How to remove coffee from white clothes

The appearance of white clothes or fine furniture can ruin a stain that appears at the most inopportune moment. Traces from coffee and coffee drinks are always difficult to remove, they stand out brightly against the background of light-colored materials and quickly eat into the fabric. It is quite possible to wash coffee off white clothes, but you need to act immediately. Means for effective removal can be found in every apartment, and this is not always store-bought "chemistry".

Does coffee wash off white clothes

When going shopping, you need to take into account all the strengths and weaknesses of snow-white things in advance. White fabrics are most sensitive to all kinds of dirt. Common coffee is a big danger for them. The stains from this drink are washed with improvised or special cleaning agents.

In addition to the composition, the label of any item contains basic information about the properties of the material. Some manufacturers print on the tag and detailed information on how to clean white items, taking into account the properties of a particular fabric.

It should be noted that coffee with the addition of cream, milk or chocolate is washed in lukewarm water. In an emergency, not everyone remembers this, but in vain! Hot washing curdles milk, then the coffee stain will have to be bleached with chemicals. There should not be water and too cold - it will not wash off white fabric.

Important! When washing coffee stains from white, you must carefully use special chemical agents, strictly observe the concentration, carefully read the instructions. Aggressive "chemistry" can easily spoil a white thing, instead of saving it
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Features for removing old and fresh stains

The methods for removing old and new coffee stains are slightly different, and each method has a number of features. A coffee stain, like any other, is easier to remove when the stain is fresh.

You should pay attention to the features of removing any coffee stains:

  1. It is not recommended to rub the stain with a napkin. This will allow the coffee to penetrate deeper and the clothes will not be easy to wash. Use a tissue to gently blot the contaminated area.
  2. Do not wash coffee stains with hot water. Both natural fabrics and synthetics fix the stain under the influence of high temperature. Then it will already be impossible to wash the coffee off the white material.
  3. When removing coffee stains, do not use products with a high alkali content. Oxygen-based bleaches are the preferred choice for washing white clothes.
  4. The composition, which is used to wash coffee stains, is applied to the wrong side of white clothing. Use a soft brush for processing.
  5. Before washing large stains, test the product on an unnecessary white cloth of the same composition or on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.
  6. Old coffee stains will not be removed immediately after applying the bleach. It is recommended to moisten the dirt with water or diluted lemon juice, only after 10-15 minutes start cleaning.

Warning! Aged coffee stains can be removed with solutions with added oils. Fresh dirt, on the other hand, should not be removed in this way - the fabric will lose its properties, quality, and color. There are more gentle methods.

After soaking, it is not necessary to wash the clothes with the addition of powder, it is enough to rinse the thing in cool water (temperature about + 37- + 40 ° C.) The water for washing white should not be hard, it is easy to soften it with a little talcum powder or starch.

How to remove coffee stain on white using folk methods

Start removing coffee stains from white clothing as quickly as possible. The fabric is soaked with a lot of warm water. You do not even need to try to remove the coffee stain with ordinary detergents - the soiled area can easily grow in size.

Even before the advent of bleaches and aggressive household chemicals, people used folk methods to remove stains. Today these methods work just as well and deserve attention.

Laundry soap

A section of clothing moistened with water is rubbed from the inside with a dry piece of laundry soap. Then the white thing is rinsed several times in cold water. This method works great on cotton, wool, and silk white clothing. But it is good to wash off with soap only fresh stains.

Advice! White cotton clothes can be boiled after washing with laundry soap. This will help bring things back to their former gloss.


The ammonia method is suitable for washing any traces of coffee, fresh or old. The mixture is prepared in the following proportions:

  • water - 200-250 ml;
  • ammonia - 7 tbsp;
  • soap shavings - 50 gr.

The water must be heated, add soap and stir until the chips are completely dissolved. Only after that, pour alcohol. The mixture is kept on fire for 5-8 minutes, the solution should look like a viscous porridge.

A spot of clothing with a stain is moistened with cold water, a cooled mass is applied and wiped with a soft brush in a circular motion. After that, the item is immediately rinsed in warm water. You can fix the result by adding 50 ml of ammonia to the washing water. After that, the clothes should be washed again, this time with the usual washing powder for white.


Dry, but not old, traces of coffee are well washed off clothes in a saline solution. For 3 liters of cold water use 6-7 tablespoons of kitchen salt. The white thing is soaked for 15-20 minutes, after which the fabric is washed with powder or laundry soap.

Important! Salt paired with laundry soap dries the skin a lot, so it is necessary to work with gloves.


Glycerin is commonly used to remove old coffee stains. The product is heated to a warm state, then the dirty area is moistened with a napkin and left for 3-4 hours until it dries completely. White clothes are finally washed with ordinary powder and dried without wringing.

