The best fruits for immunity: to boost, to strengthen

Every person's diet should contain fruits that increase immunity. Their regular use allows you to strengthen the defenses, establish the work of all systems and prevent deterioration in health. A properly formed diet allows you to saturate the body with the necessary nutrients.

Causes and symptoms of decreased immunity

It is possible to suspect that the protective forces are working poorly by characteristic signs. Symptoms of decreased immunity include:

  • frequent colds, which are severe, are protracted;
  • impaired wound healing;
  • feeling of weakness, increased drowsiness;
  • constantly exacerbating fungal infections;
  • the appearance of abscesses on the skin;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • excessive irritability, nervousness.

Any of these signs should be the reason for contacting a doctor and conducting an examination. Sometimes the patient can normalize the condition on his own by including fruits in the diet to raise immunity.

The weakening of the body's defenses may be associated with the action of external or internal factors. Among the main reasons that lead to a weakening of immunity are the following:

  • malignant tumors;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • HIV infection;
  • operations, injuries;
  • severe damage to internal organs (liver, spleen);
  • helminthic invasions;
  • deterioration of the absorption of nutrients in the intestine;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • progressive renal-hepatic failure.

These diseases are internal factors that weaken the work of the defenses. But the state of immunity also worsens under the influence of external causes:

  • living in regions with an increased background radiation;
  • unhealthy diet for a long time;
  • smoking, use of drugs and alcohol;
  • intake of toxic substances from the air, water, food into the body.
Attention! Excessive or inadequate physical activity can interfere with the function of cells that help prevent disease.

In some cases, it is possible to normalize the condition by drawing up the correct diet and including fruits that are useful for the immune system in the menu. But nutrition is not always able to relieve the patient of problems.

Regular consumption of fruits, which are rich in vitamins C, A, E, prevents the deterioration of immunity

What fruits raise human immunity

To improve the functioning of immune cells, doctors recommend focusing on foods rich in vitamins C, A, E. They are antioxidants, neutralize the negative effects of free radicals. Under the influence of these vitamins, biologically active substances are synthesized in the body, cell metabolism improves, and energy processes are activated.

In addition to vitamins, fruits to improve immunity should contain zinc, selenium, iodine. Substances are involved in the synthesis of cells, help to restore strength.

Fruits that have a positive effect on the state of the body and help to resist infections include:

Important! With the regular use of these products, it is possible to protect the body from the penetration of bacteria, viruses, and strengthen the immune system.

What fruits strengthen the immune system

With the onset of the cold weather, everyone should take care to reduce the risk of disease. If there are no serious health problems (immunodeficiency, oncological lesions), then you can focus on fruits to strengthen immunity. Many people manage to normalize their condition with the help of diet correction.

Lemons, tangerines, pomelo, oranges and other citrus fruits are a source of vitamins C, E. They have a positive effect on the state of the immune defense, digestion, and accelerate recovery from colds.

Persimmons are considered an excellent source of vitamin C and a number of minerals that the body needs. Due to the inclusion in the composition of a large amount of pectins, persimmon has a beneficial effect on digestion, improves the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. In combination, this effect helps to strengthen the immune system.

Feijoa is a source of not only vitamins that have an antioxidant effect, but also iodine. The use of this fruit is necessary for the immunity of adults and children. Apples, pineapples, kiwi and pomegranate seeds are considered a stimulant for the work of protective forces. They increase energy tone, give strength. They can be included in your daily diet.

Recommended reading:  Kiwi: useful properties and contraindications

Immunity-boosting fruit mixes

In the absence of allergies and intolerances to certain fruit products, you can make vitamin cocktails. Juices have a good effect on the state of immunity. They can be prepared from 1 type of fruit, or from several at the same time. Combined options are preferred.

To improve digestion, normalize intestinal microflora and stimulate the work of immune cells, doctors recommend focusing not on juices, but on fruit salads. Combinations with nuts and honey work well.

For children

You can prevent the development of frequent colds by adding fruits to the menu that increase the child's immunity. At a young age, the emphasis should be on apples. They can be given as mashed potatoes, in chunks, and in combination with bananas, pears, and pumpkin.

Warning! Children under 3 years of age are injected with fruit with caution because of the high risk of developing allergic reactions. It is advisable to include in the diet those products that grow in the region of residence.

At an older age, the diet can be diversified with citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples. Schoolchildren are good at eating fruit salads. For their preparation, you can use apples, bananas, kiwi, mango, seasonal berries. Yogurt is used for dressing.

Recommended reading:  Why is mango useful?

The composition can be changed depending on taste preferences.

The emphasis on fruit salads is recommended to be done in the off-season, during the period when the probability of infection is maximum, they have a good effect on the condition of both healthy and sick children.

Fruits that increase immunity for colds can be added to cereal cereals, baked, cooked as salads or sliced.

After heat treatment, the amount of vitamins in foods decreases. This must be taken into account when drawing up a useful menu for a child.

For adults

In the absence of intolerance, allergies, adult patients can eat any fruit that contains vitamins C, A, E and essential minerals. Caution should be exercised in cases where there are stomach problems. Many fruits containing antioxidant vitamins are acidic.

Dried fruits in combination with lemon, nuts, honey enhance immunity for adults. It is recommended to include dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs in the composition of vitamin mixtures. A drug is made of these components, which not only activates the protective barrier in the body, but also improves the condition of the heart, blood vessels, digestive, and nervous systems. The mixture saturates with many vitamins, amino acids, minerals.

Instead of dried fruits, you can include fresh fruits in various combinations in your daily diet. They can be mashed, cocktails, or eaten whole.

To raise immunity for adults, such fruits are advised to use:

  • kiwi;
  • grapefruit;
  • oranges;
  • tangerines;
  • lemons;
  • Garnet;
  • melon;
  • mango;
  • a pineapple.

They can be included in the diet as a snack or as a mixture. You can season cooked salads with drinking yogurt or liquid honey.

A daily fruit snack will help prevent many seasonal infections, the menu should include foods rich in vitamins C, E

What fruits reduce the body's immunity

Not all foods are created equal. Some fruits contain the enzyme ascorbate oxidase. Under its action, ascorbic acid is destroyed, which is needed to protect the body from the penetration of pathogens.

Therefore, it is undesirable to consume fruits that increase immunity in women and men, in combination with foods containing ascorbate oxidase. The specified enzyme is present in vegetables - cucumbers, zucchini. It can also be found in some fruits, such as grapes.

Chlorophyll has a destructive effect on vitamin C. This substance gives plant products their green color. With prolonged storage of fruits, especially after violation of their integrity, the amount of vitamins decreases rapidly. Therefore, cutting is best done just before use.


Fruits that boost immunity should be included in the daily diet. Their constant use helps prevent the deficiency of vitamins, elements that are responsible for the functioning of the body's defenses. But fruits alone may not be enough; nutrition should be balanced.

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