milk make this seafood safe for women during pregnancy. In small quantities, it will benefit not only the body of the expectant mother, but also have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. So, Omega-3 acids will participate in the formation of the nervous system and blood vessels of the embryo, calcium will affect the strength of bones and teeth, and magnesium will help a woman cope with stress during this important period of life. Milk can be consumed without harm to health during breastfeeding. However, this should be done only after consulting a doctor, strictly adhering to the recommended dosage.

Salmon milk for children

Despite its soft consistency and a lot of useful properties, salmon milk is poorly suited as the first fish food for a child. It will not be easy for the developing digestive system of the baby to cope with such nutritious food, therefore, parents should postpone the introduction of salmon milk into the diet of a child up to 2.5 - 3 years old.After reaching this age, you can try adding a small amount of milk to the menu, after consulting with your pediatrician. After the first intake of new seafood, it is worth waiting 24 hours to determine if the child has allergy symptoms. If these are not observed, the dosage can be gradually increased.

As for the slightly older children, salmon milk will not harm them, but, on the contrary, will only benefit. Growing organisms need protein food for normal muscle and bone development, and magnesium and phosphorus will be needed by schoolchildren and preschoolers to enhance brain activity and improve concentration.

Is raw milk eaten

Although raw fish milk is as beneficial as cooked milk, it is undesirable to consume it without pretreatment, as there is a risk of infection with harmful parasites that may be in the fish. To avoid harm to health, it is best to fry or boil the milk for 20 minutes before adding it to the dishes. Fortunately, there are many delicious and healthy recipes that use cooked salmon milk as ingredients.

How to cook salmon milk deliciously

For an inexperienced culinary specialist, fish milk may seem like a very specific product for cooking, but in fact, a lot of different dishes are made from them, combining benefits and wonderful taste. Milk is a part of healthy and light salads, fish soup, pates, and can complement main courses, for example, an omelet. They are added to minced meat for cutlets or make filling for pies.

Breaded fried milk

Fried salmon milk has no less benefit. This dish satisfies the appetite well and can be served with or without a side dish. To prepare it you will need:

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  • salmon milt 500 g;
  • chicken egg 2 pcs.;
  • flour 4 tbsp. l .;
  • mineral water with gas 30 ml;
  • soy sauce 4 tbsp l .;
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt and pepper to taste.
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  • Frozen fish milk is pre-thawed, washed thoroughly with running water and cut into large pieces.
  • Put milk in a deep container, add soy sauce and spices. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
  • Beat the eggs with flour and mineral water until the consistency of a liquid homogeneous dough.
  • Pickled milk is dipped in batter and put in a preheated stewpan or frying pan with vegetable oil.
  • Fry on both sides for 8-10 minutes. until golden brown appears.
  • Served cold or hot with a side dish or as an independent dish.
Important! Fried milk combined with a lot of oil can be harmful to people with obesity and gastrointestinal problems. Alternatively, you can steam the seafood or replace the sunflower oil with natural fruit vinegar.

Stewed milk with sour cream

Fish milk is a healthy and nutritious snack when stewed with sour cream. This dish requires the following ingredients:

  • Salmon milk 500 g;
  • Sour cream 100 g;
  • Bulb onion 1 pc .;
  • Green onions 1 bunch;
  • Salt to taste.
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  • Finely chopped onions are fried in a preheated pan with vegetable oil until they turn golden brown.
  • The milk is cut into small pieces and added to the onion.
  • Fry over low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring regularly.
  • Season with sour cream and spices. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with herbs on the finished dish. Serve hot.

Harm of salmon milk and contraindications

For all its benefits, fish milk can be harmful in certain health conditions. So, the glands of salmon fish are contraindicated in humans:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • allergic reactions to seafood;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, people who do not suffer from these diseases can safely consume a healthy product.

How to choose milk

In order for fish milk to bring only health benefits, and possible harm to be minimized, it is important to learn how to choose the right product. The following recommendations will help you purchase a useful and high-quality product:

  • Since fish tends to accumulate harmful compounds in the body, it is necessary to choose milk only from bona fide suppliers or in stores where the products undergo quality control. Unreliable fish farmers often raise commercial species in polluted water, which causes heavy metals and other substances that have a harmful effect on humans to settle in fillets.
  • Their appearance will tell a lot about the quality of milk. They should be firm and smooth to the touch. The color can range from milky white in mature individuals to pinkish in juveniles. If the surface of the milk is loose and has a strong unpleasant odor, it is better not to buy such a product: it will not bring anything but harm.

How to store milk

It is recommended to store salmon milk fresh or frozen to preserve the beneficial properties of the product. Fresh milk should be consumed within 8 days from the date of purchase if it has been stored at a temperature not exceeding 5 ° C. Frozen or pickled fish glands have a shelf life of 3 to 4 months at the same temperature range.

Important! Thawed milk must not be re-frozen to avoid the appearance of harmful microorganisms in it.


Having carefully studied the question of what the benefits and harms of salmon milk are, we can conclude that their beneficial properties outweigh the hypothetical harmful effects. Choosing quality milk and observing the dosage, you can safely enjoy dishes with this unusual seafood.

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