What helps, how to cook and take burdock with honey

The medicinal properties of burdock with honey deserve close study. A folk remedy can be beneficial even with serious ailments, if used in accordance with recipes.

What it looks like and where it grows

Burdock, or burdock, is a tall plant with a pubescent stem and large ovoid leaves. Can rise up to 1.2 m above the ground. Burdock leaf plates are green above and grayish at the bottom. The life cycle is two years, the stem grows from the root rosette only in the second year.

Burdock blooms in the second half of summer

Burdock is widespread in European Russia, the Urals and Siberia. It is also found in the Caucasus, the Far East and Central Asia.

Chemical composition

The roots and juice of burdock are actively used by traditional medicine. In many recipes, natural raw materials are combined with honey - the benefits of this only increase. The healing mixture of burdock and bee nectar contains:

Recommended reading:  Honey: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications
  • tannins and mucus;
  • carotene and ascorbic acid;
  • inulin;
  • proteins and amino acids;
  • magnesium and iron;
  • vitamins B and E;
  • cobalt;
  • essential oils;
  • potassium and zinc;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • natural hormones;
  • enzymes and flavonoids;
  • maltose.

There are several hundred biologically active components in honey medications with burdock. At the same time, the funds have a sweet taste and do not cause discomfort when used.

What helps and what cures burdock with honey

The healing properties of burdock in combination with honey help with many painful conditions. Medicinal mixture:

  • has a strengthening effect and increases the body's defenses;
  • normalizes the digestive system and restores the intestinal microflora;
  • serves as the prevention of ulcers and gastritis, and also helps in the treatment of these diseases outside of periods of exacerbations;
  • has a diuretic effect and eliminates edema;
  • has a diaphoretic effect and quickly relieves the temperature in case of a cold;
  • improves liver function and promotes its recovery;
  • normalizes the function of the gallbladder.

Eating burdock with honey is useful for reproductive diseases. The remedy brings a good effect on prostatitis and adenoma in men, with a weakening of potency or problems with conception.

What diseases helps burdock juice with honey

Burdock is mixed with honey nectar both in the form of a decoction and in the form of juice from fresh leaves. The healing agent is used to treat:

  • erosion and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hepatitis A;
  • cholecystitis;
  • SARS and influenza;
  • mastopathy;
  • ovarian cystic formations;
  • varicose veins;
  • furunculosis;
  • acne.

It is possible to use burdock juice with honey in diabetes mellitus to prevent dangerous complications.

Burdock with honey as an adjuvant is used in the treatment of oncological tumors

How to cook and take burdock with honey

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for making burdock with honey nectar. When using a natural remedy for medicinal purposes, you should adhere to proven algorithms and precisely indicated dosages.

Burdock infusion with honey

One of the simplest medicines based on two components is honey infusion on burdock leaves. Prepare it as follows:

  • 25 g of fresh burdock leaves are chopped with a knife and placed in a glass jar;
  • pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • close the container with a lid and leave to infuse for four hours;
  • 5 g of natural honey is added to the cooled product;
  • stir until complete dissolution.

You need to take the infusion half a glass on an empty stomach, shortly before meals, three times a day. In total, treatment continues for two weeks. The tool helps well with weakened immunity, and also strengthens blood vessels and the heart system.

Tincture of burdock, honey and vodka

Alcohol tincture with honey and burdock has good healing properties. It is used both internally and externally, and the cooking algorithm looks like this:

  • 500 g of fresh burdock leaves are crushed into gruel using a blender;
  • the resulting green mass is carefully squeezed through cheesecloth;
  • burdock juice is poured into a glass vessel and 300 ml of vodka is added;
  • add 20 g of honey and stir until the nectar dissolves;
  • insist the product in a cool dark place for a week.

The finished product must be passed through cheesecloth again. Drink the tincture on an empty stomach three times a day, a large spoonful. With complex treatment, the drug is also used for rubbing.

