Vitamins for men to improve immunity: what are needed, reviews of the complexes

Men, as well as women and children, regularly need to make up for the lack of nutrients. Microelements obtained from food normalize the function of internal organs and maintain an active immune system. But if you eat incorrectly or follow strict diets, this will lead to various violations. Therefore, doctors advise taking vitamins for men for immunity.

The benefits of vitamins for immunity in adult men

The lack of any trace element adversely affects the state of the immune function. The body is more prone to infections, which provokes the development of various diseases.

The amount of vitamins and minerals decreases sharply when the body is exposed to unfavorable factors in the form of:

  • the presence of anemia;
  • problems with falling asleep and rest;
  • increased physical activity;
  • the presence of addictions;
  • inhalation of harmful substances while working in industrial production.
Important! Nutrients affect other components, thereby regulating the activity of the human body. They can act as catalysts for chemical reactions, be included in enzymes and hormonal compounds.

What vitamins to drink for immunity for men

Vitamins and minerals are needed by men of different ages, the deficiency affects the external condition, the functionality of the reproductive system and erectile function

A complex of vitamins for immunity for men should include:

  1. Retinol. This trace element is necessary for good vision, heart muscle and hematopoietic system. It helps to increase the speed of delivery of impulses to muscle tissues. Concentration improves. Vitamin A is known to protect the male body from prostate cancer.
  2. Cholecalciferol. Its synthesis occurs when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. When living in regions where there is little sun, doctors advise taking vitamin D regularly, because it has an immunostimulating effect. Lack of vitamin leads to frequent muscle cramps, poor posture, sudden weight loss, hypertension, depressive disorder, and sclerosis.
  3. Vitamin C. It is a powerful stimulant of the immune system. Helps the body in the production of antibodies. Protects other trace elements from decay. Improves respiration of tissue structures.
  4. Vitamins of group B. This category of nutrients regulates the work of all internal organs. Thiamine eliminates weakness and muscle cramps. Riboflavin increases defenses, relieves chronic fatigue. Niacin eliminates insomnia and normalizes concentration. Choline improves liver function and bile flow. Pantothenic acid smoothes wrinkles and removes swelling.
  5. Iron. Prevents the development of anemia. Takes part in the synthesis of red and white blood cells.
  6. Zinc. Helps fight viral infection.
  7. Selenium. Stimulates the production of antibodies.Destroys pathogenic microbes.
Attention! Another important micronutrient for men is tocopherol. If its amount is normal, the body will always be full of energy and strength.

The best vitamins for immunity in adult men

After reaching the age of 40-50, aging processes begin to occur in the body, in order to slow it down, it is necessary to carry out prevention with the help of dietary supplements

Vitamins are vital for raising immunity in an adult man. Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of products that differ in composition and cost. There are both expensive and cheap counterparts.

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This complex is designed specifically for men, after its use, patients notice an increase in immunity and performance

Release form - capsules. Manufacturer - Great Britain. The composition contains 13 vitamins important for the body, 9 minerals, para-aminobenzoic acid, arginine, methionine, ginseng extract, dried garlic and bioflavonoids.

It has a wide range of effects due to its composition. Supplements are recommended to be taken 2 times a year - in autumn and spring, when the body needs a large amount of trace elements.

Velman helps with chronic fatigue, prolonged physical and mental stress, memory impairment, headaches, dizziness and tinnitus. Take a vitamin complex once a day.

May lead to increased nervous excitability and sleep disturbance.

Alphabet for men

Vitamins for men for immunity and performance. It is considered one of the leaders in sales.

The tablets have 3 colors, which include trace elements that are well combined with each other, do not cause allergic reactions

The pink tablet contains:

  • thiamine;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • folic acid;
  • retinol;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • taurine;
  • zleuterosides.

Take it during breakfast. It has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system. Charges with vigor for the whole day.

The second blue dragee consists of the following substances:

  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin PP;
  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin B6;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • iodine;
  • selenium;
  • magnesium;
  • beta carotene;
  • lycopene;
  • lutein.

Blue vitamins for men are taken at lunchtime. They rejuvenate the body, improve the functionality of the immune and endocrine systems.

