How to clean white felt boots from dirt at home

Valenki are now experiencing a second life. After all, as you know, everything new is well forgotten old. Such comfortable and warm shoes are indispensable in frosty snowy weather. And thanks to modern production technologies, you can find white felt boots with molded soles, decorated with rhinestones, embroidery and other decor. Therefore, every fashionista can choose a stylish option. But during operation, these shoes get dirty and, in order not to spoil the appearance, you need to clean the white felt boots at home correctly.

Light shade gives an elegant look

Is it possible to wash felt boots

Felt boots, like any other footwear, need constant care. And if they are white, they get dirty much more often. Therefore, they should only be worn in dry snowy weather. However, even if all recommendations are followed, white felt shoes turn yellow over time or stains appear on them. And, in order to return it to its original appearance, it is necessary to periodically clean it.

For minimal stains, dry washing is recommended, while the wet method is suitable for removing stubborn and stubborn stains. But so that white felt shoes do not lose their functionality and retain a presentable look, this must be done correctly.

Important! Before you clean your boots, you should read the manufacturer's recommendations on the product label.
Felt shoes require gentle care

How to clean boots at home

You can clean white felt boots at home using different means. Their choice depends on the degree of contamination of the felt.

To clean white felt boots, it is recommended to use:

  • vacuum cleaner - to remove fine litter and dust;
  • a rubber brush with a hard bristle - to remove sand and dried dirt;
  • semolina, flour, starch, soda, tooth powder - in the case of a dry method for removing dirt;
  • oxygen bleach, detergents for light-colored items, laundry soap - when wet cleaning.
Important! You can not wash white felt boots with sandpaper, a metal brush, as this will destroy the fibers and lead to thinning of the material.
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Ways to wash felt boots at home

You can clean white felt boots from dust and stains with a dry and wet method. The first option is suitable for the daily care of felt shoes. With its help, you can maintain the appearance of the product and promptly clean minor point dirt. The second option is used to remove difficult stains that cannot be removed dry. The procedure is recommended to be used no more than twice a month in order not to ruin the felt boots.

Before you clean your boots, you must dry them thoroughly. And push the paper into the middle so that the shape is preserved during the washing process. After preparation, felt shoes must be vacuumed or brushed over the surface.This will remove dirt, dust and sand particles stuck in the felt. Only then can you proceed to a more thorough cleaning of your shoes.

How to dry your boots at home

To clean yellowed felt boots, you need to use potato starch, semolina, flour, tooth powder or soda. Any of the proposed components can easily cope with this task.

You will need to sprinkle the chosen product on the soiled areas of the felt and rub it well into the stain using a flannel cloth. After that, carefully knock out the boots. This will remove not only the cleaning agent, but also the dirt. If necessary, the stains should be additionally brushed with a hard bristle brush.

Dry cleaning should be used regularly

How to wash boots wet

If it was not possible to clean the white felt boots with dry components and the result obtained does not meet expectations, then professional detergents must be used.

The most effective of these are:

  1. Saphir is a product for velor, suede and textile materials. This delicate shampoo helps clean felt shoes without altering the texture or color of the material. For the procedure, it is necessary to dilute the product with water in a 1: 2 ratio.
  2. Salton is a versatile foam cleaner. This product not only removes dirt, but also has a water-repellent effect. Shake the tube thoroughly before use and apply the foam directly to problem areas of the shoe.
  3. To clean white felt boots from dirt, you must use a soap solution based on this product.
  4. Laska is a gel for washing white clothes. To clean shoes with this product, you must first dilute it with water according to the dosage indicated by the manufacturer.

Wet cleaning should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the material. This procedure is simple, but requires strict adherence to some recommendations.


  1. Prepare a soap solution based on a gel, shampoo or other chosen product.
  2. Stir it thoroughly until a stable foam appears.
  3. Apply to dirty areas with a brush, rub.
  4. Wash off dirty foam with a sponge soaked in cold water, without allowing it to soak into the deep layers of the material.
  5. When finished, dry the felt boots and remove the remaining detergent with a vacuum cleaner or knock out with a carpet cracker.
Important! Wet cleaning of white felt boots is possible if it is indicated on the product label.

How to clean dirt from boots

If it was not possible to spot the white felt boots dry and wet, then you should resort to washing your shoes. This procedure can be carried out in manual and automatic mode.

Important! To clean such products, you cannot use water with a temperature of more than 35 degrees, otherwise the shoes will decrease by one or two sizes.

How to wash felt boots in a washing machine

It is necessary to use this method only as a last resort, when all the tried methods and means did not bring the desired result.

Important! Before you clean white felt boots in an automatic machine, you must dry them thoroughly, remove dirt and sand with a brush.


  1. Place the white felt boots in special bags for washing, each in a separate one.
  2. Pour detergent into the compartment of the machine and add oxygen bleach.
  3. Set the delicate mode, heat the water to 30 degrees and turn off the spin.
  4. Start washing.
  5. At the end, remove the boots and slightly displace the liquid by hand.

How to wash felt boots by hand

This method of washing is preferable as it minimizes the risk of deterioration of the white product. To clean your felt boots by hand, there are some simple rules to follow.


  1. Collect warm water with a temperature of no more than 35 degrees into a wide basin.
  2. Add grated laundry soap and oxygen bleach to the liquid.
  3. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  4. Dip white felt boots in water and wet well.
  5. Remove dirt with a sponge or brush.
  6. Squeeze lightly and rinse under warm water.
  7. Pull the shaft to restore the shape of the garment.
Important! Dry white felt boots away from heating appliances. Otherwise, red streaks will appear on them.
Hand wash is gentle

How to care for felt boots

In order for such shoes to retain their presentable look longer, it is necessary to take care of the felt boots made of sheep wool, taking into account the material.

Basic Rules:

  1. After each walk, you need to immediately clean the felt boots of the snow so that it does not have time to melt and absorb.
  2. It is necessary to dry it away from heating devices, otherwise the size may decrease.
  3. To maintain its shape, a lot of paper should be pushed into the product.
  4. Already dry felt boots need to be cleaned from dirt and dust with a brush.

By following these simple recommendations, you can wash your felt boots less often. And this will significantly increase their service life.

Important! When buying white felt boots, it should be understood that the product requires careful attitude and care, otherwise this purchase will not bring anything but disappointment.

Useful Tips

White felt requires delicate care. And with any mistake made, the quality of the material decreases, and as a result, the appearance deteriorates. Therefore, you should take into account some of the features of cleaning, which will allow you to keep your favorite thing for a long time.

Helpful hints:

  1. So that after cleaning the felt boots do not lose their white tint, it is necessary to use oxygen bleach and detergents for light-colored items during washing.
  2. Felt boots with glued rubber soles cannot be washed in an automatic machine.
  3. It is not recommended to apply the detergent concentrate directly to the product, unless this method is provided for in the instructions. Otherwise, it can lead to bleaching of certain areas.
  4. After each wet cleaning, it is necessary to fill the boot with paper to maintain the correct shape of the white felt boots.
  5. Stains on felt boots should be removed fresh, without allowing dirt to penetrate into the deeper layers of the material.
  6. The use of water-repellent gels to be applied to the surface of the felt helps create a protective barrier against dirt.
Shoes are impractical and not suitable for daily use


You can clean white felt boots at home and return them to their original appearance if you follow all the recommendations. But do not forget that felt boots should be worn only in dry frosty weather, and for slush it is better to choose more practical options. Then these cozy and comfortable shoes will be able to serve for more than one season, and at the same time will have an attractive and stylish look.

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