How to wipe oil paint off clothes

Many housewives know that it is quite difficult to remove oil paint from clothes, so the first thing you want to do when faced with a problem is to get rid of the thing. If the clothes can be thrown away without regret or sent to a dacha link, then this is not scary. And if a wardrobe item is expensive, then you will have to put a lot of effort into the washing process.

Features of removing oil paint from clothes

Wiping oil paint off clothes is always difficult. Before proceeding with the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to determine the type of fabric. The choice of paint remover, as well as methods of exposure to it, will completely depend on this.

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Removing fresh stains

It will be much easier to wash off oil paint if it does not have time to penetrate deep into the structure of the fabric, soak into the fibers and dry completely. In this case, it will take no more than an hour to remove contamination: as a rule, 30 minutes is enough.

To remove fresh oil paint from jeans and other products, you must use a number of recommendations:

  1. Turn the garment inside out before wiping off the stain.
  2. Any product must be applied so as not to stain clean areas.
  3. For the effectiveness of the effect of the selected composition, it is necessary to stretch the fabric and place it on a hard surface, after placing a clean rag or paper napkins under the product.

The first way:

  1. In a small container, mix acetone and gasoline (1 tablespoon each).
  2. Moisten a cotton pad or cloth with liquid.
  3. Wipe off the paintwork material, moving towards the center of the stain.
  4. During the process, it is necessary to monitor the substrate and change it in a timely manner. In addition, the fabric needs to be changed, which will rub the fabric.

After the paint and varnish material leaves the clothes, it is necessary to wash off the stain that forms from the use of a solvent:

  1. The product must be moistened, soap or dishwashing detergent applied.
  2. Hand wash.
  3. Rinse.
  4. Then send it to the washing machine, adding not only powder, but also fabric softener.
Attention! Acetone and gasoline can adversely affect the color of the fabric. Before use, it is worth conducting a test on the inside of the product.

Second way:

  1. Wipe the trace of the paint and varnish material with kerosene.
  2. Wipe off the remains with ammonia.
  3. Send clothes to the washing machine.
Important! You cannot use ammonia on delicate fabrics. It can be replaced with warm glycerin, which is heated in a water bath.

Removing old stains

Removing old oil paint from clothes is much more difficult. Sometimes it may seem that in the process of manipulation, a hole will remain in place from the paint, because the pollution will first have to be scraped off the surface, and only then removed from the fibers of the fabric. But you can remove even such stubborn stains if you take into account a number of recommendations.

The first way:

  1. Turpentine will help soften the dried paint and varnish material. To do this, rub the surface with it using a cotton pad.
  2. After that, the thing should be soaked in a solution of baking soda (1 cup of soda must be added to 5 liters of warm water) for 30 minutes.
  3. Send clothes to the washing machine.

Method two:

  1. Apply butter or oil to the stain.
  2. Leave until the oil paint becomes soft.
  3. Remove the stain with a dry bandage or gauze.
  4. Apply oil again.
  5. After 20 minutes, wipe the area to be treated with kerosene or glycerin.
  6. Wash clothes completely in the washing machine.

Third way:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp in a container. l. white clay and gasoline, so that the result is a consistency similar to thick sour cream.
  2. Apply the mixture to the oil paint stain.
  3. Wait until the gasoline has completely evaporated.
  4. Wipe off dirt with a brush.
  5. Complete the cleaning process by washing with an automatic machine.

This method will help wipe the oil paint off your jacket and delicate fabrics.

How to wipe oil paint from clothes using folk methods

It is always difficult to wash off oil paint, because it can quickly be absorbed into the structure of the fabric, and a regular wash will not cope with the problem. Therefore, for a long time, housewives have been looking for effective methods to remove oil paint stains that helped save their favorite things. They are still used today, since most of the components for removing paints and varnishes are always at hand.


This method will effectively remove dried oil paint from any clothing:

  1. First you need to pour kerosene on the stain, and in case of extensive contamination, soak the product in it in a small container.
  2. After 3 - 4 hours, the item of clothing can be taken out, a little scraped with a knife, avoiding cuts on the fabric.
  3. Put the product on a piece of fabric that absorbs moisture well and cover it with a rag soaked in kerosene.
  4. Cover with a layer of polyethylene.
  5. Leave on for another 2 - 3 hours.
  6. Scrub the oil paint off with a brush.
  7. Treat the surface with dishwashing liquid or laundry soap.
  8. Wash the product with the addition of powder in an automatic machine.


