How to remove a slime from a sofa: how to remove it, how to remove traces from upholstery

Children of different ages are interested in an anti-stress toy known as slime, hendgum or slime. It has a viscous consistency that adheres to various objects. The sticky mass contains components that penetrate into the fibers of the material. It is often necessary to remove the slime from the sofa or carpet. Various safety products can be used for cleaning.

How to wash the slime off the sofa

Hendgum includes a stringy and jelly-like material. The toy has the properties of a non-Newtonian liquid. It can include various components. The main components include borax and polysaccharide.

Slime is a relatively safe toy. However, neglect of the rules of handling can lead to stains on the carpet or upholstered furniture, which is due to the peculiarities of the composition.

The characteristics of the slime depend on the variety. The following handgam options are called:

  • original, including glue and activator;
  • glossy, characterized by the presence of baby oil;
  • a fluffy containing shaving foam or gel;
  • Butter, characterized by the presence of clay or light plasticine;
  • milky, created on the basis of glue;
  • crunchy, which has a crunch due to the addition of foam balls;
  • mountain, iridescent thanks to the inclusion of 2 bases;
  • ombre, consisting of several colors;
  • clear with transparency;
  • pigment, named because of the metallic shade;
  • cloud that falls evenly when stretched.

The main properties of a popular toy include the ability to stick to absolutely any surface. The sticky mass often gets stuck in the hair of children, remains on upholstered furniture. Slime easily sticks off objects. If you leave the viscous mass for several hours, it will be absorbed into the fibers of the fabric. You can clean the sofa from slime using household chemicals and folk remedies.


It is possible to remove the slime stain from the sofa with the help of dish detergent, which is dissolved in a small amount of water and applied to the sticky mass. The composition is left for several hours, washed and blotted with paper towels.

Many housewives recommend using Vanish stain remover. The tool allows you to effectively remove the slime from the sofa.

Vanish stain removers can be in active foam or spray form


Hydrogen peroxide helps wipe the slime off the sofa. Soak a cotton pad with the liquid and wipe the stain thoroughly. After cleaning, the area is washed with a damp sponge.

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Hydrogen peroxide is not recommended for removing toys with a dark shade of upholstered furniture

Nail polish remover

You can remove the slime from the upholstery of the sofa using products containing acetone. A cotton pad is moistened in nail polish remover and used to separate the slime from the surface.

Acetone nail polish remover is good at removing sticky mass from sofa

With vinegar

To clean the upholstery, you can use the essence in combination with powder (washing).Water and soda are mixed in a container in a 2: 1 ratio. Then add vinegar and washing powder in the same quantities as sodium bicarbonate.

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The sponge is dipped into the resulting solution and the stain is treated. After the procedure, it is advisable to wipe the upholstery with a damp cloth.

Vinegar essence in combination with baking soda and washing powder helps to remove slime from the sofa

With alcohol

A cotton swab is moistened with vodka. You can also use rubbing alcohol to remove stains on the sofa. The product is used to wipe the surface and then rinse with a damp sponge.

To achieve maximum results, the sofa cleaning procedure with alcohol can be repeated several times.


Sodium bicarbonate is used as a slurry. Soda is mixed with water to form a thick paste. Rub the stain with gruel and leave for half an hour. Within 30 minutes, sodium bicarbonate will soften the sticky mass and absorb the fat. Then the remaining soda is washed off with a damp sponge.

Sodium bicarbonate paste is used to remove sticky toys

Starch and salt

You can remove the slime from the sofa with a dry mixture. It includes salt and starch. The composition is poured into a sticky mass. The removal of small particles is performed after the handgam has dried.

A mixture of salt and starch helps remove slime from upholstery

By mechanical means

You can clean the slime from the sofa not only with the help of various means. It is recommended to try mechanical removal first. To scrape off the main part of the handgum, you need to use scissors, a razor, or a knife. Ice can be applied to increase efficiency, and hot water can also be blotted.

After removing the slime, small particles usually remain. Household chemicals are applied to a cotton pad and the area of ​​contamination is wiped. The procedure is finished by rinsing with a wet sponge or wet wipe. The site of exposure must be dried with a hairdryer.

After using the mechanical cleaning method, it is necessary to carefully treat the contaminated area with various agents so that no stain remains

Thermal impact

You can wipe the slime off the sofa using ice cubes. They need to cover the stain left from the slime and wait until it hardens completely. Then the toy is removed with the blunt side of a knife or a file.

It is possible to remove particles of slime from the upholstery of the sofa using hot water. The high temperature helps to soak the components of the viscous mass, which can then be collected with a cloth.

After removing the slime with hot water, it is recommended to wash the stain with soapy water

Dry cleaning

This method is suitable for stubborn stains. It is recommended to wash the slime from the sofa using dry cleaning if self-removal of stains can ruin the upholstery.

The presence of delicate fabrics (silk, velvet, suede) indicates the need for professional cleaning of the upholstery.

How to clean dried slime off the couch

Even old stains left over from the slime can be removed. To soften a dried up toy, it is recommended to use hot water and wet wipes.

The sponge is moistened in soapy water and applied to the dirt. This is necessary to eliminate the greasy stain. After 5 minutes, wipe the dirty area of ​​the upholstery with a sponge soaked in hot water. When the handgum particles become soft, they are collected using wet wipes. Hot water helps remove dried slime from the couch.

How to remove traces of slime from the upholstery of a sofa

After cleaning the sticky mass, greasy spots often remain. Laundry soap allows you to get rid of traces. Use a grater to grind the bar. Water is added to the shavings. The product is lathered and applied to a sponge, with which the stain is carefully treated. After the dirt has disappeared, the area is wiped with a damp cloth. Laundry soap helps to remove traces left from the slime.

How not to damage the upholstery

You can remove the slime from the sofa using various means. However, care must be taken when removing sticky material from the upholstery. When using folk remedies and household chemicals, you must first process a small area of ​​fabric on an inconspicuous area. Remove the viscous mass with a blade, with a knife, carefully so as not to damage the fabric.

Attention! If you have delicate fabrics, it is advisable to choose dry cleaning.


You can remove slime from the sofa using various means. Depending on the upholstery material, it is recommended to use household chemicals, self-prepared compounds. After cleansing the sticky mass, the contaminated area must be treated with soapy water. Otherwise, a greasy stain may remain on the upholstery.

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