How to get cat urine off the couch

Every owner of a pet such as a cat knows that this animal is very clean and that keeping it in the house does not bring much trouble. Cats, as a rule, are litter-trained and fulfill their natural needs there. However, there are many situations in life in which cat urine gets on the couch, mattress, or blanket. How to remove the smell of cat urine from the couch is a complex question, but any breeder of these animals should know the answer to it.

Methods for removing cat urine odor from furniture

The main rule that is important to observe when fighting the "odor" of cat urine is to start removing the stain as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that urine contains:

  • Urea - it is she who "is responsible" for the sharp and unpleasant odor of urine, which is problematic to remove;
  • Uric acid - which ensures rapid drying and crystallization of urine, after which it will be extremely difficult to remove it from the surface of upholstered furniture.

If you find such a puddle on the sofa, you should immediately start removing it, and the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • With a paper towel or any dry cloth that absorbs liquid well, you should thoroughly blot the left "unpleasant surprise" (the less liquid has time to be absorbed into the upholstered furniture, the easier it will be to remove the stain and remove the unpleasant odor);
  • Cover the area to be treated with any absorbent substance (such as baking soda or starch) so that it absorbs the remaining liquid. In this form, you need to leave everything for at least 5 - 10 minutes;
  • The absorbent substance must be removed from the surface of the sofa using a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment for upholstered furniture;
  • Treat the contaminated area of ​​the sofa with any cleaning agent.
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: useful properties, application, how to take

The main methods for removing the smell of cat urine from the sofa can be presented in the form of a table:

Odor removal method

Examples of cleaning products


Household chemicals

● Zoosan;

● Dezosan;

● Urine-off Cat & Kitten;

● Odor kill


Anti-odor products

● lemon juice;

● acetic (malic) acid + water (ratio 1: 2);

● laundry soap / glycerin soap.



● iodine solution;

● hydrogen peroxide;

● ethyl alcohol.


Cleaning agents

● table vinegar + baking soda + dishwashing gel;

Important! Before using any method of removing urine from the sofa, it is worth initially testing the substance used on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the furniture.

When dealing with a urine stain, do not resort to:

  • to ground coffee, aromatic oils, deodorants (they will help not to eliminate the cause, but only temporarily mask the stench);
  • products containing chlorine (which will only intensify the stench of urine on the soft upholstery of the sofa, moreover, if colored materials are to be processed, this substance can spoil their appearance and colors).

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the couch using folk methods

In every home, there will definitely be all the necessary tools to deal with cat surprises. At the same time, it will not be absolutely necessary to run to the store and spend money on the purchase of specialized cleaning agents, because the effect of using folk methods of removing traces of urea from a sofa or other upholstered furniture is no worse.

The main folk methods for removing traces of urine from the sofa are:


This substance is able to completely remove cat urine and its odor.

Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed juice will help remove the effects of urination.

Hydrogen peroxide

Highly effective for surface disinfection.


Diluted in water, it will help remove urine odor.


Effective cleaning and absorbent agent that can remove urine and odor from urine.

Laundry soap

Cope with urine and discourage the cat from marking territory.


Kills all germs and helps remove unpleasant odors.

How to remove cat urine smell from your couch with vinegar

Vinegar can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. It is known for its ability to deal with all kinds of pollution, including helping to eliminate the smell of cat urine from the couch.

This will require:

  • acetic acid;
  • water;
  • soda.

To remove the odor, you should:

  • dilute acetic acid with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle;
  • after that, spray the vinegar on the treated area and leave everything in this form for at least 15 - 20 minutes so that the acid can act and dissolve the crystallized urine residues;
  • after the specified time, the remnants of the product must be removed with a damp cloth;
  • any absorbent substance, for example, soda, is then poured onto the problem area of ​​the furniture and leave it on the material until it dries completely;
  • then you should use a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle for cleaning furniture and remove the soda from the sofa upholstery.

In some cases, the procedure may need to be repeated to remove the scent permanently.

How to get the smell of cat urine off the couch with lemon juice

The citric acid will also help remove the smell of cat urine from furniture. In addition, the citrus aroma will discourage the animal from marking the territory and to relieve the natural need in this place.

In order to remove the amber from cat urine from the sofa using lemon juice, you need:

  • squeeze the juice of half a lemon directly onto the contaminated area of ​​the furniture;
  • some juice from the second half of the fruit should be squeezed onto a clean dishwashing sponge and gently wipe off the sticky bloom from the animal's urine;
  • if the urine stain is fresh, then you should use a damp cloth and remove the remains of urine and juice from the surface of the furniture upholstery;
  • if the urine stain to be treated was already old, then after 25 minutes the remaining juice of the second half of the lemon should be squeezed out onto the contaminated area and only after that wet cleaning should be started.
Important! It is worth remembering that citric acid has lightening properties, therefore, before using it, it is important to make sure that the staining of the sofa upholstery is resistant so as not to spoil the appearance of the product. To do this, you first need to test the method on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery.

How to remove baking soda from your sofa

As you know, baking soda has antimicrobial and absorbent properties, which determines its high efficiency in getting rid of the cat smell on the couch.

To remove the effects of urination from the couch using baking soda, you will need:

  • soda;
  • water;
  • soap solution.


If traces of urine are removed from a fresh stain:

  • soda powder should be poured directly onto the problem area and leave everything in this form for at least 20 minutes;
  • the remains of soda should be removed using a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle;
  • wipe the surface with a slightly damp sponge to remove all soda particles.

