Vitamins for vegetarians: women, men and children

The eating style that does not contain food of animal origin is called vegetarianism. It is important to formulate a balanced diet so that herbalists can get the most of the benefits and all the ingredients they need. It is important to know what vitamins vegetarians need to drink to avoid nutrient deficiencies.

When composing a balanced diet for vegetarians, you should know which foods contain the maximum vitamins and trace elements.

By consuming vegetables, fruits, cereals, it is impossible to fully ensure the delivery of the necessary elements to the body, since not all vitamins are contained in the proper amount in plant foods.

Do vegetarians need to drink vitamins

The pros and cons of vegetarianism is a long-standing controversy between adherents and opponents of this type of diet. Meat eaters cite as an argument that it is impossible to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, trace elements and proteins with the help of plant foods. In fact, this is not the case. A balanced diet can provide the body with essential vitamins.

The exception is vitamin B12. It can only be obtained from food from cottage cheese, milk, meat, eggs and sea fish. According to experts, up to 15% of the population is deficient in this element, regardless of the eating style. B12 hypovitaminosis is more common in vegetarians. The exception is lacto vegetarians.

Vitamin B12 is found in animal products that cannot be consumed by vegans

Animal and plant foods differ in the amount and composition of vitamins. But it is also necessary to take into account the factor that animal food is much poorer in comparison with plant food. To provide the body with the necessary vitamin and mineral set of nutrients, it is recommended to supplement food of animal origin with vegetables and fruits.

For vegetarians, in order not to face the problem of hypovitaminosis, you need to take action. Ecological dietary supplements can help in this case. The use of complexes allows you to replenish vitamins with vegetarianism, this is especially important in winter. At this time of the year, the intake of nutrients decreases, since most vegetables and fruits lose some of the necessary vitamins during the storage period of the crop.

What vitamins are lacking for vegetarians

Often, adherents of plant foods are diagnosed with a lack of vitamin B12, since it is not synthesized in vegetables, fruits and cereals. Sources of the element are animal products.

The reason for the decrease in the level of vitamins in the body can be stressful situations, transferred infectious diseases, and pregnancy.

Comment! Lack of B12 leads to memory impairment, impaired motor coordination, depression and other problems.

The lack of protein in the diet of vegetarians leads to a violation of protein synthesis, making the body more susceptible to infections, deprived of vigor and energy.To balance the set of nutrients, you will need to periodically take a course of taking vitamin products.

The following foods will help to replenish the protein reserves in a vegetarian diet: broccoli, cauliflower, figs, lettuce, Brazil nuts, green peas, avocado. To get the most of your protein, you will need to consume these foods daily and in large quantities.

Recommended reading:  Useful properties and contraindications of avocado
A vegetarian diet consists of vegetables, fruits and grains.

It is difficult for vegetarians to get some trace elements, vitamins and minerals important for the body. Here you cannot do without taking vitamin complexes. The table below summarizes the elements that are not found in plant foods:

Item name

Sources of Vitamin in Food

Why deficit is dangerous

How to fill the gap for vegetarians

Vitamin B12

Beef liver, cod, mackerel, dairy products, eggs.

Nervous system disorders, cognitive impairment, poor memory, rapid fatigue.

With the help of biologically active food additives (BAA).

Omega-3 fatty acids

Fatty fish, seaweed, linseed oil.

Depressive states, decreased immunity, changes in the qualitative composition of blood.

Linseed oil, microalgae oil.


Dairy products, tofu, vitamin-fortified soy milk, turnips, cabbage, broccoli.

Osteoporosis, hormonal disruptions, disruption of the circulatory and nervous systems.

Inclusion in the diet of fruits, juices, fortified soy milk.

Vitamin A

Fish oil, liver, eggs, dairy products.

Decreased immunity, visual impairment, deterioration of the skin, gastrointestinal diseases.

Increasing the number of foods rich in the element, the use of dietary supplements.

Vitamin D

Fish oil, butter, egg yolk, oily varieties of sea fish.

Decreased absorption of calcium, skin diseases.

Sunbathing, the use of dietary supplements.


Recommended reading:  Benefits of tofu cheese

In addition to these substances, it is not uncommon for vegans to experience iron deficiency. White and red cabbage, dried mushrooms, legumes, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, seaweed, blueberries, apples, rose hips and prunes will help to fill this deficiency.

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Why vitamin deficiency is dangerous with vegetarianism

Before moving on to vegetarianism, you need to weigh the pros and cons. To prevent eating habits from causing health problems, the diet must be perfectly balanced. This can be achieved, but you will need to approach the development of the daily menu quite responsibly.

With a lack of any vitamin in vegetarianism, it is enough to increase the amount of the product rich in it in the diet. The exception in this case is B12, which is not present in plant foods.

The danger of vitamin deficiency in vegetarianism can lead to serious medical problems:

  • lack of vitamin B12 leads to anemia due to a violation of the formation of red blood cells (red blood cells);
  • lack of vitamin D leads to the development of rickets in children, bone depletion in adults;
  • deficiency of vitamin A can provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal mucosa, hypovitaminosis A in a chronic form leads to the formation of kidney stones.

Expectant mothers with a lack of vitamin A endanger the baby: intrauterine underdevelopment of the internal organs and the spinal cord of the fetus may occur. In children, hypovitaminosis can cause serious visual impairment.

It's important to include iron-rich foods in vegan diets

Lack of fatty acids will also affect your health. With a deficiency of Omega-3 in the body, the cardiovascular system remains practically unprotected. Lack of calcium leads to early osteoporosis, and iron deficiency leads to anemia.

