How to properly store the pool in winter: conditions and features, video

The pool at the dacha is one of the favorite recreation places for all family members. But to keep a water structure in working order as long as possible, you need to know how to care for it. It is especially important to understand how to store a frame pool in winter, because with the wrong approach, there is a high probability of defects, damage to the elastic coating. To avoid such negative consequences, you should adhere to certain recommendations.

Is it possible to store the pool at minus temperatures

Some owners of artificial frame-type reservoirs prefer not to carry out laborious work on their dismantling when the swimming season is over. They believe that using a film to cover them will be enough to protect them from the harmful effects of external factors. But this technique does not always work, and the reservoir loses its integrity.

Proper storage of the pool will extend its life

Among the frequent unpleasant moments that arise during the off-season, one can single out:

  1. Filling the reservoir with rain or melt water. Even with high-quality sealing, moisture gets into the container, if its chemical composition turns out to be overly aggressive, then the plastic will not withstand and the process of destruction will begin.
  2. Settlement of wild or domestic animals. Rodents and small predators often live in such structures. As a result of their vital activity, damage occurs not only to the plastic, but also to the frame.
  3. Impact of bullies. In most cases, summer cottages are unattended in winter, and vandals spoil property.
  4. Brittleness of plastic with sudden temperature changes. If the water in the tank first freezes and then thaws, then the pool in such conditions becomes vulnerable to damage. The material hardens at subzero temperatures and becomes very brittle.

Leaving a frame pool outside for the winter is possible if the model is all-season. It is designed taking into account the fulfillment of all the rules. Most prefabricated pools allow this storage method to be used during the cold season. For structures that do not differ in a sufficient degree of frost resistance, this technique is not relevant, here a complete analysis of the pool will be required.

As for inflatable water tanks, they should not be simply left outside in winter. Under the influence of low temperatures, the material loses its performance characteristics, is easily damaged, which requires either repair or the purchase of a new pool for the next season. Only in regions with a warm climate, where the air temperature is at least 0 ° C, can you do without additional shelter.

Important! Before putting the pool into storage, you must familiarize yourself with the information on the permissible temperatures at which the product does not lose its performance. This information is indicated on the packaging.

How to wash your pool before storing

Preliminary preparation of the tank for storage includes freeing it from water and cleaning it from dirt and debris. The tank can be emptied through special drain holes or using a submersible drainage pump.Children's models simply turn over and drain the water onto the lawn. For large structures, use a hose that is inserted into the drain hole and the water is redirected to the pit, storm drain.

The use of special products for cleaning the pool allows you to keep it intact for many years
Advice! If the pool does not have a drain valve, then you need to immerse one end of the hose inside the bowl, and extract air from the other. After that, direct the water to the place designated for this purpose.

It is recommended to wash the tank with a sponge, soft cloth; a brush on a telescopic handle is also suitable. Liquid soap must be added to the water to clean the pool; the use of abrasive cleaning agents must be excluded. They contain hard particles that can severely scratch plastic.

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Considering that the surfactant does not wash off the surface for a long time, the bowl should be rinsed inside and out several times. If you ignore this moment, then the next time the pool is operated, the water will begin to foam. And soapy liquid does not have the best effect on the human mucous membrane.

When using a collapsible structure, all of its components must be cleaned of dirt separately. For them, liquid soap is also diluted with water in a container, thoroughly washed with a sponge.

How to prepare your pool for winter storage

It is imperative to dry the pool well after all water procedures, it can be turned over or wiped dry (if the size is small). For drying all structural elements, it is better to choose an open area under the sun, the duration of this manipulation is at least one hour.

Carefully prepared preparation guarantees a long service life of the pool

To make the installation of the structure next year it was much easier and faster, then all the components of the frame need to be marked. The dried product must be sprinkled with talcum powder before storage. This technique should be used if the bowl will be rolled up. Talc will prevent the film from sticking together. If the model has a rectangular shape, then there will be no difficulties with folding. But round tanks will require some effort, first the walls should be wrapped inward, and then the resulting circle should be folded in half twice.

Where to store the pool in winter

In order for the product to serve for a single season, you need to know how to store a frame or inflatable pool in the winter. Alternatively, you can fold the structure near the installation site, cover it with a thick plastic wrap, fixing the edges with bricks. This applies to large pools, which are problematic to place in a barn or garage.

The storage area for the pool must be dry and warm.

To exclude the brittleness of plastic, determine the product in a warm room, where the temperature is from 0 to +50 ° C. If the bowl is small, then it can be stored in the apartment, laying it in the closet, in the linen compartment in the sofa. An insulated loggia is also suitable for placing a folded tank. For storage, you can use the free space in the barn, workshop, in the attic, in the basement, in the summer kitchen.

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How to store your pool properly

The structure should be dismantled long before the onset of cold weather and rain. Choose dry weather, it will take about two days to prepare the product for storage.

How to store an inflatable pool in winter

The algorithm for preparing the tank for winter cleaning in a warm room provides for the following procedure:

  1. Bleed the air in the pool walls.
  2. Fold it, smoothing out creases, folds.
  3. Treat with talcum powder.
  4. Place in a suitable box, bag.

How to properly store a frame pool

Step by step, this process includes:

  1. Draining water from the reservoir.
  2. Cleansing the walls from dirt, plaque, mold.
  3. Removal of existing optional equipment.
  4. Drying in the open air of all structural elements.
  5. Collecting in a cover made of tarpaulin.

How to store a frame pool in winter can be seen in the video.


A frame pool should be stored in winter in compliance with certain rules, ignoring them is fraught with damage, destruction of plastic. With proper use and storage, inflatable bowls can last up to 5 years.

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