How to wash thermal underwear: in the washing machine and by hand

Today, thermal underwear is a fairly popular type of clothing in the cold season. Together with this trend, a completely logical question may arise, how to wash thermal underwear without spoiling its unique properties. In fact, this procedure is quite simple, as it might seem at first glance. For the result to please, you must follow some rules.

Is it possible to wash thermal underwear

Undoubtedly, thermal underwear must be washed like any other wardrobe item. Its structure consists of pores invisible to the human eye, which perform their functions only in a pure form. In the event that dirt and dust accumulate in them, there are malfunctions in thermoregulation, which means that such a suit will no longer be heated. Due to the special structure, extraneous odors do not linger in such a product, therefore it is impossible to understand the degree of pollution by the aroma. Experts believe that it is necessary to wash thermal underwear with constant wear 2-3 times a week, and if we are talking about models intended for sports, then after each workout.

This type of clothing is extremely forbidden to boil.

How to wash thermal underwear

It is worth knowing that not all products are suitable for washing thermal underwear, since some of them can ruin not only the appearance, but also the quality of the clothes. For example, laundry can become sticky when using standard powders. There are several options available for cleaning functional items:

  1. Means intended for thermal underwear. Today this type of clothing is especially popular, and therefore special substances can be found on the shelves in almost any household chemicals store. These products not only remove dirt, but also strengthen the fibers, which allows the garment to breathe again. Their cost is slightly higher than conventional detergents, but they do not spoil the thing and extend its service life.
  2. It copes well with dirt, while not damaging the structure of the material, ordinary laundry soap. It is great for hand washing. In this case, soak in soapy water for half an hour, and then rinse with cool water. Such actions are quite enough if it is not too dirty.
  3. Products designed for other delicate fabrics such as suede or nubuck are also suitable.
  4. Liquid powder is a good alternative to previous options, which also delicately removes dirt without washing out the special impregnation of the material. However, this type is intended for cleaning in washing machines.
  5. If there are greasy stains on the linen, experts advise using a dish detergent. So, you need to squeeze out a small amount of the substance on the dirt and wait a while, after which you can continue washing.
Important! The use of various fabric softeners, antistatic agents and rinses does not negatively affect the structure of the material, which is why they can be used.

How to properly wash thermal underwear

Functional clothing should be washed only with products that do not contain chlorine, bleaches and other corrosive elements.

It is clear that this type of product requires the use of certain products and gentle washing.However, this does not mean that it is worth washing thermal underwear only by hand. You can clean it both independently and using an automatic machine. But before starting the process, it is important to pay attention to the label and study the cleaning requirements, since the method of washing depends on the fabric from which the item is made. For example, any option is suitable for linen with fleece, but it should be ironed with extreme caution at the lowest temperatures. You can also wash polyester or cotton thermal underwear by hand or with a machine, but under delicate conditions. But for products made of wool and propylene, automatic cleaning is extremely prohibited. Below are the basic rules for manual and automatic washing.

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How to wash thermal underwear in a washing machine

When washing thermal underwear in a washing machine, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • to clean functional clothes, you should choose a "delicate" mode;
  • turn the product out before washing;
  • the water temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees;
  • if the washing machine has a "drying" function, then you can use it;
  • it is necessary to wash the thermal suit separately, without additional things;
  • in order not to violate the integrity of the fabric, you can not use the "spin" mode.

Important! The laundry should be wrung out without twisting, but it is better to let the water drain on its own and dry it in a natural way.

So, it is important to remember that high temperature and the "spin" function has a detrimental effect on the structure of the fabric, since the linen can stretch and become normal without the "thermo" prefix. Also, do not forget about special tools that gently affect the material.

This type of garment should not be ironed, wrung out or dried in the sun

How to wash your thermal underwear by hand

The next method includes a number of rules:

  • before washing, turn it inside out;
  • the water should not be hot, the optimum temperature is 30-40 degrees;
  • after diluting the solution, the linen is soaked for 30 minutes;
  • wash the product with light movements, it cannot be rubbed or creased;
  • rinse well with cool water so that there are no residues of the product on the clothes;
  • after the procedure, it is not recommended to wring out and twist the thermal underwear; it is better to hang it on a rope and let the water drain on its own.
Important! One of the most budgetary and optimal means for manual washing of thermal underwear is laundry soap.

How to properly dry thermal underwear

Before washing your laundry, it is very important to study the care instructions on the label.

In order not to harm the quality of thermal underwear, it is recommended to follow certain rules not only during the washing process, but also during drying. One of the most important sounds like this: it is necessary to dry it exclusively in natural conditions, that is, it is forbidden to use any sources of heat. But other nuances cannot be left aside:

  • to avoid streaks on the fabric, rinse the item well in cool and clean water before drying;
  • for the fastest and highest quality result, dry laundry in a well-ventilated area;
  • it is best to hang the product on a rope and let the water drain on its own;
  • it is strictly forbidden to wring out the laundry;
  • this type of clothing is not recommended to be dried in the sun;
  • the temperature in the room where the laundry is hung should be no higher than room temperature;
  • ironing is not recommended.
Important! The ideal drying method is to hang the items in the fresh air, but not in direct sunlight. In the absence of such an opportunity, you can always use dryers and or clotheslines.


Thus, washing thermal underwear is not only possible, but even necessary. And it is recommended to do this at least 2-3 times a week, since with heavy pollution it will not be able to cope with its main task.In addition, it is very important to choose the right detergent, which should not contain chlorine and other corrosive substances. But before proceeding to this procedure, you should study the label, since it is there that the manufacturer indicates the necessary information about cleaning and washing the product.

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