How to clean kitchen towels in the microwave

You can wash kitchen towels in the microwave in just a couple of minutes without much effort. Microwave ovens are suitable not only for heating food, but also for removing stubborn stains.

Is it possible to wash kitchen towels with a microwave

At first glance, it seems that the microwave is the most inappropriate place to wash. After all, it is intended for completely different purposes - for warming up food and drinks, quick defrosting of semi-finished products.

However, in fact, the device can be used much more widely. Using a microwave oven, it is quite possible to wash heavily soiled kitchen towels in a few minutes and eliminate the unpleasant smell from them. The bottom line is that under the influence of microwaves, wet textiles inside the unit reach a very high temperature, and under its influence the structure of even very persistent and old stains breaks down.

The method is somewhat reminiscent of classic boiling. Only the microwave is much more convenient to use, it gives a better effect, and washing takes less time.

Washing textiles in the microwave takes place according to the following principles:

  • first, the towel is properly soaked in soapy water - it is necessary that it completely saturates the fabric;
  • then placed in a microwave oven in a sealed heat-resistant package;
  • then the microwave oven is briefly turned on, as a result of which the soapy water in the fibers of the fabric literally boils.

The method makes it possible to remove grease stains and difficult-to-remove foodstuffs with the highest degree of efficiency. At the same time, the microwave eliminates the unpleasant odor that often comes from old towels, even after washing.

How to wash kitchen towels in the microwave

The washing algorithm with a microwave oven is the same, but the nuances for ordinary and terry towels may differ. If the fabric has long fibers, you will need to think not only about its high-quality cleaning, but also about keeping it soft.

How to wash regular towels

The easiest way to wash regular cloth or waffle towels is with the microwave. The classic algorithm for washing towels in a microwave oven works great here.

  • Dirty textiles are properly moistened in cold water, and then rubbed thoroughly with a bar of laundry soap. You can also use other home remedies to treat the fabric, such as sprinkling some vinegar on the stains, sprinkling a towel with salt or citric acid.
  • The prepared kitchen towel is placed in a microwave-safe plastic bag. There is no need to close and tie the bag; it must remain open.
  • The package is placed in a microwave oven, and then turned on at medium power and set the time at about 1.5-2 minutes.
  • After the microwave has finished the cycle of operation, the door of the device is opened and the bag is removed with long tongs or other device that will allow you not to touch the bag with your hands.

After that, you need to wait until the polyethylene has cooled down and remove the washed towel from the bag.Next, the fabric should be lightly washed in warm water from the remaining detergents and rinsed.

Advice! in case of complex dirt, the procedure can be repeated twice with a short break - this will help to remove stains better.
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How to microwave a long nap towel

Washing terry kitchen textiles is a little more difficult. First of all, dirt eats into a long pile much stronger, and besides, after intensive washing in hot water, such towels become very hard.

For these reasons, a special technique must be used to clean the long-naped tea towel with the microwave. The algorithm looks like this:

  • as in the previous case, the textiles are thoroughly soaked and, if necessary, treated with strong cleaning agents;
  • however, instead of laundry soap for long hair, hair shampoo is used, it has a very mild composition, although it effectively removes dirt and grease marks;
  • then the fabric is still wrapped in a bag and put in the microwave, and then the unit is started for 1.5 minutes of operation.

To wash the kitchen textiles to the end, you will need to rinse them several times in warm water, it is necessary that the shampoo residues are completely washed out of the fabric fibers.

Attention! It is very convenient to wash kitchen textiles using a mild shampoo - long pile after the procedure becomes soft, delicate and fluffy. The tea towel will be completely clean, but it will not lose its attractiveness and will remain pleasant to the touch.

How to bleach kitchen towels in the microwave

According to reviews, you can wash kitchen towels in the microwave even if they were once white, but then lost their original color. Bleaching in a microwave oven is carried out as follows:

  • hot water is poured into a sufficiently deep dish, leaving a little space to the edge;
  • a bleaching agent is added to the water - 100 g of bleach is required for 1 liter of water;
  • kitchen towels are dipped in water, while it is desirable that the water does not completely cover them;
  • the container is covered with a special lid designed for use in a microwave oven, or other utensils - this must be done to avoid splashing;
  • the microwave is set to medium power and the time is set from 10 to 15 minutes.

Under the influence of microwaves, kitchen towels in bleach will be able to boil properly, and even the most difficult stains - grease, coffee, tea stains - will be removed from them. The fabric will become perfectly clean and white, besides, bleaching in the microwave oven will eliminate the unpleasant old smell from the towels.

Important! After the bleaching procedure, the towels will need to be washed as usual to remove any bleach residue from the fabric.

Safety precautions when working with a microwave

Dish towels can be microwaved until they are perfectly clean. However, it must be remembered that a microwave oven is a complex device that requires compliance with safety rules.

  • To wash kitchen textiles, it is enough to set the unit to medium power and a short operating time - there is no need to process textiles for too long or with a very high intensity.
  • Wet towels can only be packed in plastic bags. Foil cannot be used - it will sparkle in the microwave, and the cling film will simply melt.
  • Leave the bag with a wet cloth open. If you tie it, the polyethylene will explode, it may not damage the microwave, but it's better not to risk it.
  • After completing the wash cycle, the bag of towels from the microwave oven should only be removed with tongs or potholders. The polyethylene will be very hot if you handle it with your bare hands, it will burn your skin.

Subject to basic safety precautions, washing kitchen textiles in the microwave will be successful and will delight you with the results.


It is very easy to wash kitchen towels in the microwave - the microwave oven avoids the lengthy procedure of soaking and bleaching textiles. It only takes a few minutes to return the towels to absolute cleanliness.


Petrova Elena Vladimirovna, 35 years old, Ryazan
I learned that the microwave is suitable for washing fabrics from the Internet a couple of years ago and immediately tried the method. The results were beyond praise - the towels really became completely clean, even those stains that were not removed by washing were removed.
Stasova Tatyana Fedorovna, 45 years old, Moscow
Kitchen towels get dirty very quickly and get an unpleasant odor. It is almost useless to fight this problem with regular washing, but the microwave method helps very well. Even old stains of fat and black tea, which are almost impossible to remove in other ways, are leaving.
Ilyina Irina Stanislavovna, 37 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Most of my kitchen towels are white and used to have to be changed often because the fabric was soiled and impossible to wash. With the help of a microwave, the problem was completely solved, now I do not worry about white towels, even if I accidentally stain them with beets, butter or tea.


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