What vitamins to drink in the fall for a woman

Vitamins help promote health and well-being, but most of them are not synthesized in the body. In the autumn-winter period, the need for them increases, since the level of essential microelements obtained from food decreases, and solar activity decreases. To prevent diseases and prevent a decrease in the body's defenses, vitamins should be taken in the fall for immunity.

Do I need to drink vitamins in the fall

In the fall, their use is necessary to strengthen immunity before seasonal outbreaks of infections. Every person needs them, regardless of the type of activity and lifestyle.

It is better for a woman to drink vitamins in late autumn to increase immunity, since in September the body receives them in sufficient quantities from fruits, berries and vegetables. If the diet contains enough of these foods, you can limit yourself to one group. If food is scarce, it is recommended to take vitamins in courses.

Important! Medication is prescribed based on the woman's needs. With increased physical activity - antioxidant complexes, with mental exertion - vitamins of group B.

Be sure to use complexes for vegetarian women. Due to the rejection of meat products, insufficient fat-soluble substances enter the body. The state of health deteriorates, the immunity decreases.

Vitamins should be drunk in the fall for women when the following symptoms appear:

  • dull hair;
  • brittle nails;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bad breath.

Hypovitaminosis manifests itself in different ways. When these signs are found, they begin to strengthen the body with vitamins.

The benefits and harms of vitamins for immunity

Immunity is a complex and multi-level system. Scientists are still studying his work at subtle molecular levels. Immunity is reduced by chronic infections, unhealthy teeth, viruses. It is important to stimulate the defenses in the fall in order to prevent the development of diseases into acute stages and to protect yourself from colds. However, they are not always useful.

The pharmaceutical industry has created a cult of vitamins. Citizens of the Russian Federation spend up to $ 100 million a year on various supplements. No one doubted their benefits until scientists tested the effect of substances in the human body.

Research results have shown that their use in doses in excess of those that a person receives from food is not only useless, but also harmful. An overabundance is worse than a lack of them. When the dose is overestimated, a person's life is reduced. Prolonged and uncontrolled use leads to:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cancer and risk of death from vitamin E intake;
  • poisoning;
  • fetal malformation in pregnant women (damage to the heart, nervous system, disorders in the development of genitals and extremities);
  • violation of the cardiovascular system;
  • neurological disorders;
  • headaches;
  • disturbances in the work of the blood coagulation system;
  • surges in blood pressure.

Passion for vitamin C leads to the opposite effect - suppression of the woman's immunity.

Natural and synthetic organic substances are the same in chemical structure and activity, since the latter are made from natural raw materials. Sometimes supplements are absorbed better, since the natural organism cannot always use it for its intended purpose due to their being in a coherent form.

If vitamins are produced without breaking technology, using natural raw materials and following all formulas and dosages, there will be no harm to the woman's body. If the composition contains chalk, toxic additives and other chemical elements are harmful drugs. Taking such organic substances in the fall to improve immunity causes allergies and other health problems.

There are developed dosages of vitamins for the prevention and treatment of diseases in women in the fall. They protect against disease if taken as directed and do not exceed dosage.

So, the benefits in the fall:

  • increase resistance to disease;
  • protect cells from oxidative damage;
  • participate in the production of antibodies;
  • play an important role in the formation of the immune response;
  • serve as a good prevention of colds;
  • improve the hormonal system;
  • give strength and energy;
  • improve the quality of hair, skin and nails;
  • improve sleep;
  • restore the work of internal organs.

Vitamins in the fall are necessary for a full-fledged metabolism and the course of biochemical processes in the body. These are catalysts for reactions. Nothing happens in immune cells without the participation of vitamins. They enhance the immune response, promoting the production of antibodies, and increase the body's resistance to autumn infections.

The whole body works harmoniously when it has enough nutrients and vitamins. Only in this case will the immune system fully function, protecting cells from damage and suppressing the action of free radicals.

What vitamins are better for a woman to drink in autumn

Some nutrients in food are not enough for the daily requirement.

You need to eat too much to get enough vitamins in the fall. Therefore, additional complexes are prescribed.

Ascorbic acid (C)

When taking a nutrient, it is important to consider age, metabolic status and the presence of chronic diseases. Ascorbic acid will not cure a cold. Women should take 50-100 mg per day, pregnant women - 100 mg / day on average, during lactation - 80 mg.

It is recommended to get the required dose from citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerines). Ascorbic acid takes part in almost all biochemical processes, helps in the accumulation of glycogen in the liver, and increases the body's resistance to infections.

B vitamins

A group of compounds containing nitrogen is water-soluble. Plays an important role in metabolism. Vitamins normalize the work of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, improve the functioning of the intestines, increase the body's resistance to various diseases and participate in energy metabolism.

The nutrients in this group include:

  • thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • nicotinic acid (B3);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • cyanocobalamin (B12);
  • folic acid (B9).

Women need vitamin B9 most of all to plan pregnancy. It must be taken long before conception. Also, folic acid is involved in the growth and division of cells, protein metabolism and protects mucous membranes from the development of oncology.

A lot of vitamin B6 is needed if a woman is taking contraception. Nicotinic acid and thiamine are good for hair and skin. B12 should be drunk in courses if a woman has spasms in the lower extremities or numbness in the fall and spring.

Retinol (A)

Retinol is essential for bone, skin, hair, and immune function. It slows down the aging process and participates in the growth of new cells.

