Medicinal plants

Esparcet: description and photo of the plant, medicinal properties, contraindications
The beneficial properties of the sainfoin herb are actively used by traditional medicine. The plant helps with nervous disorders, hormonal disruptions and bleeding, but use ...
How to use and how to take chastity (sacred vitex)
The healing properties of vitex, sacred for women, are highly valued by traditional medicine. A medicinal plant helps with hormonal disorders and infertility, with nervous ...
Medicinal properties of alder cones and contraindications
The use of alder cones in folk medicine is popular for many ailments. In order for the fruit of the tree to have a beneficial effect on the body, you need to study ...
The healing properties of apple leaves and contraindications
Apples are considered tasty and healthy fruits. Many proverbs and sayings are associated with this valuable delicacy. The British claim that the use though ...
Echinacea tincture: composition, how to take adult men, women
Echinacea tincture is a useful remedy with strong medicinal properties. But before using it is important to study all the features and rules for using the drug ...
Echinacea: medicinal properties, instructions for use, contraindications
The benefits and harms of echinacea for the body are very diverse. The plant is found in many folk recipes and deserves careful study. What it looks like ...
Useful properties of nettle root and contraindications
The healing properties of nettle root are highly appreciated by traditional medicine. Home remedies based on simple raw materials help with colds and chronic diseases ...
The healing properties of viburnum leaves and contraindications
Viburnum berries are appreciated for their taste and unique composition. In Russia, the bunches were placed in a house in a conspicuous place as ...
European hoof (ordinary): use for alcoholism, reviews
Since ancient times, the herb is used for alcoholism. Traditional healers have developed many recipes for treating addiction with this plant. When mixing the broth ...
Useful properties of Anzura (Suvorov) onion and garlic and contraindications
Fans of traditional methods of treatment know the beneficial properties of Suvorov (Anzura) onions. This plant is recommended to be included in the menu to stimulate immunity, work ...


the beauty