In general, a deficiency of vitamins while following a vegetarian diet may not develop if the diet is taken seriously and the missing components are used as dietary supplements.

The best vitamin complexes for vegetarians

To replenish the deficiency of vitamins, vegetarians need to study the set of nutrients in the foods that make up the diet. Those components that are absent in the daily diet will need to be included as dietary supplements. Currently, there are many multivitamin complexes developed specifically for the supporters of this style of eating.

The choice of funds depends on your own preferences. Most of the drugs available in the pharmacy chain are available in gelatin capsules, which is unacceptable for vegans and vegetarians. Another group of products - organic dietary supplements, which can be purchased in special stores, most often these are foreign trading platforms.

It should be noted that the cost of organic preparations is much higher than the prices for pharmaceutical products. When choosing, this factor also matters.

In addition to multivitamin complexes, there is a wide range of mono-supplements for each element separately. Their cost is relatively low, and their effectiveness is not lower than expensive dietary supplements.

The most popular and effective of them are products from trusted manufacturers.

Doppel hertz asset

Doppelgerz asset - German quality at an affordable price, an effective balanced set of vitamins

Doppelherz active vitamins for vegetarians is a dietary supplement with an optimal vitamin and mineral set, which allows you to get substances that do not enter the body with food. The use of Doppelherz asset is created taking into account the peculiarities of vegetarianism, allows you to preserve beauty and health. Does not contain carbohydrates and bread units, therefore it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes.

Evalar - a Russian pharmaceutical company has developed a dietary supplement to compensate for vitamin D3 deficiency

Evalar vitamin D3 is an additional source of an element necessary for health. Promotes the absorption of calcium, strengthening the skeletal and muscular system. Available in tablets. Produced on the basis of plant materials. It is recommended to take the drug for vegetarians and vegans, since vitamin D practically does not enter their diet with food.


Vitrum is the most balanced complex, which contains the elements necessary for vegans

Multivitamin complex, which includes a set of essential substances for hypovitaminosis. It includes B vitamins, including B12, D3, A, iron, calcium. Recommended for those who follow a strict vegetarian diet to replenish missing vitamins and minerals in the body.

21-Century - B 12

Vitamin from the organic group - 21-Century - B 12 contains the maximum amount of active ingredient

A mono-supplement that allows you to replenish the B12 deficiency in the body. Recommended for vegans. 1 capsule of the drug supplies the required daily dose of the element. Vegetarians should periodically take such drugs, since vitamin B12 does not enter the body with this type of food.

Now Food instant energy

New Food is an organic fizzy drink for replenishing body B12 reserves

Produced in powders for the preparation of an effervescent drink. Contains a maximum dose of B12 of 2000 mcg of active ingredient. This supplement will help you get the vitamin you need.

Garden of Life My Organics

In the line of drugs of the organic group Garden of Live, complexes have been developed for all ages and both sexes separately

The best vitamin complex for pregnant women who have chosen vegetarian food for themselves. Belongs to the class of organic dietary supplements, has a fairly high cost.The composition of the drug is designed specifically for expectant mothers, taking into account the needs of the fetus.

It is unfair to ignore linseed oil. You can buy it both in a pharmacy and in grocery supermarkets. The uniqueness of flaxseed oil is that it contains two elements important for health at once: Omega-3 and Omega-6 - polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Consuming flaxseed oil daily helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, nails and hair. Please note that the product has a rather short shelf life.

In addition to these biologically active additives in the pharmacy network, you can purchase complexes consisting of elements of group B, vitamin A in an oil solution, complexes of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, -6, -9.

How to take vitamins correctly for vegetarians

Vitamin-mineral complexes and mono-supplements for vegetarians are taken according to the instructions for the preparations. It is necessary to consume the recommended dose of funds with meals, or immediately after a meal. This rule applies to all dietary supplements.

Vitamin and mineral products are not a dosage form, they are dietary supplements that should be taken with food

Before taking the course of the chosen remedy, you must consult a specialist.

Important! If you have a history of endocrine system diseases, a doctor's consultation should be mandatory!

The course of taking vitamins is usually 1 month, after which a break of at least 2 weeks is required. The dosage and duration of administration may depend on the individual characteristics of the person.


As with any drug, supplements designed to compensate for vitamin and trace mineral deficiencies in vegetarian diets can cause allergic reactions. When the first signs of drug intolerance appear (rash, burning and itching, as well as manifestations from the upper respiratory tract), stop taking it and see a doctor.

The recommended dosage should be followed. By increasing the dose of the vitamin, there is a risk of an allergic reaction. For children, the dosage and duration of the course are selected individually.

Contraindications and side effects

Mono-supplements in most cases do not cause side effects and are absorbed well if there is no individual intolerance. Complexes of components in some cases can contribute to the development of allergies.

Side effects are rare for this group of drugs. They occur, as a rule, in violation of the recommended method of administration and dosage. They are expressed in the following symptoms:

  • dizziness, nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (stool disturbance, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, less often vomiting);
  • anxiety and sleep disturbance, palpitations;
  • redness of the skin, rash, itching.

If one of the signs of side effects is found, you should stop taking the vitamin remedy.

Sources of Protein for a Vegetarian Diet


What vitamins vegetarians need to drink, the analysis of foods included in the diet will help determine. Not all vitamins needed for health and vitality can be obtained from plant foods.

For various reasons, the elements from vegetables and fruits may not be fully absorbed, therefore vegans and vegetarians should periodically replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. This is especially important in winter and off-season.

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