You can also wash coffee off a white shirt with a mixture of glycerin and salt. Use a 1: 1 ratio, apply the solution to a fresh stain and rub with a brush from the wrong side of the garment. Then the shirt or blouse is rinsed in warm water, washed again in the machine, choosing a mode suitable for the fabric.


Work with vinegar only with gloves, even if using a diluted solution! The method is effective for getting rid of both fresh and dried out stains. To remove contamination, mix:

  • pure vinegar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • baking soda - 1 tbsp l;
  • powder for washing white linen - 50 gr.
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The mixture should turn out to be viscous, similar in consistency to homemade sour cream. The product is applied to the coffee trail, left for 5-10 minutes to act. After soaking, white clothes are washed as usual, if necessary, rinse aid is added.

Turpentine oil

The oil method is good for removing old coffee marks. To obtain a solution, you need ceramic or glass dishes.It is necessary to mix 35 ml of oil, 25 gr. iodized salt.

The solution is evenly distributed over the soiled area of ​​clothing, left for 15 minutes. The traces of coffee are wiped off with a brush, then the mass is applied again and left for another couple of hours.

After this time, white clothes are soaked for 40 minutes and finally washed with powder. It is better to rinse the thing after such cleaning several times. Dry clothes preferably in the fresh air.

How to remove coffee stains on white using household chemicals

It is possible to wash coffee stains from white clothes in a short time with the help of special products. However, household chemicals must be used with care so that the wrong concentration of the solution does not damage the tissue.

Stain remover

Any brand of stain remover that matches the fabric will work. A place contaminated with a coffee drink is poured with a stain remover and left for 30-40 minutes. Then the white clothes are washed and rinsed as usual.

This quick method is usually used for fresh stains. Old traces will have to be soaked for 10-12 hours, and it is better to dilute the detergent with a small amount of water.

Choosing an oxygen-based solution for washing white clothes will not only whiten but also disinfect the fabric.

Important! Housewives with experience in removing coffee stains recommend choosing products designed to remove organic dirt.

Dishwashing liquid

Regular dishwashing gel also does a good job of removing coffee marks on white clothes. The most effective remedy is "Fairy". 500 ml of warm water is poured into any container and 150 ml of gel is added. White clothes are soaked for 15-20 minutes, washed and rinsed several times.

If the result is unsatisfactory, the thing soiled with coffee is soaked in the same solution for 3-4 hours.

Liquid Domestos

It is recommended to work with antiseptic agents such as Domestos only with rubber gloves. In the composition of these household chemicals there is chlorine, which corrodes the skin.

To remove coffee stains from white materials, apply a small amount of the solution to the stained area and rub with a soft brush. Some housewives soak clothes for 8-10 hours - this has a strong whitening effect on clothes.

Window cleaner

In the composition of chemicals for washing glasses, ammonia is present, which, as already mentioned, perfectly cleans coffee stains. On a dirty area of ​​clothing, they "stuff" or pour a little special equipment. Then several times pass with a dry towel from the edges of the spot to its center.

Comment! This method only works with fresh tracks. After exposure to the product, white clothes must be washed on a delicate cycle.


Gasoline dissolves fats well, so it is used to remove coffee with milk stains. It is important to understand that only refined gasoline (the one used for lighters) is suitable for washing clothes.

A cotton pad is moistened with gasoline and the contaminated part of the clothing is wiped until the brown spots disappear completely. The white cloth should be immediately removed from the caustic solution and rinsed several times.

Warning! Gasoline can be used only for natural clothes - it will simply "eat away" synthetics along with the stain.

The nuances of cleaning different types of fabrics

You can remove coffee stains from white clothes in any of the following ways. However, before using this or that method, it is worth considering the type of fabric:

  • white linen, for example, is the most unpretentious natural material; it can be washed off with any of the listed products;
  • clothes based on cotton are washed at 60 ° C, and coffee traces from this fabric are best removed with weak solutions of household chemicals;
  • viscose and acrylic fabrics cannot be cleaned with ordinary household chemicals; it is better to remove traces of coffee from them with glycerin or ammonia;
  • polyester is a durable material that can be exposed to any chemical attack (except gasoline and other solvents);
  • special powders and conditioners are used for silk, blouses and scarves can be washed from coffee with mild acid solutions, laundry soap.


It is quite possible to wash coffee off white clothes. If there are no ingredients for a folk remedy in the house, you can always go to the hardware store - the range of special products for white people is impressive.

It is important to remember about the dosage and concentration of household chemicals - it is better to read the instructions on the packaging. To a large extent, success will also depend on the correspondence of the chosen washing method to the type of fabric and the “age” of the stain.

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