If a trace of urine is removed from an old stain:

  • soda powder must be combined with water to obtain a mushy mass;
  • the resulting mass is applied to the stain with a toothbrush or sponge and rubbed a little into it with gentle movements;
  • after all the moisture has evaporated, the residues of the paste are removed from the furniture upholstery with a brush, and the surface itself is wiped with a rag dipped in soapy water.

If it was not possible to remove the trace the first time, the procedure should be repeated.

How to remove cat urine smell from your couch with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent, so using this cat urine odor remover will only work on a sofa with light upholstery.

To use this method you will need:

  • laundry soap - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • soda - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 3 tsp.

To remove unpleasant consequences, you must:

  • mix soap and soda together and add the specified amount of peroxide to these ingredients;
  • Spread the prepared cleaning agent with a brush over the entire contaminated area, then leave it in this form until the composition is completely dry;
  • after drying, brush off the remnants of the product with a brush from the furniture upholstery and wipe everything first with a damp soapy rag, and then clean and dry.

Another use of peroxide to remove the "odor" of cat urine from the couch is to use the same ingredients in its composition:

  • the problem area must be covered with soda and rubbed with a brush into the upholstery of upholstered furniture;
  • dissolve soda in water and pour the solution into a spray bottle, then spray it on the upholstery;
  • leave the sofa in this form until the liquid completely evaporates from the surface;
  • Remove the remains of the product using a vacuum cleaner.

If the smell cannot be removed immediately, you can repeat the manipulations.

How to fight off the smell of cat urine from the couch with iodine

A substance such as iodine has a high antiseptic effect. At the same time, it is able to cope with urine stains, but only with fresh dirt. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the use of iodine is possible only on furniture with dark shades of upholstery.

To use this method you will need:

  • add a couple of drops of iodine to warm water (about 1 glass);
  • using a sponge or a piece of cloth soaked in the prepared solution, treat the entire contaminated area and wait about 5 minutes;
  • Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe off residual product and urine from the sofa upholstery.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the couch with rubbing alcohol

Any alcohol-containing liquid will easily remove the stench of urine from the upholstery of the sofa. For this you need:

  • soak a clean piece of cloth abundantly with alcohol;
  • put this flap on a dirty surface and leave for about 1 hour;
  • after a specified period of time, remove the fabric, and treat the area with a damp sponge.

How to remove cat urine from sofa with mineral water

Mineral water (gassed) combined with salt will help remove the amber of cat urine from the sofa surface. This will require:

  • soak the treated area very abundantly with mineral water with gases, and then sprinkle it on top with a thick layer of table salt;
  • in this form, the product should be left for at least a few hours;
  • rinse off the remaining salt with warm water or remove with a vacuum cleaner.

If necessary, repeat the procedure to completely eliminate the odor.

How to remove cat urine odor from furniture using specialized products

If the animal has repeatedly relieved need in the same place on a sofa or other piece of upholstered furniture, including a blanket or mattress, then using folk methods to remove pollution may not give the expected result. Then, it is better to turn your attention to specialized industrial production tools.




A natural preparation that is suitable for almost any material and does not cause allergic reactions.


A universal way to combat the "odors" of cat and dog urine. Does not contain chlorine and phosphates.


An effective substance that will not only interrupt, but also completely eliminate unpleasant consequences.

Features of removing the smell of cat urine from bedding

The main rules that apply when removing cat urine stains from bedding:

  • it is worth starting to remove stains as soon as possible, immediately after their detection;
  • if the stain is fresh, then it is important to remove all moisture from it using a paper towel or napkin;
  • you cannot rub the spot with the stain, since this will only lead to an increase in its size;
  • washing of bedding, which has suffered from an animal, should be done separately from other things, otherwise the "fragrance" can pass to other household items;
  • in some cases the wash should be repeated.

How to get cat urine off a blanket

If, in a bedding situation, one or a maximum of two wash cycles are sufficient to remove the stench of cat urine, then additional control methods will have to be resorted to for a blanket marked with an animal.

The easiest option to effectively remove the smell of cat urine from a blanket is:

  • treat the contaminated area with a solution of acetic acid (for this, mix vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 3 and pour the mixture into a spray bottle);
  • the next step is to cover the spot with soda and wait until it absorbs moisture;
  • wash the problem area using laundry soap.

In addition to this option, there are others that, perhaps, are not so obvious and convenient, but no less effective in practice:

  • if the coloring of the blanket allows, it should be soaked for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • An option for those who like to experiment: put the marked blanket in the refrigerator for several weeks (the unpleasant odor will disappear under the influence of low temperatures), and then wash the blanket in the usual way.

How to remove cat urine smell from your mattress

If the feces got on the mattress, then in order to remove the smell of cat urine from the mattress, you need to proceed as follows:

  • dilute vinegar in water in a ratio of 1: 3 and treat the surface with a cotton pad;
  • then sprinkle soda on the stain with a thin layer and wait until it is completely dry;
  • in a spray bottle, mix 100 ml of peroxide, 100 ml of boiled water and 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergents;
  • spray the prepared solution onto the problem area;
  • leave the mattress in this state for 2 hours;
  • Remove residues from the mattress with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle.

This technology will allow cat urine to be removed from the mattress.


Removing the smell of cat urine from the couch is quite a difficult task, however, with a little effort and patience, then it is quite possible to cope with the problem without resorting to the services of professional dry cleaners. Knowledge of certain subtleties and tricks of this process will make it easy to get rid of the smell and discourage the desire of a fluffy pet to relieve its natural need in unintended places.

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