Iron Solgar: instructions for use and reviews

Reviews about Solgar iron indicate the high effectiveness of the drug. It is produced in the USA using iron bisglycinate as the main ingredient. The supplement should be taken only when indicated. Otherwise, there is a risk of side effects.

Solgar iron composition

The preparation with iron "Gentle Iron" from Solgar is produced in capsule format for oral administration. The American brand has established itself in the pharmaceutical market since 1947. The drug is taken as an additional source of iron after laboratory analysis.


  • 137.5 mg iron bisglycinate;
  • Iron 25 mg.

Additional components include:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • hydroxypropyl methylcellulose;
  • magnesium stearate.

Packages of 180 and 90 capsules are on sale. Cost per pack of 90 pcs. ranges from 1,000 to 1,300 rubles. And the price for a large pack can reach 2,000 rubles. The drug is considered easily digestible, which allows people with a wide variety of problems to use it.

Useful properties of soft iron Solgar

Solgar's easily digestible iron is extremely beneficial for the human body. It takes part in oxygen metabolism and the process of conducting nerve impulses. Iron is part of hemoglobin, and is also the main component of cytochromes and myoglobin. The drug is produced in a safe dosage that ensures the necessary intake of the substance into the body. One capsule completely covers a person's daily iron requirement. With a lack of substance, anemia develops, accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. With a prolonged course, it can lead to more serious problems.

Solgar iron is presented in a chelated form that is perfectly absorbed by the body

The useful properties of iron include:

  • participation in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • protection of the liver from toxic effects;
  • synthesis of lymphocytes;
  • ensuring cholesterol metabolism;
  • transportation of oxygen to cytochromes;
  • normalization of thyroid function;
  • strengthening of immunity;
  • activation of redox reactions in the body.

The main advantage of a biological supplement is its organic composition. Mild iron is used as active ingredients. Its presence in the composition significantly reduces the risk of side effects. Correct use of Solgar iron protects the liver from toxic effects. In addition, along with vitamins A and E, it helps to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. There is a pronounced efficacy of the mineral supplement against skin diseases.

Comment! The need for iron is higher in women than in men. This is due to monthly blood loss during menstruation.

Indications for the use of iron Solgar

Doctors do not recommend taking Solgar Iron without prior advice. It is necessary to pass an analysis that determines the level of a substance in the body. Most often, the drug is prescribed for anemia, provoked by a poor diet.In rare cases, poor absorption of the substance by the digestive system is diagnosed. Indications for taking Solgar iron are indicated in the instructions. These include:

  • fragility of hair and nails;
  • atypical taste preferences (for chalk, paper or clay);
  • pronounced shortness of breath;
  • dizziness;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • decreased appetite;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • violation of mental activity;
  • cracks in the area of ​​the hands and on the heels;
  • susceptibility to infectious diseases.

The described symptoms may indicate the presence of diseases that have nothing to do with iron deficiency. Therefore, you cannot do without passing the analysis. Taking the drug in the absence of indications can harm your health.

Sometimes ulcerative keratitis or excessive blood loss is a direct indication for the use of mineral supplements. Doctors often prescribe Solgar in the postoperative period for the speedy recovery of the body.

Women often use Solgar for cosmetic purposes in combination with other vitamin supplements. The drug helps to restore the structure of nails and hair. After the treatment-and-prophylactic course, the condition of the skin improves significantly.

How to take iron Solgar

To get the most out of it, you need to drink Solgar iron properly. Reception is carried out with meals. The daily rate is one capsule. It is advisable to take it during breakfast with plenty of water. Taking capsules in the evening can provoke heartburn. To avoid problems with the assimilation of the substance, it is necessary to temporarily stop drinking coffee, dairy products and tea. Adding foods rich in vitamin C to the diet will help speed up the process of iron absorption. These include:

  • citrus fruits;
  • rosehip;
  • Bell pepper;
  • currants;
  • greens.
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The drug has a high safety profile

For children, the dosage of Solgar iron is adjusted depending on age. The supplement is allowed to be taken by babies at least two years old.

Important! The norm of iron in the body for an adult varies from 7.16 to 30.43 units.

Iron Solgar during pregnancy and hepatitis B

Iron Solgar is extremely necessary for women in position and during breastfeeding. In these cases, there is an increased need of the body for a useful substance. It is necessary for the correct development of the child and the prevention of iron deficiency anemia, which women are prone to while carrying a baby. When breastfeeding, the drug helps to strengthen the immune system, making the woman feel better. During labor, significant blood loss occurs. Therefore, it is important to replenish it in the first weeks. Iron Solgar is taken after consultation with a gynecologist. It is important to consider the well-being of a nursing woman and the presence of postpartum complications. In some cases, the need to take the drug completely disappears.

A specialized complex of vitamins Solgar with iron for women in position is also on sale. It is distinguished by a verified dosage of components necessary for the full development of a baby. The optimal daily intake of iron for a woman in position is 30 mg. The trace element takes part in the formation of the placenta and the circulatory system of the fetus. In addition, it helps to normalize the well-being of the expectant mother.


The biological additive has no negative impact on the assimilation of other medicinal substances. It can be safely taken in combination therapy. Before taking the drug, you should carefully review the date of manufacture. If it ceases to be suitable, its reception becomes dangerous to health.

It is imperative to adhere to the recommended dosages. Exceeding the daily allowance can provoke side effects.If suspicious symptoms have arisen, you should refrain from taking the drug.

Contraindications and side effects of iron Solgar

Despite the mass of useful properties, the drug has contraindications. Therefore, it is important to study the instructions and discuss the possibility of taking it with your doctor. With extreme caution, it is recommended to take Solgar iron for hemolytic anemia. The disease is accompanied by active death of red blood cells. At the same time, the hemoglobin level may remain within normal limits.

Contraindications for supplements include:

  • excessive accumulation of hemosiderin in the body;
  • thalassemia;
  • an allergic reaction to the constituent components;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • violation of the process of absorption of iron.

If you neglect the technology of taking Solgar iron, you can face side effects. They are as follows:

  • itchy sensations on the skin;
  • indigestion;
  • swelling of mucous surfaces and soft tissues;
  • suffocation;
  • abdominal pain;
  • darkening of the color of feces;
  • skin rash.
Attention! Long-term use at an increased dosage provokes liver failure caused by the accumulation of a substance in the cells of the organ.


Reviews of Solgar iron indicate that the drug is in demand. Its only drawback is the difficulty of acquiring it on the territory of the Russian Federation. When used correctly, the mineral supplement can help manage iron deficiency and prevent serious pathologies.

Reviews of the readily available Solgar iron

Komissarova Elena Viktorovna, 27 years old, Arkhangelsk
With the development of anemia, the doctor prescribed me to take Solgar vitamins with iron. Reviews for the drug have been very convincing. Most people were satisfied with the quality of the supplement. The duration of the treatment course was two months. I did not notice any side effects, and my health improved significantly after that.
Ivanov Andrey Nikolaevich, 45 years old, town. Chernyshevsk
I have repeatedly taken a preventive course of taking Solgar iron. This is the only drug that does not have a negative effect on the stomach. At the same time, it maintains the level of iron in the body at the proper level. Despite the fact that the capsules are large enough, I have no problems with swallowing.
Gorbunova Nina Vitalievna, 39 years old, Ulyanovsk
My son was prescribed Solgar by a pediatrician before going to school. Anemia manifested itself quite clearly. The child often fainted, the skin almost always remained pale. The changes began to be noticed within a week of taking the supplement. The son became more active and cheerful. Now we maintain the level of iron in the body.
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