How to remove a bird cherry stain: the best ways

To wash the bird cherry, it is recommended to immediately soak the clothes, without waiting for the deep penetration of the coloring pigment inside. At home they use lemon, laundry soap, vinegar. If the stain is ingrained, it is worth using chemicals.

Features of removing stains from bird cherry

To remove the cherry stain from the T-shirt from berries effectively and without streaks, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  1. The initial treatment consists of treating fresh stains with cold water. Do not use soap and cleaning products.
  2. It is important to take action in time, not to wait for the stain to strongly bite into the fabric.
  3. To remove traces of bird cherry on the furniture, wipe it with a napkin folded in several layers. If possible, it is also placed under the material.
  4. To prevent the spreading of a fresh trace, the treatment should be carried out carefully, without sudden movements, from the edge of the spot to the middle.
  5. Cool water will help remove berry streaks from clothing.
  6. To remove the peel and small particles of berries, use a cloth made of natural and colorless matter.
  7. If the hostess uses store-bought stain removers, then they should not be left on the fabric for more than 1 hour.
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How to remove bird cherry stains from clothes using folk methods

It is worth considering some methods for removing bird cherry stains at home.

Boiling water

According to reviews of many housewives, this method is effective. Boiling water removes traces of bird cherry from colored and white fabrics. Use with caution on delicate, shedding material. Sequencing:

  1. Pour water into the kettle and boil it.
  2. Pull the product over a jar, pot, or ask another person to help. It must be kept above the bathroom.
  3. A stream of boiling water is poured onto the contaminated area until the stain is discolored.
  4. Then the product is washed with powder.

Vinegar 9%

This method is used for synthetics and artificial matter. How to remove a trace:

  1. Vinegar is mixed with cold water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. A clean rag is moistened in the solution and the dirt is carefully treated.
  3. Then the product is rinsed in cold water.
  4. If the traces have not disappeared, the procedure is repeated.

The second recipe is suitable for removing bird cherry from things made from natural fabrics - silk, wool. First, a rag is moistened with vinegar and wiped off the dirt. Rinse the item in cold water.

Laundry soap

To wash away the divorce from bird cherry on white or colored clothes, you should use a bar of soap. It is cheaper than expensive stain removers and cleaning products. Also, it will not damage clothes, and it does not matter what material it is made of.

To remove the old trace, the thing is soaked in water, the area is rubbed with soap on both sides. Leave for 40 minutes. Then they wash them in a typewriter.

Hydrogen sulfate

You can wipe off the pollution from bird cherry with the help of hydrosulfate. Sprinkle them on clothes, pour in hydrogen peroxide and leave until the substance dissolves. Then the thing is rinsed.If the product is white and made of cotton fabric, pour in table vinegar during washing.

A mixture of alcohol and citric acid

This method helps to remove old stains on white clothes. What you need:

  • alcohol 95% - 20 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

How to wash the product:

  1. Prepare a solution by combining 2 components.
  2. Warm up in a ladle over low heat to 40 ° C.
  3. A piece of cloth that is contaminated with bird cherry is dipped in the solution and held until the cloth is completely cleaned.

Using egg yolk

It is much more difficult to wash off stains from colored clothes than from white or plain clothes. Any housewife wants the product to remain as bright and colorful, so you cannot use preparations with a whitening effect.

In order for the product to retain its original appearance, and the stain is gone, you need to use the following recipe:

  1. One egg yolk is combined with 30 g of glycerin.
  2. The mixture is rubbed into the dirty area and left for several hours.
  3. Then they are washed under warm water.
Important! The pollution from the bird cherry is washed from the seamy side of the product.

Potassium permanganate

The tool is used for light-colored items. It will help remove when all other methods have failed. A few crystals of the substance are dipped in vinegar so that it turns purple. Using a cotton swab, rub the stains from the bird cherry.

Then it is treated on top with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. The substance is rubbed until the trace of the bird cherry disappears. The product is washed in a simple way.

Important! Whatever popular way the hostess chooses, it is better to wash only from the seamy side.

How to remove a bird cherry stain using specialized products

When choosing a store-bought cleaner, you need to look for a product that is designed to remove plant stains. General recommendations for the use of chemicals:

  • check if the fabric is resistant to components;
  • act according to the instructions;
  • use only the permitted concentration;
  • it is worth starting to wash with a weak solution, bringing it to the desired concentration.

FIZZION tablets

One tablet is soaked in 0.5 l of warm water. The tampon is immersed in the solution, then transferred to the bird cherry stain and left for 2 minutes. Then the product is washed under warm water. The tablets also effectively cleanse hands if they have been soiled from contact with berries.


Soap contains bile, glycerin, sodium salts of fatty acids, sodium hydroxide and etidranate. It helps to remove traces of bird cherry from flax, cotton, synthetics, silk. But if it is necessary to clean the colored material, then Antipyatin can spoil the shade. Soap can be used not only in hot water, but also in cold water.


Spray Amway PreWash helps to easily get rid of dirt. To do this, sprinkle this area several times and wait 20 minutes. Then the thing is washed in water, the traces will completely disappear.


It is necessary to heat the water to 40 degrees, pour in the cleaner and place the product there for 12 hours. In the morning you need to wash the thing.


The drug must be used in this way. A large amount of water is brought to a boil. Add the required amount of funds to the basin according to the instructions. Gruel is applied to the contaminated spot and washed with a brush.


The drug is sold in the form of a pencil. Before washing the area, moisten it with water. Udalix is ​​applied with strokes on the bird cherry spots. Then moisten again and grind until a strong white foam appears.

In order for the composition to produce the maximum effect, leave the thing for 10 minutes. At the end, it is enough to rinse the product or wash it in a typewriter.


Obsolete, difficult to remove traces of bird cherry are washed off with the help of the chemical agent OXY-CLEAN. The powder is mixed with plenty of water. The product is placed in the solution, left overnight. Then it is thoroughly washed, then rinsed in a large volume of water. An important tip is to act immediately.It is better to wipe off the dirt, the fresher it is, the better.

Important! When washing with specialized products, it is recommended to put a paper towel under the fabric. It will absorb dirt and will be easier to clean.

You need to remember about safety. Gloves should be worn on hands, if necessary, a gauze bandage. Also, after processing, you need to ventilate the room.


It is not too difficult to wash bird cherry. This is done using folk methods or specialized means. Even the tidiest person can get dirty, there is no need to rush to throw away clothes. If laundry soap, vinegar does not help, then chemical preparations are used.

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