How to fold a scarf for a wedding: patterns and rules

A pocket square can hardly be called an obligatory element of a man's wardrobe. But still, many men still include it in their outfit. There are many reasons for this, the main one is that this accessory is not only a practical thing, but also favorably distinguishes a man from others, emphasizing his style and elegance. Naturally, it is not just the presence of a given element that is important, but also how complex it is. This article contains the most practical and unusual ways to beautifully fold a scarf into a jacket pocket.

A pocket square is an optional but also very stylish element of a man's wardrobe.

How to choose a scarf for a jacket

The jacket shawl, or the so-called pasche shawl, is significantly different from what is intended for hygiene purposes. First, it must be made from natural fabrics. You can give preference to silk, cotton, linen or even woolen options. Various combinations of these materials are not excluded. But it is not recommended to purchase products made of artificial fiber. Such a scarf looks cheap, over time it loses its attractive appearance.

Secondly, it is slightly smaller in size than a standard handkerchief. Indeed, in this case, the pasha is chosen, taking into account the parameters of the breast pocket of the jacket. If we talk about the optimal size, then for a silk product it is 37 * 37 cm (up to 45 * 45 cm is allowed). But it is better to choose less linen and wool products, in some cases 33 * 33 cm will be enough. It is also worth considering that the larger the pocket square, the more interesting it can be folded.

Attention! A shawl that is too small will gradually fall into the pocket, thereby losing its elegance.

For what events can you wear a suit with a scarf

The shawl is a decorative accessory for the costume, and there are no special rules and reasons for its presence. A pocket square is appropriate in any case if a man puts on a jacket. Some stylists believe that a person who does not have a headscarf is not just “off parade” - he cannot be called well-dressed.

As a rule, the pasha is selected depending on the event. For example, for an official meeting, business negotiations, travel for work, it is best to limit your choice to simple, unremarkable shawls. For such cases, a plain linen or cotton pasche folded in a classic variation ("presidential style", in one corner or "winged puff") is suitable. But for a festive event, banquet, going to a restaurant, theater or for an evening walk, you can already show your imagination and give your image a zest by adding a bright accent with an unusual print.

How to beautifully fold a scarf in a jacket pocket

You can fold a scarf into a breast pocket in a jacket in a variety of ways. Naturally, the folding option will directly depend on the type of fabric from which this accessory is made. For example, silk scarves require smooth transitions and bends, but linen and cotton models allow for more rigid styling with various fold options.

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Below will be presented methods and schemes that allow you to fold any scarf in your jacket pocket, focusing on its appearance.

How to fold a handkerchief in a puff pocket

Puff style, also called cloud, refers to the informal technique of folding a pocket square, where there are no clear bend lines. They use this option for ceremonial banquets, but this style is inappropriate for official events.

The puff-folding method is suitable for a handkerchief made of light flowing fabric (silk)

Execution process:

  1. The handkerchief is grasped by the center of the fabric and lifted so that its ends hang freely.
  2. Then, connecting the side corners together, they form a fold at the top.
  3. The corners are tucked inside the resulting fold.
  4. The accessory is turned over with the resulting lush folds up and placed in the pocket.
Step by step puff folding

How to polygon a shawl for a jacket

Folding a pocket square into a polygon is acceptable for any event you can go to in a jacket. This style is suitable both for a formal meeting and for various evening events in an informal setting. It should be borne in mind that this folding method is suitable for dense materials (linen, wool, cotton), since lightweight fabric will slide and unfold.

The polygonal option is more suitable for a coarse fabric accessory such as linen or cotton

How to do:

  1. To begin with, fold the scarf diagonally, placing the fold at the bottom. In this case, it should be done so that the corners are not aligned.
  2. Next, first the left corner is folded upwards so that its top is located between the two upper corners.
  3. Then the right corner is bent upward with an offset, forming the fourth corner with the apex.
  4. The lower edge is folded up, placed in the pocket so that it is directed inward.
The polygonal addition method is also called the "crown"

How to fold a shawl with the loose ends up

The technique of folding a scarf for a suit with free corners upwards is also informal. More suitable for a silk accessory, but also looks good from linen or mixed fabric. This style will be appropriate for a walk or a banquet.

This style looks great if you use fabric with bright colors or with an unusual print.

Method of execution:

  1. The scarf is taken by the center, leaving the edges hanging down.
  2. Grabbing it in the middle, bend it.
  3. Place the fold in the pocket so that the free ends are located outside.
This technique is almost identical to the boof style.