Dragee green contains:

  • biotin;
  • calcium pantothenate;
  • vitamin K1;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • folic acid;
  • cholecalciferol;
  • chromium;
  • calcium.

These trace minerals are essential for bones and muscles. Calms the nervous system before bed, allowing the body to rest.


The dietary supplement increases efficiency and sexual activity. The drug consists of retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, B vitamins and 7 minerals.

Favorably affects the work of the central nervous system, avoids the development of insomnia, eliminates headaches, relieves mental stress

This drug is produced domestically, but differs in quality composition, in contrast to cheap analogues. Additionally, the composition contains extracts of Leuzea and Horny Goat Weed. Vitamins for men contain a large proportion of vitamin C, which has a general strengthening effect on the body. Supports prostate health and improves sexual function.

Duovit for men

Vitamins for men are produced in tablet form. The complex contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, retinol, calciferol, tocopherol, biotin, iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc.

Normalizes metabolic processes, reduces stress, increases immunity, eliminates the feeling of fatigue, the body becomes more resilient

The complex of vitamins for men for immunity is characterized by a pronounced antioxidant effect. That is, it helps fight free radicals.This slows down the aging process of cellular structures.

Duovit can be taken by men during viral infections and colds. In addition to all this, vitamins are an excellent helper for those suffering from prostatitis. Patients report improvements in sexual function.


These are proven vitamins in injections for men's immunity.

Prescribed in combination with other drugs

The composition includes pyridoxine, thiamine and cyanocobalamin. Improves the functioning of the nervous system. Reduces the risk of developing stress. They nourish the brain tissue. Normalize memory.

How to take vitamins for men to strengthen immunity

Vitamins for raising immunity for an adult man should be taken strictly according to the instructions. The annotation contains the frequency of administration and the permissible dosage. The prophylactic course lasts on average from 1 to 3 months. Can be taken after previous illnesses and colds to improve immunity and performance. Vitamins for men should be taken at least 2 times a year - in autumn and spring.

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It is not recommended to increase the dosage on your own. This can lead to excess vitamins and minerals. Against this background, unpleasant symptoms will appear, the work of the whole organism as a whole will worsen.

Important! Before you start taking dietary supplements, you should visit a doctor and be examined. It is necessary to make sure that the man does not have serious diseases and excess of trace elements.
It is worth remembering that vitamin and mineral complexes do not have a therapeutic effect, they should be taken only for the prevention and enhancement of immunity

Contraindications and side effects of male vitamins for immunity

Vitamins for men have only one contraindication - increased susceptibility to the components of the medication.

With caution, dietary supplements are prescribed for such pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • ulcerative lesion of the stomach and duodenum.

Before starting the course, you must make sure that there are no contraindications.

While taking vitamins in men, side symptoms may appear. This process is accompanied by:

  • nausea and urge to vomit;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • itching and redness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • dizziness.

With the development of side effects, it is necessary to abandon the use of dietary supplements.


Vitamins for men for immunity should be taken at least 2 times a year. This will provide the body with all the necessary microelements, give strength and increase efficiency. Immunity will be able to better cope with infections even with strong physical and mental stress. But it is worth remembering that any drug has contraindications and side effects. Before starting the course, you need to read the attached instructions.

Reviews of vitamins for immunity for men

Egor, 42 years old, Tula
Recently, after work, I began to feel very tired. I constantly wanted to sleep, while at night I was tormented by insomnia. A friend advised me to buy Velman vitamins for men. It contains many trace elements that are just needed by the male body. After a week I felt better. Energy has appeared, efficiency has increased.
Anna, 33 years old, Yekaterinburg
The husband decided to go in for sports. But apparently he did not calculate his strength. I became very tired. Didn't sleep well. Bags appeared under the eyes. I was advised to buy my husband vitamins specially made for men. There are many choices in the pharmacy, but I stopped at the Alphabet complex, since I take it myself and give it to children. Of course, it was inconvenient to take pills 3 times a day. But they helped him.
Konstantin, 55 years old, Kaliningrad
A year ago, problems appeared in his personal life. Interest in his wife, and in everything, completely disappeared. I thought that everything - old age has come. I went to the doctor, and he told me to just drink vitamins.It was funny at first, but I followed his advice. True, my condition has improved significantly.
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