
Foods containing sodium in large quantities: table, list
Sodium keeps the body healthy. The mineral regulates blood pressure and water balance. The substance also ensures the functioning of the nervous tissue and muscles. It...
Octopus: calorie content per 100 grams, chemical composition, contraindications
Having learned the beneficial properties of octopus, many include it in their diet. This dietary product is a source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and other ...
What foods slow down aging: list, rules of use
Life expectancy and its quality depend not only on heredity. Well-being, performance, prevention of diseases and premature aging are due to dietary habits ...
Lectins: what foods contain, food table
Lectins are proteins found in various forms of life. In moderation, the substance is beneficial. Lectins in foods can be dangerous ...
Products that provoke cellulite
Cellulite cannot be regarded as a full-fledged pathology. The phenomenon is usually not accompanied by a violation of well-being and does not pose a threat to health. Appearance so ...
Buckwheat tea: useful properties and contraindications
The benefits of buckwheat tea have been known since ancient times. In the Middle Kingdom, this is the most favorite drink. The Chinese appreciate it for its unusual taste ...
Is it possible for a nursing mother to have dumplings in the first month
Breastfeeding dumplings are a highly controversial product. During the lactation period, women try to follow a strict diet so as not to provoke colic ...
Pea soup: benefits and harms for men and women
The benefits of pea soup for the body are rich in vitamins and minerals. It is classified as dietary, but nutritious enough ...
Mulled wine: calorie content, composition and contraindications
The benefits and harms of mulled wine for the body have been known for a long time. Most often, an alcoholic drink is consumed in the winter to warm up and overcome ...


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