Carp: beneficial properties of fish, chemical composition

The benefits and harms of carp fish are a common subject of controversy among nutritionists. She is considered a freshwater representative of the Karpov family. The fish is referred to as centenarians, not picky about food. Therefore, it is dangerous for some representatives of the fauna.

What does the carp look like and where is found

The carp fish is very popular due to its memorable appearance and taste. Its second name is common carp. It is found in rivers, lakes and reservoirs. The body of an adult is covered with a dense layer of golden scales. The main feature of the carp is a sharp and powerful fin located on the back, and antennae above the oral cavity.

Common carp is distinguished by juicy meat and lack of small bones

The lower fins of the fish are silvery, and the tail is red. The weight of adults ranges from 600 g to 5 kg. Old carp can weigh 30 kg. In length, this representative of the fauna, as a rule, does not exceed 500 cm.

The chemical composition and calorie content of carp

In cooking, carp is held in high esteem. It includes a lot of useful substances and tastes very good. In addition, carp fish is low in calories. There are only 121 kcal per 100 g of the product. The chemical composition is represented by the following substances:

  • saturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins A, PP, E, C and B;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • amino acids;
  • iodine;
  • sodium.
Attention! Retinol in fish improves skin condition and restores vision.

What is useful carp for the human body

Fish must be present in the diet of a health conscious person. It contains fatty acids that are responsible for maintaining youth and beauty. The vitamin-mineral complex, which is part of the common carp, reduces the risk of developing colds and viral diseases by strengthening the immune system.

Useful properties of carp fish:

  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • prevention of age-related decrease in vision;
  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • help in getting rid of extra pounds;
  • improving the appearance of nails, skin and hair;
  • replenishment of the energy reserve;
  • strengthening immunity.

The benefits of carp for joints are due to its rich content of fatty acids and antioxidants. They eliminate discomfort by improving the mobility of the joint tissue. Strengthening of the vascular walls occurs by replenishing ascorbic acid. Amino acids, in turn, provide the start of metabolic processes. Connective fibers stimulate the digestive system.

For women

Carp is especially valuable for the female body. Omega-3, present in its composition, have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. The substance starts reproductive processes by regulating the menstrual cycle. Fatty acids also help improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. The beneficial effect on metabolism allows the use of fish for weight loss. It saturates the body with useful elements without contributing to excess weight gain.In addition, common carp is considered quite satisfying.

In the oven, fish is often cooked in foil, pre-filled with lemon juice and covered with spices

For men

The abundance of nutrients in the carp makes it extremely necessary for the male body. Thanks to macro- and microelements, fertility increases. As a result, the quality of semen improves and erectile function is normalized. For mature men, the presence of fish in the diet helps prevent vascular blockage. The protein in the product contributes to an increase in muscle mass, which is very important in the presence of heavy physical exertion.

Of particular importance for men are the benefits and harms of carp caviar. It helps lower bad cholesterol levels and improves physical endurance.

Important! When cutting carp, a thorough examination must be carried out to exclude the presence of parasites.

During pregnancy

Doctors recommend introducing carp into the diet for pregnant women. The product is a real storehouse of substances useful for the fetus. It helps prevent stretch marks and has a positive effect on a woman's emotional state. Regular consumption of carp in food during pregnancy gives the following results:

  • activation of the process of intellectual development of the baby;
  • maintenance of metabolism;
  • participation in the formation of cell membranes;
  • improved blood composition;
  • reducing the risk of developing postpartum depression;
  • a positive effect on the psychomotor development of the child.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the use of carp can increase the symptoms of toxicosis. Therefore, it is necessary to add it to the diet gradually. Reception is desirable to carry out in small portions.

When breastfeeding

Breastfeeding experts strongly recommend adding carp to a breastfeeding woman's diet. During this period, fish is essential to maintain the body's supply of protein, vitamins and minerals. It perfectly satisfies hunger and does not provoke negative reactions in the child. It is advisable to boil or stew the fish, since it becomes more high-calorie when fried. Before eating fish, it is important to make sure it is fresh.

For children

For children, carp can be an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Unsaturated fatty acids contribute to excellent brain function. And minerals take part in the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, the fish perfectly restores energy reserves.

When losing weight

Carp is considered one of the most common foods for nutritionists. When used correctly, it does not contribute to weight gain. Fish saturates the body with useful elements and is well absorbed by the digestive system. In addition to a side dish and vegetable salads, it is eaten for dinner, and at lunchtime it is consumed as part of a fragrant fish soup. Carp can also be stuffed and used to make cutlets. When added to the diet, the process of losing weight occurs much faster and without health consequences.

Common carp goes well with potatoes
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The benefits and harms of carp caviar

To determine whether carp caviar is good for the human body, just look at its composition. It is enriched with lecithin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The presence of caviar in the diet prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. The rich content of vitamin A improves visual acuity. The composition of carp caviar includes the following substances:

  • natural fats;
  • proteins;
  • phosphorus;
  • lecithin;
  • vitamins of groups E A D B;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

The benefits of fried carp caviar are also low in calories. This is especially true for people looking to lose weight. 100 g of fried product contains 179 kcal. If you cook breaded caviar, the indicator increases slightly.Therefore, it is enough to roll it in flour on both sides. Common carp caviar is often salted at home. In this form, it will perfectly complement boiled potatoes and vegetable salads.

Comment! By nature, carp caviar is white, but before being sold for sale, it is often painted in a golden hue.

The benefits and harms of carp milk

Carp milk also has useful properties. On an industrial scale, they are often used for the manufacture of cosmetics and dietary supplements. In addition, they contain a whole complex of substances that have antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Carp milk is good for bones, blood and teeth. Most often they are eaten fried as an appetizer for the main course. Consuming them consistently is believed to slow the aging process and regulate blood sugar levels.

Carp harm and contraindications

The indiscriminate nature of the carp in food leads to the accumulation of harmful substances in its body. However, they can be neutralized by heat treatment. Therefore, it is very important to cook the fish for the required amount of time. In this case, 25-30 minutes is enough.

When buying, it is important to pay attention to the freshness of the product. Otherwise, the likelihood of encountering food poisoning increases. It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The only contraindication to the use of carp is an allergic reaction.

How to choose and store

If the fish was caught on its own, then you need to use it within 24 hours after catching. In stores, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the carp. It should have red gills and slightly moist scales. Dull eyes, mucus, and discoloration of the gills indicate that the fish is beginning to deteriorate. If carp is purchased in lumpy form, you need to pay attention to the meat. It should be elastic and have an unobtrusive river smell. You should refrain from buying if the fish is damaged and traces of blood. When choosing a frozen carp, preference should be given to those carcasses on which the ice does not exceed 1 cm.

Fresh fish must be stored in the refrigerator, after putting it in a sealed plastic bag. In such conditions, she can lie for a day. The frozen product retains its properties for six months.


The benefits and harms of carp fish are important to study before adding the product to the diet. With moderate use, it does not harm the figure, but saturates the body with useful substances. Experts recommend eating fish 1-2 times a week.

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