Vitamins Losterin: instructions for use and reviews

Reviews of Losterin vitamins for the most part characterize the drug on the positive side. It is intended to replenish some vitamins and minerals most demanded by the human body. It is a useful food supplement. Has a number of contraindications.

Pros and cons of Losterin vitamins

The skin performs important functions, needs nutrition

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. At the same time, it has not been fully studied by specialists. It is known that it has a number of protective functions, regulates the work of many organs and tissues, is responsible for respiration and the supply of fluid and oxygen. A huge number of receptors located in the layers of the skin take part in sensations from mechanical contact, temperature changes, pain impulses. Also, the skin is responsible for the body's thermoregulation, is an energy generator, produces melanin with the participation of UV radiation, while protecting against harmful effects. Often, for some skin diseases, treatment alone is not enough. In such situations, proper skin care can help. For this, a vitamin and mineral preparation Losterin was developed in Russia, which contains all the necessary substances to restore the skin.

The obvious advantages of Losterin vitamins include the following:

  • is not a hormonal agent;
  • a preparation has been made specifically for the treatment and restoration of the skin;
  • can be used as a prophylactic agent;
  • is a complex preparation;
  • the manufacturer produces a whole line of skin care products;
  • vitamins have practically no contraindications, pronounced side effects;
  • for the entire period of use, there were no cases of overdose.

Possible deficiencies of Losterin vitamins include some inaccessibility when purchased. The complex is not available in all pharmacies and for the price it cannot be attributed to cheap products. In addition, many people find it inconvenient to take vitamins several times a day. However, it is obvious that the drug's advantages prevail.

Composition of vitamins Losterin

Losterin prevents dryness and inflammation of the skin

The complex effect of the agent on the skin is due to a number of useful substances that are part of:

  1. Retinol is useful for violations of the keratinization process and some pathologies, for example, excessive dryness. It is necessary to carry out redox reactions, protein production, metabolism, and increase the body's protective functions when exposed to adverse environmental conditions. In addition, retinol significantly slows down the development of pathological processes in the epidermis.
  2. Tocopherol acetate activates the action of retinol. Participates in the formation of intercellular substance, collagen and elastin. Protects against damage to skin cells, restores blood circulation in the capillaries.
  3. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant. Participates in the process of oxidation of certain nutrients, regulates the metabolic functions of connective tissue and carbohydrate balance in the body, reduces skin swelling and inflammation.
  4. Vitamins of group B. Many of them are good antioxidants, increase the elasticity of the skin, participate in regeneration, metabolic processes, maintain water balance in the skin. Some elements increase the barrier function of the skin, strengthen the immune system, accelerate energy processes in the skin, and participate in the synthesis of many important substances in the body.
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Important! Losterin contains silymarin, a hepatoprotector that is necessary for the complex treatment of chronic skin diseases.
The complex is designed for a full course of treatment

In addition to these vitamins important for the skin, Losterin contains essential mineral components. Selenopyran plays a key role in the regulation of tissue elasticity, protects membranes from free radicals at the cellular level, and improves the adaptation of the skin in harsh environmental conditions. Zinc oxide is a source of this element, participates in metabolism, increases the protective properties of the body, is a component of cellular receptors. Omega-3 acids synthesize collagen, are able to speed up the healing process and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Sulfur is involved in the formation of keratin, significantly strengthens the structure of the skin, protects it from ultraviolet exposure. Beta-carotene has antioxidant properties, is involved in the process of cell renewal, epithelial tissues.

Comment! The daily norm of the drug Losterin contains about a dozen important vitamins, minerals and some other active substances.

How are vitamins Losterin useful?

The drug Losterin is designed to quickly replenish the substances necessary in the complex treatment and prevention of many skin diseases, including those in the chronic form. The vitamins that are part of the Losterin complex (water-soluble and fat-soluble) are contained in different tablets for convenience. They are distributed according to the reception time and are marked in different colors - white and red. This is what ensures their optimal digestibility and a competent combination with each other.

The correct dosage of vitamins and minerals allows you to fill the need for those substances that are especially important for diet and the prevention of certain chronic skin diseases.

Indications for the use of vitamins Losterin

The vitamin and mineral preparation Losterin is used for some skin pathologies:

  • psoriasis;
  • xerosis;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • keratoderma;
  • ichthyosis;
  • ulcerative skin lesions;
  • chronic lichen;
  • diaper rash and bedsores;
  • erysipelas.
The Losterin line of products contains different care compositions

Vitamins are recommended as a complex therapy for skin pathologies. Before purchasing the product, you will need to consult a specialist, since some components can cause allergic reactions. In an acute course, it is advisable to use the entire line of funds.

Instructions for the use of vitamins Losterin

It is recommended for adult patients to take 1-2 red capsules in the morning and the same number of white capsules in the evening during meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Attention! The drug Losterin should be used with caution in patients with a history of liver and kidney disease. It is better to consult a doctor.


The drug Losterin is not a drug. Available without a doctor's prescription, but prior consultation with a specialist is required. Must be kept out of reach.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components of the drug. No side effects were recorded.


Reviews of Losterin vitamins are generally positive. The complex is often used as a prophylactic agent, as well as in addition to the main treatment. The drug is easy to use; for convenience, the capsules are indicated in different colors.

Reviews about vitamins Losterin

Alexandra P., 27 years old, Surgut
I first heard about Losterin vitamins from my doctor. After the psoriasis treatment, I needed additional skin care. First I used hygiene products from this line, then for about a month I took a vitamin complex as a prophylaxis. I can say that the skin recovered much faster than after the previous psoriasis treatment. I hope that vitamins will help prolong the period of remission.
Nadezhda L., 46 years old, Vologda
I bought Losterin for an elderly relative during the treatment of trophic ulcers as a prophylaxis. Combined with the usual treatment prescribed by the doctor and Losterin paste. Everything in the complex helped very quickly. In a short time, the symptoms of the disease subsided.

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