It can also remove both fresh and old oil paint stains:

  1. Spread the stained clothing on a hard surface with clean paper napkins underneath.
  2. Soak a cloth in turpentine and apply to the affected area.
  3. Cover with foil.
  4. Leave it overnight.
  5. Then scrape off the softened paint with a brush.
  6. Apply powder for washing. Grind a little.
  7. Send the product to the washing machine.


Gasoline is no less effective. But the use of gasoline for refueling cars is not worth it, because in the future you will have to make a lot of effort to remove its remnants from clothes. It is best to purchase a purified liquid from a hardware store.

  1. Pour gasoline on the trail of oil paint.
  2. Rub with a brush.
  3. After the gasoline has evaporated, you can brush off the stain and wash the product with powder.

Vegetable oil

Plain sunflower, castor, or olive oil will help remove paint even from leather goods. The main rule is not to spare oil. The more often you change your cleansing tampons, the cleaner the item will become.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Spread paint-stained clothing on a flat surface.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in oil.
  3. Treat the stain.
  4. Continue manipulation until the oil paint is completely eliminated.
  5. After the cleaning procedure, a greasy residue will remain on the clothes, which can be washed off with dishwashing liquid, soap or powder.

Butter with powder

You can also effectively wipe off oil paint from trousers or a shirt using a combination product:

  1. Soften 30-50 g butter or margarine at room temperature.
  2. Add a little powder to make a gruel.
  3. Apply the mixture to the paint mark.
  4. After 3 - 4 hours, remove the softened paint with a brush.
  5. Treat the area with warm alcohol.
  6. Wash the product in water and soap or powder to remove the greasy residue from the oil.

Sour cream or fatty mayonnaise

This option is suitable when it is necessary to wash paint off delicate materials such as velvet, silk or chintz.

  1. Apply sour cream or mayonnaise to the paint.
  2. Leave on for 30-50 minutes.
  3. Wipe the stained area with a dry bandage or gauze to remove softened paint.
  4. Treat the area with ammonia.
  5. Wash the product in warm salted water using a powder.

This method will also safely remove oil paint from jeans.

How to remove oil paint from clothing with specialized products

In hardware stores, you can purchase a number of special products that can dissolve oil paint and wash clothes from it. When choosing a substance, it is important to remember that most solvents have a negative effect on the condition of the fabric and the color of the product. Therefore, it is highly recommended to test on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing before using them.

  1. White Spirit... A powerful tool that can be used to treat the oil trail on your favorite item. One application is enough for washing a fresh stain, and two or three - for removing old stains.
  2. Acetone... If the fabric allows, you can use regular acetone (even nail polish remover will do). In this case, it is important not to overdo it with the applied amount of liquid, so that the stain does not spread onto clean areas.
  3. Expert stain remover from Dr. Beckmann... This remover removes glue, chewing gum and all types of paint from clothing. It is considered safe for fabrics, but getting a stain remover is quite problematic, since it is not available in all stores.

Useful Tips

To remove paint stains without spoiling the thing, you should heed some advice:

  1. It will be easier to wash the paint off your clothes if you start the process right after the dirt appears.
  2. During work, it is worth using protective gloves so that the skin of the hands is not damaged.
  3. The use of substances with a pungent pungent odor is allowed only in a well-ventilated area or in the fresh air.
  4. Polyethylene must be placed under the product to be processed. This will keep the surface clean and paint from spilling.
  5. Before using any product, you need to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.
  6. It is not always possible to wash oil paint from fabric products on the first try, therefore, you can start a second procedure only after the product has completely dried.
  7. If the product gets on mucous surfaces or eyes, it is worth immediately treating them with water and visiting a doctor. Solvents are especially dangerous, therefore it is recommended to work not only with gloves, but also with goggles and a mask.


It will be much easier to wash the oil paint from your clothes if you start working immediately. However, if the paint has managed to be firmly absorbed, you should not despair, because there are many options that will help you effectively wash clothes from any type of fabric.

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