Tincture on honey and burdock leaves is good for inflammation and muscle pain

You can use an alcohol remedy for varicose veins to eliminate heaviness in the legs. With regular use, it can even remove the vascular network.

How to cook burdock root with honey

A large number of nutrients are concentrated not only in the leaves of burdock, but also in its roots. On the basis of the latter, a decoction is prepared, and then mixed with bee nectar to enhance the healing properties. The recipe for burdock root with honey looks like this:

  • burdock raw materials are crushed with a knife in the volume of two large spoons;
  • pour the raw material with 250 ml of hot water in a small saucepan;
  • bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove;
  • pass the broth through cheesecloth and allow to cool slightly;
  • add two large spoons of honey and stir well.

The finished product is taken three large spoons three times a day on an empty stomach. The broth is especially beneficial for stomach diseases, since it soothes mucous membranes well.

Important! When mixing the components, it is important to wait until the burdock broth has cooled to a warm temperature. Honey is not added to the hot product - the bee product will lose its benefits.

How to prepare and take burdock juice with honey for the liver

In hepatitis and other liver diseases, burdock juice with honey helps to cleanse and restore the organ. For medicinal purposes, such a remedy is used:

  • fresh leaves are carefully chopped and squeezed through cheesecloth to get two large tablespoons of vegetable juice;
  • the liquid is mixed with a similar amount of quality honey, preferably flower.

You need to take the agent 15 g three times a day on an empty stomach, therapy is carried out within a week. Then you need to take a break for another seven days, and then the treatment can be continued. Along with taking natural medicine, it is recommended to follow a strict diet - to completely abandon alcohol, smoking, fried and fatty foods, hot spices.

Burdock with honey from an ovarian cyst

Reviews of the medicinal properties of burdock leaves with honey note that the mixture can help in the treatment of serious gynecological diseases. With an ovarian cyst, use a remedy prepared according to this recipe:

  • fresh burdock leaves are washed in cold water, and then crushed with a blender to a state of gruel;
  • squeeze the green mass through folded gauze, the result should be 100 g of bitter vegetable juice;
  • the liquid is combined with 100 g of flower honey;
  • mix the components thoroughly with a wooden spoon.

You need to take the remedy daily in the amount of a large spoon on an empty stomach. At the same time, it is necessary to take medications prescribed by a doctor and regularly undergo an ultrasound examination to monitor the results of therapy.

Burdock with honey for stomach treatment

The use of burdock juice with honey for gastritis and even ulcers helps to normalize the production of gastric juice and soothe irritated mucous membranes. For therapeutic purposes, such a remedy is used:

  • washed spring burdock leaves are crushed into gruel and squeezed through cheesecloth to get two large spoons of juice;
  • the liquid is combined with 30 g of fresh honey;
  • the components are thoroughly mixed with a spoon or mixer;
  • remove the product in the refrigerator for infusion for three weeks.

Take a large spoonful of the drug mixture three times a day on an empty stomach. The therapy is continued for a week, then a break of the same duration is taken, and then the course is repeated twice more.

It is necessary to treat gastritis and ulcers with burdock with honey in the phase of remission

Burdock with honey for joint pain

For arthritis, rheumatism and arthrosis, burdock with honey is used externally. Homemade ointment helps well, which can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 30 g of nectar is slightly warmed in a water bath until warm;
  • add two small spoons of red hot pepper;
  • mix the components thoroughly;
  • poured into the composition of burdock juice in the amount of two large spoons;
  • placed in a glass container and removed for a week in a dark place.

After the expiration date, the ointment is used to rub the diseased areas. The tool helps not only with joint inflammation, but also with muscle damage. Honey and burdock juice in combination with pepper accelerate local blood circulation, relieve swelling and restore normal mobility.

