the beauty

Cupping massage: how to do it at home, video, photo, reviews
Cupping massage, also called vacuum massage, which was previously considered a method suitable only for getting rid of colds, has recently been regaining itself ...
Why is glycerin useful and what is it for, application
Glycerin is widely used in medicine, food, cosmetic industry. It serves as the basis for masks, creams, made by hand. That is why there must be ...
Why fiber is useful, how to take it for weight loss
Fiber is one of the most important nutrients. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Although people ...
Anti-cellulite massage: effect, technique, photo and video
The benefits and harms of anti-cellulite massage directly depend not only on the chosen technique, but also on the correct preparation for the procedure and ...
Hyaluronic acid: effect, instructions for use at home
The benefits and harms of hyaluronic acid is an interesting topic, especially relevant for women who want to preserve youth and beauty. There is a "hyaluronka" around ...
Why are Achatina snails useful, properties, photos and reviews
Achatina are giant snails, one of the largest among molluscs. The homeland of these creatures is Africa. Nowadays snails are widely ...
Why is pink Himalayan salt good for you?
Every day more and more people are wondering what are the benefits and harms of pink Himalayan salt. The popularity of the product is only growing, ...
Why White Clay, Face & Hair Masks, Ingestion
The benefits and harms of white clay is an interesting question for fans of home cosmetology. It is the white variety of clay that is considered the easiest in ...
Why is face massage useful, technique, before and after photos
The benefits and harms of facial massage are a pressing issue for many women over 35 years old. At this age, the procedure becomes practically ...
Why boric soap is useful
The benefits and harms of boric soap is an interesting question for consumers. It is a cosmetic product that fights various skin problems ...


the beauty
