How to wash nylon tights: in the washing machine and by hand

It is imperative to wash your tights in the washing machine or by hand after each wear. Nylon fiber absorbs all surrounding odors, does not repel moisture well, therefore it quickly becomes dirty. To prolong the life of the product, wash it based on the manufacturer's recommendations.

The choice of cleaning method will depend on the material and care instructions

Can tights be washed in a washing machine

Tights in a woman's wardrobe are a must, especially in the fall-spring period. The material of the products depends on the season. For the cold season, nylon threads are thicker with the addition of polyurethane fibers; they can be washed in a washing machine. Thin ones are designed for warmer weather.

The choice of cleaning from dirt also depends on the weaving, it can be mesh (tulle) and simple hosiery. In the first case, the loop on the fabric does not fall, the second option has a short service life, arrows appear at the slightest catch. Thin ones with tulle weave can be washed in the washing machine, with hosiery - no, it is better to clean here by hand.

All hosiery made of nylon, regardless of their cost, come in a package containing the composition and care recommendations. Before washing a thing, you must read the instructions. The washing machine can be used if the tights are made of the following materials:

  • spandex;
  • Lycra 3D;
  • microfiber;
  • tactel.
Attention! In the case of poor quality, the product may change color and shape during mechanical cleaning, the appearance of puffs is not excluded.

It is better to wash tights by hand so that there are no pills and loss of presentation.

How to wash tights

A synthetic detergent is chosen only for delicate fabrics. Better in the form of gels - the liquid form does not leave streaks on the surface, rinses well and does not destroy the fiber structure. The recommendation is relevant both for manual processing and washing in a washing machine.

Dalli is an effective liquid product at an affordable price, suitable for light and colored nylon products

It is better to use gel according to the color of the item. Do not wash with products containing alkali or chlorine, streaks or stains may remain on the material.

You can wash light-colored tights from dyeing shoes with laundry soap. The contaminated area is lathered and left for 20 minutes, washed by hand. If the problem cannot be completely eliminated, the procedure is repeated, but the fabric is immersed in warm water for 2-3 hours, then a washing machine is used or resorted to manual cleaning.

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Often, white accessories of girls' wardrobe are painted from shoes. You can also wash baby tights with laundry soap or oxygen-based whitening gel.

Pure - a product approved for the treatment of baby clothes

If the product is dense, use a solution consisting of:

  • water - 1 l;
  • liquid detergent - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • turpentine - 1 tbsp. l.

The thing is placed in liquid for 30-40 minutes.Then they are rinsed in several waters and hung out on the balcony so that the smell disappears.

What mode to wash tights

If the care advice calls for the use of a washing machine, the parameters will be indicated. But often the packaging is thrown away without studying the information, in this case the mode for cleaning will be standard:

  • water temperature - + 300C;
  • rinses - two;
  • spinning - 200 revolutions. If the minimum mode is 400, the function is disabled;
  • time - 30-40 minutes.

These parameters can be set manually or put the washing machine on the "Delicate wash" function, if it is not available, "Silk and lace" will do.

How to wash nylon tights

Before washing the products, remove jewelry (rings and bracelets) so as not to tear the nylon material during work and not to tighten it on it. If the nails are chipped or the skin on the fingers is rough, thin gloves are recommended. Before cleaning, the product is turned inside out, carefully watching so that there are no dropped loops.

The nylon material with arrows should not be placed in the washing machine drum; it is better to clean it by hand. Raise the loop first and fix it (there is a special device for this purpose). And you can sew up the arrow if it is not in a conspicuous place. Further actions depend on the chosen cleaning method.

How to machine wash tights

It is not recommended to wash nylon products in the washing machine with clothes that have rough accessories, metal buttons, zippers or hooks. They also distribute things by color.

Important! Black tights cannot be processed at the same time as nude or white.
Can be combined with light, non-fading silk items

Basic rules for using a washing machine for cleaning wardrobe items made of nylon fabric:

  1. It is better to wash the products in a special bag, they are carefully folded and placed inside the device. Then the fabric will not be damaged by the protrusions on the drum, the thing will not be deformed.
    The bags are made of mesh material with a fixing zipper or lacing at the top, for tights it is better to use the second option
  2. Detergent is poured into the washing machine.
  3. Set the "Delicate" function.
  4. Disable "Spin".

Instead of a bag, you can use clean socks of the appropriate color, put a nylon product in them and tie. If the tights are heavily soiled, soak them for 30 minutes before cleaning. in water with a gel for delicate fabrics or soapy water.

How to wash nylon tights by hand

It is better to wash products by hand, this is a more gentle method for nylon fibers, and the work takes a little time. The technology is as follows:

  1. Pour into a small container 2 liters of water with a temperature of up to + 300C, and dissolve 0.5 caps of liquid detergent.
  2. It is dipped into the solution and left for 15-20 minutes.
    Rubbing dirt without effort, mainly the toe
  3. Then, without twisting, remove moisture.
    Squeeze out the water, crushing the product in the form of a ball
  4. The soap solution is poured, the container is filled with cold liquid and the remaining gel is removed from the fabric.
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How to wash your pantyhose to make them shrink

Products made of quality material, purchased by size, do not stretch, so there will be no problems with them. If they do not fit the figure, folds on the leg and the appearance deteriorates, you can wash them in hot water and put them on while still wet. The fabric will sit on the figure, but not for long, after a few hours the size will be restored.

Another option: wash in a washing machine at a temperature of + 50-600, put on a spin at high speeds, the fibers will plant, but the durability of such a thing will be greatly reduced. If there is no replacement and time to buy a new product, the tights are soaked in hot water for a few minutes, then immediately in cold water and twisted.A towel is placed on the radiator, CHNI on it, under the influence of high temperature, the thing will become two sizes smaller.

How to dry tights properly

Dry on a flat surface, you can use a dryer for this purpose.

First, put two mats for drying dishes

So that the tights do not deform, they are carefully distributed over the surface and left for 1.5-2 hours until the moisture completely evaporates.

Attention! Cannot be dried with a hair dryer, hot air can spoil the fiber structure.

How often to wash tights

This is an item of women's clothing with a minimum service life, except for thick winter products. But the last option is made of durable fibers with the addition of polyurethane material, the frequency of washing does not affect the durability. Capron, even with scented fragrances, will have an unpleasant odor the next day. Ideally, washing is recommended after each wear.

Useful Tips

Observance of the following recommendations will help to extend the service life of things made of nylon threads:

  • use soft SMS for delicate fabrics without aggressive additives;
  • it is possible to wash in a washing machine only in compliance with all the recommended rules, separately by color and using a special bag;
  • in order to prevent the destruction of fibers, the water temperature in the washing machine should not exceed + 25-300C;
  • do not dry on a hot surface, such as a central heating radiator;
  • nylon material is not ironed.


It is possible to wash tights in a washing machine if there is no mark prohibiting this function on the manufacturer's packaging. The drum is laid separately from the rest of the things, distributed by color. To protect the fabric, use a special bag, preferably on a drawstring pulling the top. Observe the temperature regime and turn off the spin on the washing machine.

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