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Burdock juice and honey for prostatitis

The anti-inflammatory properties of burdock tincture on bee nectar help well with prostatitis in men. Traditional medicine suggests making burdock with honey according to this recipe:

  • juice from fresh burdock leaves is squeezed out in a volume of 80 ml;
  • 100 g of honey is heated in a water bath;
  • the ingredients are mixed until smooth;
  • add 50 ml of high-quality vodka to the product.

The tincture is kept in the refrigerator for three days, and then filtered. You need to take it on an empty stomach in the morning on a small spoon.

Important! It is possible to treat prostatitis with a tincture of burdock juice with honey only if, after using the product, you do not need to drive.
Burdock honey infusion quickly relieves inflammation

Application in cosmetology

Burdock and honey are actively used externally for skin and hair care. The active ingredients in the mixture have anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects, help to fight the signs of aging and irritation of the epidermis. You can use honey and burdock to increase hair volume and speed up hair growth, as well as to fight dandruff.

Tincture of honey and burdock for acne

With frequent skin irritations and plentiful acne, you can use the following remedy:

  • 50 ml of fresh burdock juice is mixed with 50 g of lime honey;
  • pour the components of 100 ml of alcohol;
  • insist in a glass container in a dark place for three weeks.

After a lapse of time, the product is filtered and used to wipe problem areas of the skin. The tincture not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also helps to cope with the excessive fat content of the epidermis.

Mask for damaged dull hair

Burdock honey and juice nourish hair follicles well and restore strength and volume to the strands. The recipe for making a healing mask is very simple:

  • juice from burdock leaves is squeezed out in the volume of two large spoons;
  • mixed with a similar amount of liquid honey.

The product is rubbed into the scalp for half an hour before the next wash and left for 30 minutes. If you use the mask twice a week, it will restore shine to the curls, stop hair loss and eliminate dandruff at the roots.


Medicines from burdock with honey can be both beneficial and harmful to the body. The healing mixture has contraindications, which include:

  • intestinal colitis;
  • pancreatitis and stomach ulcers in the acute phase;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual allergy to honey or burdock juice.

When you first use a folk remedy, you need to adhere to very small dosages. If in a few hours no intolerance to the mixture is revealed, subsequently the volumes of use can be increased to the recommended recipes.

Burdock and honey can damage tooth enamel due to their high organic acid content.

How to store burdock juice with honey

The healing agent can be stored in several forms:

  1. Ready-mix. Honey serves as a preservative for burdock, so the composition retains its beneficial properties for about a week in the refrigerator.
  2. Separately. It is better to keep both nectar and burdock juice at a temperature not exceeding 5 ° С in a dark place. But at the same time, the bee product can retain its value for years, but the pomace of the burdock remains suitable for use only for three days.
  3. In the form of an alcoholic tincture. If you mix honey and burdock with alcohol in advance and put it in the refrigerator, then you can use the product for up to six months.

In all cases, keep nectar and burdock away from direct sunlight. It is necessary to monitor the even temperature and low humidity level.


The healing properties of burdock with honey deserve attention - the remedy helps with stomach diseases, inflammation and joint ailments. The components are mixed in pure form or diluted with alcohol, in both cases it is important to take into account the dosage of use and contraindications.

Reviews of those who took burdock with honey

Fedorova Irina Sergeevna, 39 years old, Ryazan
Burdock grows abundantly near my dacha, so I harvest the leaves every summer. I squeeze the juice and mix it with pure honey and with alcohol for winter storage. The tool perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps with colds, I was convinced of this repeatedly. In addition, with regular use, there is a noticeable anti-aging effect.
Avdeeva Anna Vladimirovna, 45 years old, Tver
I read about the medicinal properties of burdock many times, but I could not use decoctions and infusions - it was very bitter, and the sugar only made the drinks sugary. As a result, I found a recipe for burdock juice with honey, and the problem was solved. The mixture is pleasant to the taste, sweet, but not overly, with a tolerable bitterness. I take it for gastritis, for the last six months there have been no exacerbations.

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