
Why are peaches useful for the body, properties and contraindications
The benefits and harms of peaches are an important issue, since the vast majority of people consume these fruits. It is necessary to figure out what properties the fruits have ...
Durian: useful properties and contraindications
Durian is one of the most unusual healthy tropical fruits in the world. His homeland is India, Indonesia, Thailand. Grown in Thailand, ...
Passion fruit: the benefits and harms of the fruit
With the development of transport links, it became possible to bring various exotic fruits of African and South American plants to European countries. One of them...
Longan: benefits and harms
The benefits and harms of longan are determined by its chemical composition and effect on the body. There are some simple rules: how to choose and clean ...
The benefits and harms of apricot kernels
The benefits and harms of apricot kernels are obvious. This product has been used as a medicine since ancient China. Many people today underestimate them ...
Why pineapple is useful
Pineapple is a fairly popular fruit, sold in almost every store, so it is not difficult to purchase it. The benefits and harms of pineapple ...
Why is plum useful for the body
The benefits and harms of the plum have been known to mankind since the appearance of this fruit. Several thousand years ago in the area of ​​modern Turkey ...
Kumquat: useful properties and contraindications
The benefits and harms of kumquat for humans are individual in each case. When adding a healthy exotic fruit to your diet, you need to consider not ...
Useful properties and contraindications of avocado
More recently, avocado was exotic, not available to the majority, but today this healthy fruit is increasingly appearing in the diet of Russians. AND...
Papaya: beneficial properties and contraindications
Many healthy exotic fruits can be found in grocery stores across the country. Many of them, unfortunately, do not use large ...


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