How to wash a shirt collar at home

It is quite possible to wash a shirt collar at home, even if the dirt on it is very strong. Household substances and special chemicals help to remove yellowness and gray tint.

Features of washing shirt collar

When wearing a shirt, the collar is especially tightly in contact with the body. Not surprisingly, it is on him that yellowness from sweat and sebum quickly appears. Dirt is striking, especially if the shirt is light.

You can wash the gate if you follow some rules:

  1. A stained collar should be washed immediately, without waiting for the dirt to be absorbed. Ideally, it is advised to change white shirts daily, even after one day of wearing, clothes lose their freshness.
  2. Fresh dirt on the collar must not be rubbed with hands or a tissue. From this, the situation will only worsen, sebum and sweat will penetrate deeper into the structure of the tissue, and it will be more difficult to remove them.
  3. When cleaning a shirt, it is better not to use hard brushes, you should not rub the fabric with your hands. Rough mechanical impact damages fabric fibers, making it more difficult to remove dirt from them. At the same time, the shirt can retain its neat appearance for a long time, but it will be more difficult to return the whiteness of the collar each time.
The collar is the most vulnerable place of any shirt to dirt

Since it is rather difficult to wash the collar to its original color, it is recommended to carry out processing in 2 stages. First, the shirt is soaked in a basin and the problem areas are locally treated with bleaching agents. Only after that, the product is washed entirely by hand or in a typewriter; with a normal quick wash, dirt from the collar does not go well.

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How to wash a shirt collar

Many chemical and household products allow you to wash the white collar. Among the most effective are:

  • vinegar and hydrogen peroxide;
  • laundry soap and starch;
  • lemon juice;
  • chlorine and oxygen industrial bleaching agents.

When choosing a detergent, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material. If we are talking about a thick cotton product, the shirt can be washed with rather aggressive means and at high temperatures. But silk and synthetic things require delicate handling - for them you need to use liquid detergent gels, and it is better not to use strong acids and alkalis.

How to clean a shirt collar using folk methods

If there are no chemical bleaches and stain removers on hand, you can wash the collar of a colored shirt or white shirt using simple folk methods. Homemade acids and alkaline preparations work well even on old stains.

How to clean a men's shirt collar with vinegar

Yellowness and gray-black stripes on the collar are well removed by ordinary table vinegar 9%. They use it like this:

  • moisten the soiled collar with water;
  • a small amount of vinegar is applied to a cotton pad;
  • gently wipe the dirty collar, trying to treat the dirt abundantly;
  • leave the shirt on for 15 minutes.
Vinegar removes both yellowness and fat from the collar and cuffs

After the expiration date, the collar is rinsed several times in running water. Then the shirt can be washed in the usual way in a basin or in an automatic typewriter from the remaining dirt.

How to remove dirt from a shirt collar with ammonia and salt

Another effective home solvent is ammonia. To remove yellow and gray stains on the collar, you must:

  • dilute 1 small spoonful of salt in 50 ml of ammonia;
  • add 50 ml of pure water to the solution;
  • stir the product, and then evenly apply it to the soiled shirt collar;
  • leave clothes for 20-30 minutes so that ammonia and salt have time to have the desired effect.

After that, the collar must be thoroughly rinsed from the cleaning agent and the shirt must be washed by hand or in a machine with ordinary powder.

Salt ammonia helps to remove greasy stains from the collar
Attention! It is best to use cool water when removing tough stains. The high temperature of the water can lead to the fact that it will not be possible to wash off the dirt, it only absorbs more into the fibers of the fabric.

How to clean a white shirt collar with hydrogen peroxide

If you need a white thing to remove yellowness and grayness, then hydrogen peroxide becomes one of the best remedies. It has the properties of oxygen bleach, effectively removes stains and does not harm even delicate fabrics.

Apply peroxide as follows:

  • 50 ml of peroxide is mixed with 30 ml of dishwashing liquid;
  • add 2 large spoons of baking soda to the mixture;
  • mix the components well, and then apply to a dirty, damp collar and leave for 10 minutes.
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Hydrogen Peroxide - Proven White Collar Whitening Treatment

If desired, you can use only hydrogen peroxide without additional components to wash the shirt, however, the multi-component product shows the best effect. After processing, the shirt is rinsed in cool water and washed entirely in the usual way.

Peroxide is good for removing stains and yellowness on a white collar. But it is not recommended to use the product for colored shirts; after its application, lightened areas may remain on the fabric.

How to clean a shirt collar with baby powder

With fresh dirt on the collar, baby powder has a good effect, it absorbs dirt and grease. You can use it like this:

  • a small amount of powder is diluted with water to obtain a slurry;
  • apply the mixture to the stained area of ​​the fabric;
  • very neatly rubbed into the collar;
  • leave the shirt to lie down until the mixture is dry.

Then the rest of the powder is shaken off with a soft brush, and the shirt is sent to a regular wash.

Baby powder absorbs dirt and can remove fresh stains on collar and cuffs

In case of heavy dirt, you can dilute children's talcum powder not with water, but with refined gasoline. But it should be borne in mind that gasoline can leave its own stains on light-colored clothes. In addition, it is very difficult to remove a sharp unpleasant odor after using it.