How to fold a handkerchief into a presidential fold jacket pocket

For classic suits, a presidential fold-style fold-over is suitable. It will look perfect if the accessory is used from linen or mixed fabric.

Despite the business style, the presence of a cell or lines is allowed

Step by step addition:

  1. The accessory is folded in 4 layers, the fold should be located on the left side, and the free edges should be on top.
  2. The lower part is slightly bent, but the edge is not brought to the upper part.
  3. They put the pasha in the pocket and straighten it in width.
"Presidential fold" is considered the easiest way to fold a pocket square

How to fold a pocket square with one corner

A scarf folded in one corner is considered universal. Suitable for business and personal meetings, as well as for special occasions.When using an element for formal receptions, it is recommended to choose a solid color.

Depending on the occasion, the accessory can be monochromatic or have bright colors.

How to do:

  1. The fabric element is folded diagonally and directed upward at an angle.
  2. Then, first the left corner to the middle, after the right one, die.
  3. An accessory is put into the pocket with a sharp top up.
An accessory made of any material is suitable for this scheme.

How to beautifully fold a handkerchief in two corners

The version with two corners is suitable for both festive and casual men's attire. In this way, you can still beautifully fold a scarf as a gift.

This simple option can be used in any situation.

Step by step execution:

  1. Fold diagonally with the fold at the bottom. It is important to fold in such a way that the corners are not aligned.
  2. The lower corners are bent in opposite directions.
  3. In a jacket pocket, the pache is placed with the resulting corners up.
The double folding technique is very simple and versatile.

How to fold a scarf into a jacket in three corners

The three corners of the pocket square is great for a free man image. For this purpose, an accessory of different textures and colors is suitable, even a bright and contrasting print is appropriate. You can fold a handkerchief into a coat pocket in the same way.

The triple fold technique is suitable for any type of jacket as well as a coat

Step-by-step actions:

  1. The fold is made diagonally, with the fold at the bottom. Fold so that there is a distance between the vertices.
  2. Next, the left corner is folded so that the top is located next to the two upper corners.
  3. The right corner is folded to the left. The scarf itself is placed in the pocket with three tops up.
The method of making a triple corner is almost identical to the previous version.

How to fold a men's winged puff scarf

The method for folding a scarf into a jacket for a wedding or for a tuxedo is the winged puff. It is great for special occasions. Ideal for a silk accessory.

The accessory folded in the winged puff style looks volumetric, giving a zest to the whole look

You can do it as follows:

  1. The scarf is folded diagonally so that the fold is on top.
  2. Next, the left and right corners are bent to the bottom vertex so that a rhombus is formed.
  3. The resulting side corners are folded towards the center.
  4. Put in a pocket with a connecting fold on the front side.
This technique allows a silk pocket square to be folded neatly

How to fold a scarf into a shirt pocket like a cloud

The process of folding a scarf into a shirt pocket in a cloud is completely identical to the option for a puff-style jacket. The only difference is that in this case it is necessary to choose the right color and size of the accessory.

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The algorithm itself is as follows:

  1. The scarf is taken in the center, lowering the edges.
  2. After that they clamp it exactly in the middle, bend it and form the so-called "cloud".
  3. Place the free ends inside the pocket.
It is better that the scarf does not stand out much against the background of the shirt.

Useful Tips

An accessory such as a shawl-pasha allows you to make a man's outfit more strict or gives it a bright accent. Therefore, it is imperative to choose the right color scheme, fabric and folding method so that this element is appropriate for a particular event.

When choosing a pasha, it is important to match its size to the width and depth of the jacket pocket, and also try to fold it in different ways so that after purchase there are no problems in terms of its styling.

Pasha made of linen and cotton fabric must be ironed before laying. You can additionally starch the product so that the bends remain even. But silk models are categorically not recommended to be ironed, let alone starch, as this will lead to damage.

When folding the scarf into a pocket, it should not protrude more than 2 cm beyond the edge, otherwise it will bend.

If the depth of the pocket exceeds the size of the pasha, then you can put a small piece of thin fabric. This will prevent the accessory from rolling inward. Also, special metal clamps can be used for fixing.


Beautifully folding a scarf into a jacket pocket is a real art, having mastered it, you can constantly add unusual and very bright accents to an outfit. With the right combination of a jacket and a pasha, the image can become even more elegant and sophisticated.

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