Vitamins for the brain and memory of adults: what are needed, side effects

The brain is considered one of the most important organs in the human body. It is he who is responsible for all the functions that occur in the body. But when exposed to unfavorable factors, the work of brain cells deteriorates. This is primarily bad for memory. To prevent the development of adverse processes, patients are advised to periodically take vitamins for the brain.

The benefits of vitamins for the brain and memory

Under the influence of many factors, brain cells begin to gradually break down. If you do not take action in time, it will have a bad effect on memory and other body functions. Therefore, it is necessary to take vitamins to improve brain activity.

Their effect is aimed at enhancing regeneration processes. The damaged cells begin to regenerate gradually. In addition, there is another positive effect in the form of:

  • stimulating blood circulation;
  • improving metabolism, saturation of brain cells with microelements;
  • restoration of elasticity and strength of blood vessels;
  • suspension of oxidative processes;
  • saturation of the body with energy.

The correct combination of beneficial microelements prevents free radicals from damaging your body.

What vitamins are needed for the brain

For the brain to work correctly, it must be nourished with useful substances.

In order for the brain to work as usual, it is necessary to consume daily ascorbic acid, B vitamins, calciferol

Therefore, different substances must enter the body every day:

  1. Beta carotene... Improves memory, protects brain cells.
  2. Thiamine... Helps cope with depression. Normalizes the mental state. Slows down the aging process. Converts incoming food into energy.
  3. Pyridoxine... Often included in vitamins to improve memory and brain function. Promotes the formation of dopamine, adrenaline, acetylcholine. Leads to increased absorption of cyanocobalamin. Converts tryptophan to serotonin. Prevents premature brain aging.
  4. Folic acid... It is necessary for the development of brain cells in the future fetus. Lack of this vitamin can lead to stroke in adults.
  5. Cyanocobalamin... Promotes the formation of the myelin sheath of certain types of neurons. It is responsible for the formation of red blood cells and the delivery of oxygen to tissues, as well as for short-term memory and quick thinking.
  6. Vitamin C. This trace mineral protects brain tissue from oxidative processes. Prevents stress and degenerative processes. Improves cognitive performance.
  7. Calciferol... Normalizes memory, favorably affects mood. Necessary for people with atherosclerosis and mental disorders.
  8. Vitamin K... Increases brain speed, improves learning ability, normalizes memory. Prevents early development of Alzheimer's disease.
  9. Polyunsaturated fatty acids... They help to improve the plasticity of brain tissue, increase its efficiency.
Attention! If you regularly take vitamins for the brain and memory of adults, you will be able to avoid adverse effects on the body.

The best vitamins for the brain and memory for adults

Nutrients must constantly feed the brain cells. Dietary supplements are recommended not only for patients over 50 years old, but also for young people and children.

Important! Before you start taking nutritional supplements, you need to consult a doctor and get tested.

Doctors secrete several vitamins that are designed to improve memory and brain function:

  1. Undevit... An affordable and inexpensive domestic product. Normalizes metabolic processes, maintains the performance of the brain. The complex includes tocopherol, retinol, riboflavin, folic acid and thiamine.
  2. Gerimax Energy... Multivitamin complex, which includes herbal ingredients. They have a tonic effect. In addition, dietary supplements
  3. Doppelgerz Active... The complex improves the performance of the brain and strengthens the nervous system.
  4. Quick Mind... Manufacturer - USA. It is of vegetable origin. After the use of dietary supplements, there is an increase in blood flow to brain tissues, restoration of mental abilities, memory and attention.
  5. Glycine Forte Evalar... Contains B vitamins and amino acids. Normalizes memory and reaction. Relieves nervous tension.
  6. Vitrum Memori... Contains a complex of trace elements - retinol, vitamins B, K, tocopherol.
  7. Ostroum Evalar... Protects brain tissue from mental stress, activates the process of cell regeneration. Improves memory and attention.
Recommended reading:  Vitamins to strengthen the nervous system in children

Vitamins for brain activity and memory should be taken within 1-3 months. The course is repeated 2-3 times a year, depending on the patient's age and general condition.


Food supplements are not classified as medicines. Therefore, they may not always have the expected positive effect. Before you start taking vitamins, you need to consult with your doctor and find out the cause of memory impairment and concentration.

Contraindications and side effects

Multivitamins cannot be taken simultaneously with medications. If this recommendation is not followed, the effect may be the opposite and only worsen the patient's condition.

Food supplements should not be taken with increased susceptibility to active ingredients.

During admission, side symptoms may develop. This process is accompanied by:

  • redness and itching;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea.

In severe cases, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema develops. In case of an overdose, severe nausea, weakness and repeated vomiting occur.


Vitamins for the brain are of great benefit, but only when taken in moderation. They are recommended to drink not only for adults, but also for the elderly, adolescents and children. Correct use of multivitamin complexes can reduce the load on the body, increase concentration and improve memory. In addition, you need to include in the diet foods that are rich in essential trace elements.

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