Retinol has a positive effect on the reproductive function of women and increases the activity of the production of sex hormones.With its lack in the autumn, the susceptibility to various diseases increases, hair falls out faster, dandruff appears.

Calciferol (D)

The increased need for this nutrient is associated with the physiological characteristics of the body. Vitamin loss occurs more rapidly due to menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. The regularity of the menstrual cycle depends on calciferol.

Important! The daily rate is 600-800 IU. It cannot be replaced with other compounds.

Calciferol acts as a hormone, accelerating carbohydrate metabolism. A lack of nutrients is dangerous for a woman at any age. You can get it from such complexes - KalceminVitrum, Complivit Calcium D3 forte, Multi Tabs.

Tocopherol (E)

A powerful antioxidant substance that protects cells from destruction. Tocopherol is called the vitamin of youth, its effect is expressed in rapid tissue regeneration. Also:

  • increases the activity of cellular and humoral immunity;
  • stimulates the production of hormones;
  • participates in the work of internal secretion systems;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • eliminates painful sensations in the mammary glands and stabilizes mood.

A pregnant woman needs the nutrient in large quantities, since most of it goes to the needs of the fetus. Tocopherol carries out the prevention of gestosis and eclampsia in the 2-3 trimester.

After 40-50 years, it prolongs the functioning of the ovaries, during menopause it helps to alleviate the manifestations of menopause. Tocopherol is an important nutrient for the female body.

Recommended reading:  The best vitamins for women after 40 years: reviews, names, which ones to choose

Vitamin complexes for raising immunity in autumn

There are no special vitamins needed only to boost immunity. There are complexes that act on the body as a whole, since nutrients are involved in various biochemical reactions.

Basic vitamin complexes to improve immunity in the fall:

  1. Velnatal - a tool that can support with vitamin deficiency associated with different situations. Helps with a decrease in immunity from colds and during pregnancy.
  2. Werther gel - a good drug when the body itself cannot cope. This is a find for strengthening the immune system. The complex is based on sea brown algae.
  3. Immunal - designed to enhance immunity. At the heart of the juice of purple echinacea. The vitamin complex copes well with influenza and herpes viruses.
  4. Duovit - a well-chosen complex for women. Protects against stress, helps to stay in good shape and boosts immunity.
  5. Triovit prescribed if the diet lacks C, A, E and selenium. Recommended for women who smoke, as their body has an increased formation of free radicals.
  6. Centrum contains 25 components. Differs in good antioxidant properties.
  7. Immunovit C - a complex of nutrients with antioxidant and vasoprotective effects. Supports immunity and regulates the redox balance.
  8. Revit and Complivit - contain the most essential nutrients that are well absorbed. The best complexes for enhancing immunity in adult women. Cost in the lower price sector.

How to take vitamins correctly in the fall

Vitamins are not medicines. These are nutrients that act as regulators of various functions. The body accumulates what it rarely receives. Therefore, with vitamins in packages, you should be careful and not take without the advice of a doctor.

In the fall, when the body especially needs support, women buy supplements in pharmacies, not knowing in what quantities and in what combination to use.

How to drink vitamins in the fall:

  1. Water soluble take in the morning 30 minutes before meals or with meals. Water-soluble nutrients include C, PP, B.
  2. Fat soluble it is necessary to drink with food, preferably oily. This will improve their absorption in the body. Fat Soluble Nutrients - A, D, E, K.

Some substances, when used simultaneously, neutralize each other.The optimal way to use nutrients in the fall to improve immunity is in the form of capsules containing microelements and vitamins separately.

Granular preparations dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract at different rates. Thanks to this principle, vitamins are absorbed alternately and completely.

Drink in the morning, if the dosage instructions are not indicated in the instructions several times a day. Drink vitamins with plain water, do not chew. Milk, coffee, juice and carbonated water interfere with full absorption.

Warning! Some vitamins cannot be combined with certain medications. For example, hormones and laxatives prevent nutrients A and D from being absorbed, while diuretic drugs remove potassium and group B substances.

The recommended course is 1-2 months. Longer use will lead to backlash.


Vitamins in the fall are important for immunity. It is almost impossible to ensure full health without them. In autumn, women often suffer from headaches, colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and menstrual irregularities. Taking vitamins in courses will solve these problems.

Reviews of vitamins in the fall for women

Karina Manuilova, 35 years old, Rostov
Verrum Vit from Vneshtorg Pharm LLC is enough for 1 month. After the first days of taking, I felt a surge of energy. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves the course of critical days. Not a single dietary supplement has received such a result. I take it in the fall and spring, when I notice a breakdown, after which colds begin.
Maryana Volkova, 44 years old, Bryansk
I bought Superia vitamins for women. Initially, I took it simply for the sake of replenishing the lack of trace elements in the fall, nails broke and my hair looked terrible. I noticed that I began to catch colds less often, and my health improved after training. Superia is happy with the chills after the strength and cardio exercises.
Irina Semenova, 27 years old, Moscow
I try to take vitamins in any season. This fall, KRKA's favorite is DUOVIT. The tablets are large and difficult to swallow whole. The plus is that you do not need to drink calcium separately, there is enough of it and there is iodine, iron, vitamins of group B. I drank for prophylaxis in the fall, during the winter I was sick only 2 times.
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