How to clean a greasy shirt collar with lemon juice

Concentrated lemon juice dissolves sweat marks and grease. You can wash clothes with it like this:

  • fresh lemon is properly squeezed out or simply cut off a large slice from it;
  • the soiled shirt collar is rubbed with a slice of lemon or generously treated with juice;
  • the fabric is left for half an hour, after which it is thoroughly rinsed in cool water and then washed as usual.
Lemon juice can be used to clean white collars

When using citrus fruit, keep in mind that it can only be used to clean the collar and cuffs of a white shirt. Due to its strong whitening properties, lemon juice corrodes both greasy stains and dyes, that is, it leaves light stains on colored clothes.

How to wash the collar of a white shirt with potatoes

Starch, which is contained in raw potatoes, helps to fight greasy marks on the collar. Processing is carried out as follows:

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  • a dirty shirt collar is soaked in water;
  • a small yellow potato, peeled and cut in half;
  • with half a potato, rub the soiled collar in a circular motion;
  • leave the product for 30-40 minutes, until the collar dries.
Rubbing the collar of your shirt with raw yellow potatoes will help remove the starch.

The remains of dried potato starch are shaken off the collar with a brush and the shirt is washed in a typewriter or by hand in a basin.

Advice! You can wash the yellow collar of a white shirt only with yellow potatoes. A red vegetable can backfire and stain the fabric.

How to wash a shirt collar using specialized products

Specialized chemicals help to cope with yellowness and greasy spots. In composition, they are perfectly balanced and remove dirt well, while not harming the material itself.

Vanish oxi action

Vanish Oxy Action universal bleach with active oxygen content is available in both powders and liquid gels. The product has a mild effect on fabrics, is suitable for washing delicate items made of silk and synthetics, especially good for removing fresh stains on the collar.

There are two ways to clean the shirt collar from grease using Vanish:

  • apply the bleaching gel or powder directly to the soiled collar, rub lightly and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse the shirt and wash in the usual way;
  • add bleach directly to the tray of the automatic machine and start the wash cycle.
With Vanish Oxy Action bleach you can wash shirts of any color

The methods can be combined with each other - first, separately clean the collar with bleach, and then add Vanish to the washing machine tray again.

Important! Vanish Oxi Action works equally well with white and colored items. With its help, you can wash the collar on a blue shirt, clean gray and brown things, in all cases the tool will preserve the brightness of the fabric and will not leave light marks.

Bos Plus Maximum

Inexpensive bleach Bose is used to remove dirt on white shirts. The product removes yellow and oily marks well, works effectively both in hot and cool water. Use bleach like this:

  • 10 liters of warm water are poured into a basin;
  • stir in a basin only half a large spoonful of regular washing gel;
  • add 50 ml of Bos Plus Maximum;
  • soak the soiled thing in the solution for 20 minutes;
  • wash their shirt, paying special attention to the dirty collar;
  • rinse the product in cool water and hang to dry.
Bos Plus Maximum removes stains well, but is recommended mainly for white shirts

If desired, the processed shirt can be put into the drum of the washing machine and washed in automatic mode, also with the addition of Bose.

Pencil Snowter

An effective remedy for tough stains - the Snowter Hard Pencil. When using it, the shirt does not even need to be washed. Apply a pencil like this:

  • the collar is slightly moistened with water;
  • rub a damp cloth well with a pencil until foam appears;
  • leave the shirt for 15 minutes, and then rinse it in water;
  • if necessary, wash the whole shirt automatically or by hand.
Snowter Pencil - Quick Collar Cleaner

Snowter is able to handle even stubborn dirt. The disadvantages of the tool include the fact that it is undesirable to use it on colored things, a pencil can leave light spots on bright fabric.

How to clean a shirt collar without washing

Sometimes there is simply no time to wash a shirt - you need to put it on right away, you cannot wait until it dries. If the stains on the collar are fresh, you can try to remove them without washing - cornstarch allows you to do this.

The procedure is carried out in the following way:

  • the shirt is laid out on the table;
  • sprinkle stained areas with plenty of starch and lightly press it to the surface of the fabric;
  • the shirt is left for 20 minutes, and then the starch is shaken off the collar with a brush.
If there is no time to wash the shirt, you can use dry starch, it will absorb dirt from the collar

Powder starch absorbs dirt well, so it can make stains less visible. Then the shirt will still have to be washed, but it will be possible to put it on again before that.

How to whiten the collar of a white shirt from yellowness

You can whiten a yellowed shirt collar in all of the following ways. But some remedies work especially well for traces of sweat and grease on white tissue:

  1. Laundry soap... To remove yellowness, it is enough to rub the collar with 72% soap with a high alkali content and leave the foam for 20 minutes, and then rinse.
    Laundry soap effectively dissolves yellowness on the collar of the shirt
  2. Aspirin... It is necessary to dissolve 2 tablets of an antipyretic agent in 100 ml of water and mix, and then dip a cotton pad in the solution and carefully treat the stains.
    Aspirin can serve not only as a medicine, but also as a bleach for a shirt collar.

Clothes made of any fabric can be treated with aspirin and laundry soap, the products do not harm delicate things.


You can wash your shirt collar at home if you start cleaning immediately after the fabric is dirty. By washing your clothes promptly, home and store products can help keep your shirts fresh.

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